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Shigeo Kageyama
by on April 14, 2020
Name: Third Eye
Gender: Male
Race: earth pony
Age: 23
Cutiemark/Glyphmark: Three half lidded eyes
Detailed Character Description: Third is a bit smaller than the average earth pony. He doesn't have very defined muscles and he's a little bit short. He skinny and doesn't look like much of a physical threat. He has a black main and tail, with a straight bowl cut and a long straight tail. His fur is a pure white. His face is strangely emotionless with half lidded black eyes.
Apparel: He often wears a deep black suit and pants.
Armament: He doesn't carry around weapons or armor because he doesn't want to make anypony thing that he wants to hurt them.
Property/Average Funds: Enough to get by smoothly. He works as an exorcist and with the magical beasts around he gets enough jobs to get by and afford luxuries on occasion.
Bio: Third Eye's upbringing was a standard one except for one thing: Third Eye is a psychic, and a powerful one at that. Even when he was younger he could move objects around the room as if it were nothing, with just a thought. He was able to see things that nopony else could see. He learn that he could exorcise these things and that's how he was able to get his cutie mark. He spent most of his childhood just sort of moving through it, not really doing anything. He got enough of an education and he managed to work under another exorcist for a few years before that exorcist retired and gave the business over to Third.
(this character is a WIP. I would prefer to chat with someone who knows the world better before I make any assumptions about any part of it.)
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