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by on June 9, 2020
Once pollen season 100% ends, Pride's gonna practice some archery while listening to anime dubs so he can multitask looking at screens less (hopefully improving eye sight) and listening to fun stories
But also, social media is fake because everyone fakes themselves into making the best presentable versions of themselves for attention and approval. The internet connects people from far away, but those connections will always be severely limited. Everything seen is through a screen and everything heard is through speakers. Even if video calls, you don't see or hear anyone, you see and hear representations of them. Interactions are very limited through computers. Playing games is probably the most interaction people can do online. It's laggy and sad
Boomers will never STFU about how phone addicted millenials are always burying their faces in their phones all the time, and Pride has to side with them on this issue. At his previous job, even managers couldn't look away from FB and IG while working in front of customers. Why is this behavior acceptable? It's a bad look for the store and a terrible way to leave more work for their coworkers to pick up their slack. Internet social bitcherflies need to do what they're paid to supposed to do. Why are they even managers?
Pride blames them for not having a sense of respect, responsibility, or whatever the most correct words are. Doing work during hours of pay for work that's expected to be done is like, extremely fucking polite or something. Why were Pride's previous managers considering social site nonSTFUing of equal importance to their job so they can get money and their store can get money which they get a chip of? Not looking at social sites 37 hours/day is easy. Pride doesn't know them so he can't judge them fully. Pride just looks down upon those who live their lives on the internet more than they live it in physical space
Why do people even like social sites? Aren't a lot of people concerned about their internet privacy? There's always a lot of talk about that, but there's even more talk about everyone's latest cutely posed, cherry picked, filtered, perfect selfies and group selfies. And they even use their real life names on Facebook. If privacy is supposedly so important, why do many social site users half dox themselves for the world to see? Is attention more important than privacy to more people than those who believe privacy is of higher importance?
These days, social sites are honestly hate sites. But this is getting into bannable political territory, so Pride is treading carefully/ The compressed idea is hate bait works. It gets attention way more than any other emotion on the big social sites. People don't think when they're mad. They just do things like typing up comments, clicking like buttons, and clicking share buttons. Pride has seen friends devolve their online activity into 95+% nothing but shares. 100% pure pity. Please don't permaban Pride
Pride still understands why people would use their phones in public. Imagine waiting at Starbucks or somewhere, going in alone with no friends, and not using your phone. WTF would you even look at? Looking at people is creepy. Standing still and doing nothing is creepy. Reading a book is nerdy. At least phone looking is socially tolerated because it doesn't bother anyone and passes the time better. Is saying "hi" to strangers without a cleverly planned conversation topic that'll very likely lead into awkwardness better?
Pride doesn't know what's best because best is subjective and he thinks everyone else's choices are choices he'd hate to make. Pride never sets his gender on any online account and never even used his real name on FB because he intuitively knew he didn't want to be stalked. Social sites aren't even very fun anyways
They're just time drains. Ever noticed how many social sites' feeds can be scrolled down indefinitely until the site's big bangs? There are no pauses while users scroll until they see click worthy click bait. "Don't stop looking. Keep looking at the site and see those ads so we can be rich!" Paraphrased implied quotes from Youtube/Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Social sites are an endless hell hole created by the users imprisoned there
Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg don't even let their children get addicted to their own products. And yet they're rich because their customers are. Isn't that rather ****** suspicious?
A live in social media automatic mode is not a life worth living. Pride experienced trying to be internet popular and it was 1 of Pride's worst regrets. Sure he peaked at 5,103 subscribers twice on his biggest channel, but he was never as happy as he was during his 1st year of competing when sure, everything being novel is a confound, but he almost never recorded Smash moments and tournaments for internet attention. He enjoyed Smash Melee tournaments directly for what they were and he's never had a year better than 2009 in his life. Life is more fulfilling when it's not internetted
But Pride is a hypocrite because he typed this out on a social site. At least Pride's trying to internet exodus, bakas!
Anime is streamed on the internet, and he enjoys watching that art super conveniently. Manga is way too expensive. Weeb novels at least offer more hours/book and he's enjoying them rather well. Fighting addictions take a lot of effort and time
But they also take 1 more significant requirement than no 1 considers; alternatives. Ever heard of a certain famous lab rat experiment where rats were put in a cage alone with 2 water feeders? 1 of them had 100% pure water while the other had drug laced water. The rats would drink it until they died. Or at least, that's the horror science experiment story Pride was taught in school. Many years later, he found out that was only the control group. The experimental group had the same 2 feeders, bigger cages, more toys, and other rats to socialize and have fun with ♥. Those rats rarely ever chose the drug laced water because the alternatives were much better. Animals need to be stimulated often. No 1 likes being bored do death doing nothing
People need to at least be presented with something better than social media sites so they don't waste their lives away. The worst social media does is create endless hate baits where everyone attacks everyone else and even goes as far as trying to get them fired from their jobs or make stock prices go down. Sometimes the internet divides people more than it unites them
Pride completed his no strategies rant. He wants to read an anime book called Konosuba vol 2 or nap. No grammar checking was done. Have fun, Ephemeria Spring ^.^
Update 1
Pride forgot to mention unsubscribing/unfollowing accounts. Watching subscription videos and reading news posts is nothing more than keeping up. It feels like an obligation. You might not believe how many hours/day keeping up can waste. Those hours could be better spent on something more fulfilling or whatever. Staying up to date with others is only following them and letting them lead what you think. Be above their influence and unsubscribe/unfollow, even if it's my anime clip sharing channel. Besides, views matter much more to me than subscriber counts anyways. I won't feel insulted in the slightest
Popularity online is nothing more than internet points. Internets don't even do anything but measure how popular a person is. Sure, maybe it's a measurement of influence, but do you really want to be influenced? "Listen to my opinions and filtered truths. This is what you should believe." -Influencers. Even influencers are losers in the games of social media. As soon as these people lose even a mere 10% of their weekly popularity numbers or even 2 subscribers/followers, they start questioning their lives. They're so dependent on their internet popularity that it hurts. Pride knows from experience and it's not worth experiencing twice. It's sad
Pride shares anime dub clips on his channel because he likes anime and wants to share anime recommendations to others on youtube who like anime, bakas! Anime is better than social media, bakas!
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Chiller Sway
It's not as though Sway gained internet popularity just to make everyone give him baps, b-baka!
Like June 9, 2020 Edited
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Chiller Sway
Bright streaks replace the background, and Sway makes b-grade grunting sounds while staying completely unanimated. Budget wasn't high here.. Background returns as he makes a large, dramatic pointing motion, with only 4 frames of animation, a new steely look in his eyes. "Oh you'll see, Pride. You'l... View More
Like June 9, 2020
Pride was now animated in 3D because budget cuts, but at least he could maintain 24 frames/second animation. He had enough of that tsundere, picked up a road roller, and threw it at him
Like June 9, 2020
Chiller Sway
The screen cuts to black. Again, poor budget. But the "clunk" sound tries to communicate to audience that the steel made contact with the pony. Pride the protagonist once again came out on top
Like June 9, 2020
The credits began rolling. It's the end of the episode
Like June 9, 2020