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Amy Callihan
by on May 5, 2020
(This has implications of abuse, mental trauma, violence, and blood. If this is something you can get offended by then do not read. This is a short story of my oldest character, Thanatos. Revamped into the new timeline.)
Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
Every day the clock ticks. Imagine being paranoid schizophrenic and all they have to do to torture you is a clock. A lock and a dark room. Tie you up... Tick... Tock... As to show that my time was up. I was to be on the edge every... single day... I never worried if I was going to die but what they were going to do to me next. What contraption could they stick to me... Again... If you hear it, you can hear the screams of the drills. The metal clanking against the bone. To make a super soldier that no one asked for. Tick... Tock... They drilled things into our heads that what they were doing was for love. They loved us. Love. Clank. Hope. Clank. Need. Crack. They didn't just mask a soldier. They made a horror that cannot be changed. They would tie children down and experiment with their bodies. To hear their groans and screams every single day would make anyone mad. I would cry but now I feel scared.
Those poor children... Inject them with a parasite. Make them become fearful. An entity to shake things up. A harbinger of what's to come. To chain me to the walls because I'd move too much. To make it so I could only see with one eye. To change me and force feed me garbage they didn't bother to make was one thing. But to make these children do the same thing. It made me so mad... So hungry that I could feel my skin crawl. Tick tock the clock still went.
They came into my room for the first time in days. I would simply hang from the wall in hunger. Trying to wash down the Tick... The tocks... The screaming children. But they decided to reward me for being so... "Good". They put a gramophone in my room. It played the same song... Everyday. Hush, Hush, Hush... Here comes the boogieman. The song played on a loop. Everyday to drown out the screams.
For a moment it did. The first time. The second time. The third time. The fourth time. After that... It resonated with me. The walls moved, blood spewed from the walls and the bones cracked. I couldn't hear the screams of children but nothingness. All but a voice and the voice would speak with me. Lovingly. Like it was cradling my body with its words and spoke as such: "Yet bare the burden of a thousand pains. Bare the burden of a thousand cries. Bare the burden and you will know the meaning of your truth. The meaning behind this torment. I will guide you if you let me." And so I followed. Nowhere left to go. I took on every obstacle and seen horrors that no man has ever witnessed. I am the Harbinger that plays the trumpet. That plays the music.... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
It felt like years but only a few days. The room was lit with no light. The walls were covered in writing despite being wrapped up and chained. The music player only played different songs. A man... He went in to scold me again... The same drivel. Tick... The door closes... Tock... The man is shocked. The lights turn off... He sees my eyes to hear the trumpets. His body exploded and was strewn around the room. The clock stopped ticking.
Silence... Sweet silence. They gave me the nickname, Boogeyman. Nice to meet you...