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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
by on May 7, 2020
Hello! I figured that since I posted info on my universe's timelines, I figured I'd also place a post here about the main villains we fight, now with Herbert P. Bear restored as one of our villains! These will be villains that we'll be facing in ALL timelines (Except EoI and Knight Wolf's Timeline in terms of his demon.)
Nega Stickbot Alpha
Public Enemy #1
Threat level: Extremely High
Description: Formed from the negative energy as well as mechanical stuff, NSA is a force to be reckoned with. He basically is of same equal power with Stickman, our hero. Watch out!
Current Location: Helping the USF with guarding Stickman's life... mostly cause he doesn't want his avatar (me) and archenemy to die.
Status: Active
Herbert Percival Bear Esquire
Club Penguin Enemy #1
Threat Level: Extremely High
Description: A polar bear with an extreme intelligence, he has made it his goal to rid Club Penguin Island of it's inhabitants. He has recently come to Equestria to do pretty much the same thing to the land of ponies. He has a crab named Klutzy.
Current Location: Club Penguin in hiding.
Status: Inactive
Ruler of the Elements of Insanity Kingdom
Threat Level: High
Description: The polar opposite of Stickman. Infused with the dangerous TF2 freaks, Stishoe immediately took over Equestria and forced every single pony into his bidding. The Elements of Insanity do all they can to stop him, as well as recruit the USF to help them too.
Current Location: At his castle in the EOI universe, ruling with a evil iron fist
Status: Active
The Darkitect
Commander of the Maelstrom
Threat Level: Superior
Description: A former adventurer infused with corrupted Imagination known as the Maelstrom, The Darkitect wants nothing else but destruction. He seeks to destroy everything and anything with his army of stromlings, corrupted mechs, even dragons.
Current Location: Unknown
Status: Active?
Evil cockatoo genius
Threat Level: Moderately High
Description: Once a former tv star turned crazy and having a revenge instinct for both Blu and Stickman, this genius bird will stop at nothing to take down the one who took away his flight.
Current Location: Unknown
Status: Active
Diamond (Credit to my old friend Dogkid1!)
Opposite of Jewel
Threat Level: High
Description: Jewel's Elements of Insanity counterpart. She works with her brother Stishoe to help rid the Cartoon Universe of it's heroes, Stickman and the USF. She works with Nigel too.
Current Location: In the EoI Canterlot Castle.
Status: Active
Lord of the Shadow Council
Threat Level: Extremely High
Description: Harbringer of the Legion. Lord of the Shadow Council. Whatever you hear him as, this Orc Warlock has only one goal in mind: To bring his master to take over worlds, such as Equestria.
Current Location: Unknown
Status: Inactive
The Wolf of Saturn Six
The mad hunter and model prisoner of Saturn Six
Threat Level: Red Alert, Code Red (More powerful than any of the villains listed)
Description: Nora Night here. Listen up dreamers of Canterlot Avenue, cause Nora here has a description for you about this madman named the Wolf of Saturn Six from the author of this account himself. They say he went mad while in his cell at Saturn Six. Forged his own hammer called the Wolf Sledge. They say his DNA mutated while in the cell. Now that he's gotten augments from Alad V, he's out for blood. Rather... Stickman's and his friends' blood. Dreamers of Canterlot Avenue, you'd better hope your heroes are up to snuff, as the Wolf is on the hunt... and if your heroes fall... well... he'll be coming for you next. This is Nora Night, stay safe, Dreamers of Canterlot Avenue.
Status: Inactive.
Meister Meistro
The Corrupted Conductor of Vinyl City
Threat Level: Extremely High
Description: A conductor that's after the mega artist's prized possessions for a sinister plan involving Vinyl City. Not much is known about Meister Meistro aside from the fact that he wants the powers of the mega artists, and are being foiled by the Rhythm Thief Force, Yinu, Mayday, and Zuke.
Status: Inactive.
The corrupted virus...
Threat Level: Friggin avengers level threat
Zero is a virus that goes around from universe to universe, destroying them and their avatar in hopes of making his own universe with his own avatar. He is very powerful. He almost destroyed Smg4's universe, but was unsuccessful thanks to the Smg4 team and their efforts. He came to the Prime Universe in hopes of trying his plan once more, but with Stickman as his target.
Status: Oh you'd better believe he's active.
Knight Wolf's Demon
The very demon who cursed Knight Wolf. Need any more brief description?
This demon puts even Zero and The Scarlet King to shame. Knight Wolf's personal demon cursed Knight Wolf long ago, and now Knight Wolf, Stickman, his force, Elizabeth, and Obsilion are in a race against time to take down this dangerous demon. The demon is said to corrupt any planet he goes to, making him a number one threat to Knight Wolf's timeline's version of the USF.
Status: Active only in Knight Wolf's timeline... but strangely can't be tracked.
More villains will be added to this list as it goes on.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I took some inspiration from my old friend for this next villain. Check it out!
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Updated with a new villain, his description, and updated the statuses and locations of each rogue's gallery villains.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
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