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Tony Jumano
by on May 24, 2020
//Ey! It's Tony lore time!
"Captain's log number one. Equis Date 4/6/2179.
This is Captain Nathaniel Vreems of the starship Reconnoiter. Our crew departed from Equestria exactly one week ago. We've just reached the edge of the Equis star system, and are making plans to head for the Kepler22 star system in order to investigate Kepler-22b for the possible habitation of Equestrians on the planet. Our mission is largely an expeditionary, and scientific one, but we have been granted the power to speak on behalf of all creatures living in the Equis Star system should we encounter any alien species. It is our duty to carry out our tasks for the betterment of all species living in the Equis star system. Every man, and woman aboard this starship was chosen for their undying loyalty to the Equestrian Defense Corps, and their willingness to explore the stars.
The department meetings have finished recently, and I have a pretty good feel for the officers of each department.
My First Officer is a trusted friend of mine. Matt Griggs. A lively pegasus who's looks, and demeanor hide his true age. He's served in the EDC with me for 20 years, and I wouldn't have anyone else in his role. He carries out his duties with such enthusiasm that sometimes I forget he's an officer in the navy. The crew has already taken a liking to him, and his way of carrying out his duties. Should the role of captain ever be vacant I know he'd make a great replacement.
Our Tactical Officer is a gryphon named Jakob Evans. He's big, tall, and a highly experienced weapons officer. Jakob was a former pirate hunter who was famous for how many pirate ships he had scrapped. The EDC contracted him as the Reconnoiter's Tactical Officer for his genius in ship-to-ship combat, and rigorous discipline. He's already shown to be capable of handling the chaotic nature of his job, and he's made sure the security force is ready for any dangerous situations that occur on the ship.
Lieutenant Evard Alistar leads our Marine detachment. A hardy earth pony with the grizzled face you'd expect of a Marine Lieutenant. While not required to follow my orders he seems more than willing to cooperate with me, and the other line officers. A veteran combatant who fought during the Mars uprising of 2170 he's no stranger to action. While the marines are primarily a force meant to aid the exploration teams during expeditions Evard has proven that his men are more than capable of assisting in the defense of the ship in the event we're boarded. I feel much safer with him leading the marine platoon.
The leaders of the medical department are two experienced surgeons. Surgeon Jek Anders was enlisted due to his high rate of success during surgeries in Canterlot. A unicorn with dozens of textbooks worth of medical knowledge in his head. His experiences have cultivated his serious personality, and sense of urgency. It seems like everything he does is urgent. Even getting a cup of coffee in the morning. Our other medical officer is a Surgeon named Aurellia Wylde. A kindhearted unicorn who was transferred from the second fleet. She does everything she can to keep her patients smiling, and it's hard not to with her around. Bright, bubbly, and almost motherly it's near impossible to be scared while you're in the medbay. Our sick, and wounded are in good hands with these two.
The science team has two Research directors. Dr. Simon Wells is one of the most tenacious scientists I've ever spoken to. An earth pony with a no-nonsense attitude who's hell-bent of figuring out all the secrets of the universe. He has an explanation for nearly everything, and if he doesn't he'll find one. The other Research Director is a scientist who goes by 'Aleena' and no, she's not a secret alien. Supposedly she's a changeling from the Mars colony who studied geology for most of her life. She's a closed book to me. Neither willing to divulge any information about herself, or her work.
The ship's AI is designated number 413, but it insists on us calling it "Celaris" as well as addressing it as a male. Whoops. Forgot to do that just now. Celaris is hardly a run of the mill assistant. He's wired into many of the ships systems, and is perfectly capable of controlling them if no crew are able to. You might think that would be a recipe for disaster, but I can tell Celaris is... different. He cares deeply about the ship, and even deeper about the crew. Celaris wouldn't let a single crew member be hurt so long as he could help it. We had a robot go haywire on us the other day, and Celaris entered the physical body his creators prepared just to absorb the thing's attacks until the engineers could shut it off. Then he went around asking the crew if they were okay. It really helps to know you've got such an efficient AI keeping an eye out for you."
An audible sigh is recorded.
"Then. There's our Lead Engineer." A groan is heard. "Tony Jumano. A weird, Dragon, pony hybrid with an accent, and attitude that make him difficult to understand. He won't let anyone but the engineers near the engineering compartments, or any of the piping inside the ship. He yelled at Aleena the other day after she followed one of the engineers into the server room during a conversation. She's started avoiding him because of it. The guy's certainly smart, and experienced, but would it kill him to be nice for once? I've never seen him leave the engineering compartment unless he's fixing something, or sleeping. I'm starting to think he's stealing food from the mess hall so he can eat in his office. The man treats every piece of machinery, and tech on the ship like it's his own flesh and blood. Even heard him call one of the navigation consoles 'baby' when he was fixing it today. Overall weird guy, but if anyone could be trusted to keep the ship afloat, it'd be him.
i'll provide an update once we've reached Kepler-22. For now, I must focus on my duties. I'm confident we will succeed in our mission.
End Log."
Topics: space, navy, lore