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Tony Jumano

Male. Lives in Scrapsdale Flats,  Manehattan,  Equestria. 52 years old
Dragon/Unicorn Hybrid
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Aerospace/Defense
Tony Jumano
Tony was shunned out of a local club for doing the Charleston. His response is very reasonable, and rational. He's now welding the back door shut. #rp
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Tony Jumano
"Yous guys evuh look at duh stahs an' wunduh whuts out deah?" Tony stares up at the night sky in silence for some time. "Cuz I've seen it, an' it's a whoooole lotta nothin'. 'Cept foa' dat one planet... View More
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Tony Jumano
Tony just got his first PC with some actual power. He uses it to stay up until 4 AM playing FTL so he can at least pretend he's where he's meant to be. #rp
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Tony Jumano
"How do yous guys even drink dis crap? Dis stuff ain't shit compared to duh cawffee from Mars." Tony has been complaining about Equestrian coffee to anyone, and everyone in his local Starbucks. He wa... View More
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Trip Wire
"............Coffee from Mars?" Trip frowned. "You had one too many cosmic brownies, my man."
Like August 12, 2022
Tony Jumano
"Clearly you primatives don't own an air fryer." #rp
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"Imagine thinking the superior way of frying, in oil, can be outclassed by air"
Like June 9, 2022
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"That is the result of intentional mishandling in an attempt to paint oil in a villainous light. Tell me, young pony, what little do you know of the world beyond your home?"
Like June 9, 2022
Tony Jumano
"I know dere's a planet in duh Kepler system dat might be able to support Equestrian life. Fact, I wuz on da mission tuh go check da place out. Kept ouah' ship runnin' nice n' smooth too. Ain't nobody else allowed to touch my baby." Tony refers to the ship he was stationed on as if it were his own c... View More
Like June 9, 2022 Edited
Hawk raised an eyebrow at his cursing, feeling rather disappointed that yet another opportunity for a true civilized discussion was dashed. He sighed. "There are things, far beyond what any mortal eyes can perceive, further out than what any living mind could imagine. I've the...blessing...or curs... View More
Like June 9, 2022
Tony Jumano
"All ahm sayin' iz dat TV dinnuhz wuz all da rage in da 50's, an' ah don' see why youz guys ain't caught back on to 'em again. Dey wuz da shit when ah wuz a kid. Ma ain't always have duh time tuh cook... View More
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Lalove isn't sure what to say or think, she would just gaze at him with a puzzled expression "Um.. do you speak english?" she asks carefully.
Like May 19, 2022
Tony Jumano
Tony is silent for a few seconds. "Ah. Allowz me tuh re-iterate." He then clears his throat before breaking out into a short rant in which the speed of his voice matches that of an auctioneer at an auction house. "Qual è il problema, dannatamente stupido? Non capisci il concetto di cene TV surgelate... View More
Like May 19, 2022
"Ohhhh nein danke, ich möchte das nicht Essen, aber vielen Dank für die Vorschlag, ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass es jemanden gibt der das möchte" lalove replies with a warm smile on her lips.
Like May 19, 2022
Tony Jumano
Tony heaves a sigh as he turns to pitch his idea to some other poor soul. "People deez dayz ain't know good food."
Like May 19, 2022
Tony Jumano
Tony drunkenly blubbers to you about how much he misses his mother's cooking. He was supposed to fix your heating, but he took one too many sips of his flask. It's been 4 hours since he arrived. He w... View More
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Amy Callihan
Reid would let him lean on the doc. He sighed and said. "Let's get you to a bed, mister." He would direct him to a bed.
Like January 30, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would just keep nodding and smiling. He was trying to get Tony back to the point of the visit. Tony was supposed to be fixing the heating to the work garage on the surface. Nitroxus already had the materials to sober up the stallion, should he pass out.*
Like January 30, 2022
Tony Jumano
"Say. 'EY TONY!' one more time. I friggen dare ya." Tony says this while standing beside a machine straight out of the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated lineup. #rp
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Kitty <3
(ah yes PHINEAS AND FERB) Ok...then i'm not gonna say it-
Like November 4, 2021
Polo Fastter
Sheep look at him dead in the eyes with a smug look on it face and said "BAA BAAAA!"
Like November 4, 2021
Tony Jumano
Tony was listening to his custom built radio while working on a tenants radiator today. The tenant happened to get home from work while Tony was working on the radiator, and immediately exclaimed. "He... View More
Tony Jumano
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