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by on April 27, 2020
Vanil woke up with the mother of hangovers, at least that's what the vanilla-coat mare thinks. She glanced around; she's in her room, that's good news. But she's also not in the same dress as last night although in all honesty it's a far, far better dress...almost as if its meant for a model. Hmm, maybe the sash wrapped around her body with "Miss Canterlot" written on it might clue her in. She makes the common mistake of asking herself if things can get any more confusing and so lo and behold! There it was, on the nightstand, a tooth that isn't hers. Now she must do her best to recollect the events of the night before...cue intense flashback transition and- ow ow ow hangover...ok maybe not her very best.
She set up a date with a very dashing stallion, but she couldn't recall if she was ghosted or straight up rejected. Was it the dress, or did her past infamy finally caught up with her? Whatever the case, if Vanil knew anything about herself, she'd have resorted to the bottle; what she drank however, remains a mystery. The drink must have been spiked or stronger than she could have imagined, for any memory past that is extra blurry.
Momentary break from flashback to observe the room again, then the floor and...oh gosh.
The memories began to clear up a smidge. She remembered being extremely sad, and in a fit of denial, wanted to prove that that stallion ain't sh*t. What did she- OH MY PRINCESS -she, somehow managed to successfully infiltrate and join the "Miss Equestria" pageant! Another break from flashback to quickly browse her mane and...of course there's a tiara on it. This can only mean that she, Vanil La Roux, of all the prettier (and multicoloured) mares of Canterlot, is a finalist of Equestria's largest, and most popular beauty pageant. The raison hecking d'etre for a good chunk of models in the kingdom, and in some twisted plan by a higher power, she made it to the final round.
Vanil screams into a pillow. Out of excitement, disappointment, a mix of both, who knows? She would have continued screaming if it didn't ring her ears too much. Ouch. What else did she miss? Oh yes, the tooth. This took the least effort to remember: one of the judges got all touchy-feely after the show, she probably gave him a good hook, and took it as a merchandise. Wait - does this mean she's disqualified, or about to be for not letting the judge have his way? This feeling...disappointment? Why am I disappointed by this?, she thought to herself, but the growing questions hurt her head even more so she took a deep breath and let the thoughts sit idly.
The ringing in her ears had yet to stop although she soon realizes it was the phone. Oh no, that has to ber mother! Probably want to congratulate her for following her hoofsteps, or to give the scolding of a lifetime...for following in her hoofsteps. Either ways she's not picking it up. But that also meant that her mother was going to be knocking on her door. UGH.
And all this because of a stallion. Who is he anyway? Was he really all that? I think...I think I'm just going to sleep this one off.
Absinthe...never again.
Said the title heyo
6 people like this.
Bright Brave
What a mare.
Like April 27, 2020
It's going to be really embarassing to go out now
Like April 27, 2020
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
“Hey Vanil, remember that embarrassing thing you did!? I do!”
Like April 27, 2020
Vanil angrily neighs and slams the door to his face "So what? Everyone in Equestria knows! AARGH"
Like April 27, 2020
Amity Guard
Vanil has a new admirer.
Like April 27, 2020
Vanil sweats, it was if her admirer senses were tingling!
Like April 27, 2020
Silver Shield
Silver grabs Vanil by the ear, she about to get sternly talked to
Like April 27, 2020
Vanil would let this happen mostly out of pure confusion and curious as to what a handsome stranger would have to say.
Like April 27, 2020