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Lemon Jubilee
by on February 21, 2020
Shining down on the forest below, plants bathe in the sun's glorious light. Wind blows calmly through the trees' leaves. The nearby river flowed smoothly and occasionally licked at the bank. The flowers awoke and revealed their beautiful colors. Steps in the grass moved through the grassy terrain, closer and closer the garden of new and old blooms alike. More so to the red flower that stood out of all of them. The steps stopped right in front of it...
Then, the flower felt something... It couldn't see anything but shifting lights. It couldn't hear the incomprehensible mumbles of any passerby. But it could feel something. Something that seemed to speak and give it thoughts. The flower could see the light change to colors it couldn't concieve before. The feeling tutned to feelings and those feelings turned to words....
"Hello, little flower...."
It... Heard something. It didn't know what to do but as thoughts flowed back and forth, the concept of "conversations" appeared. One talks to begin and the other replies back. Reply... How do you reply? As if the flowers thoughts were read, the other answers.
"Simply feel what you want to say... I'll know."
Letters and words formed and sorted their meanings like an internal dictionary. It didn't take long for it to know what to say.
"Hello." It said.
Its "voice" was soft and sounded small compared to the stranger.
"Good. You did good. And quite fast as well. You seem to be the quick learner type."
"What... Is this? Why can I... Talk?"
"Simply put, I can make plants of my choosing sentient. Do you know sentient yet?"
A small silence. "Yes..."
"Good. I have been looking for one such as yourself to talk to. It has been a long time since I could."
The flower stayed silent and waited. It felt confused and didn't know what to do.
"Seeing as you know how to speak and feel, how about I help you learn some things you may not already know?"
"... That would be nice."
And so, from there on out, the flower and the stranger talked for while which turned into day and weeks. The stranger had introduced herself as Silk Root. She had taught the flower names and had given one to it. "Honey Pollen" for it being a giant honey flower. Talking days and days on end made Honey grow (figuratively) into a person. Thoughts of its own, feelings it is in touch with and can control with ease, a personality. It always got excited when Silk approached each and every day. Then... One day, when Honey had (literally) grown from twice its original size, Silk talked... Differently than normal. Honey couldn't help but notice and had to bring it up. Silk didn't speak for a moment which spooked Honey a little. She finally spoke up...
"I have grown close to you."
Honey relaxed to the obviously fact.
"I'm glad we could friends."
"I am too... But-
Honey tensed up at the sudden silence.
"I want to show more of this world."
".... What do you mean?"
"I want to give the ability to see what I can. I want to you to enjoy your life more."
"What.. Does that mean? For me?"
"Well.... I'm going to do a little experiment on you. You trust me right?"
"Of course. I'll help."
"Thank you. Now, I'll need you to stay still. I .... Haven't tested this before."
The last part was a bit mumbled but Honey did as told. It heard a humming. Something Silk said was magic. It could sense it because of their magical connection. Silk was doing a magic experiment. Honey couldn't help but be intrigued to what Silk was doing. A moment later, Honey felt a shock as the magic seemed to enter its body. It could feel itself growing to an unnatural size. It leaves and roots extended and bent in peculiar ways. Its bulb tensed in surprise and once it was over, the petals opened as they relaxed. An overflow of light entered the center of flower, blinding it....
To be continued VERY SOON....
3 people like this.
Chiller Sway
This was a surprisingly fun little read
Like February 21, 2020
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Lemon Jubilee
Wait surprisingly?
Like February 21, 2020
Chiller Sway
I mean you think of the concept of a flower that kinda just starts to talk, this made it engaging and interesting. I thought at first this would be another tab I would close but I actually read through it was had a good time.
Like February 21, 2020
Lemon Jubilee
Well, glad to have made it interesting for you.
Like February 21, 2020 Edited