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by on June 9, 2020
Pride isn't gonna put in the effort to actually test anything. These ideas are just on his mind right now
Playing Smash Melee on Dolphin emulator is so painfully laggy. Melee is way too sensitive to lag for him to tolerate even if it's as little as 1 frame. He's tried it before on a gaming monitor used at EVO tournaments, aka "The EVO monitor" and at native resolution, it has 8.3 ms of lag. Upscaling the Wii's 480p resolution to 1080p makes monitors have to process the smaller image and up scale it to 1080p, which increases lag. Playing Smash on an older model gaming monitor is unbearable for him. Even for other tournament players, they still hate the lag they feel even on modern gaming monitors. CRTs are finite and out of productions. They're slowly breaking down over time and thrift stores don't even accept them anymore because no 1 but the tiny niche Melee scene even uses them. They're too big, heavy, and unsellable. Lag is bad for esports and hyper bad for Melee players
But Melee players still play Melee on Dolphin online. Online. Emulator lag + PC monitor lag + online lag = why are these gamers ****** themselves? Because getting rid of all 3 of these things takes way too much dedication. It requires everyone having the same schedule of a host among friends or a LAN gaming store + them having CRTs + them having consoles + them having to drive all the way to that niche, possibly private, if the host is hosting at his own house, location
I've done this twice so far before, but 1 easy way to play Melee with friends with less lag is to play Melee on Dolphin on a laptop in a popular 3rd party place like B&N or a mall. I felt obnoxious clicking controllers loudly, but I don't think everyone around us minded too much. The 1st time I did this, I was just a regular customer at B&N expecting to buy a book and coffee and leave. But then 2 tournament homies I've never seen before, new to the tournament scene, were playing Melee on Dolphin on a laptop in the B&N SB cafe. I eagerly jumped in and ***** them. It was fun. The lag wasn't too bad, but it was still bad. There were still 2 problems; Dolphin lag and nonCRT monitor lag
1 of them could be eliminated halfway. Playing Smash 64 on Project64 feels a lot less laggy. I'd rather play a different game with no lag than play a better game with lag. I'm just an exesports gamer after all, but this blog is about esports anyways. Besides, esports skill overlap within the same genre is HUGE. Esports gamers have no idea just how huge it is. Before EVO 2013, hyper top level fighting gamers often competed in more than 1 fighting game because FG events often ran more than 1 FG tournament at a time. 1 person being a world top 50 player in more than 1 game wasn't rare. Players often competed in more than 1 game for fun or for money for the best local players. I've experienced this myself. In 2013-2014, I played A LOT of Street Fighter online and that game's nothing like Smash on the surface. But a lot of the mental games in SF almost seamlessly transfer to Smash. Playing Street Fighter online was my 2nd biggest improvement in Smash Melee skill. There's no way I could have won a tournament of 31 entrants undefeated without the huge skill boost I trained for. My 1st biggest was from playing Brawl online. In Summer 2010, a friend and I constantly went even against each other in Melee. During Fall when I couldn't see him, I played Smash Brawl online every night to improve my skills and the next time I saw him, I was 3 stocking (winning with 3 stocks left) all night
If Smash Melee esports homies are gonna play in 3rd party locations for convenience, they're better off playing Smash 64 on laptops instead because they're still gonna skill transfer half of their improvements to their preferred game and they're gonna have a lot more fun experiencing less lag. People are gonna notice Smash esports homies playing and they're gonna get hyped and say hi. I was the hello sayer the 1st time I played like this and it happened again the second time I played Melee with my coworker friend at the mall
Smash tournament advertising online has been maxed out for years and Melee's popularity has been falling for 4 of them. Maybe showing off the game in public is an unexplored tournament scene promoting avenue. I could be biased since I'm an anti internet advocate, but let me see what happens if I keep playing with my coworker homie once we return back to work and can conveniently play each other either in the mall near us or in the break room. A coworker of ours got excited watching me Falcon Punch his ass there
Look at it from the store's POV; Smash homies gathering together = customers gathering together. "Need any coffee, my dudes?" -implied thinking from SB employees. There's always the customer obligation of politeness to buy shit if they're gonna stand/sit around in their store for a long time. I can't see a reason not to be optimistic. I've never been asked to leave for playing video games in public
Also, Smash 64 is the 2nd best Smash. Prove me wrong
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Vy Thresh
I love Smash 64 a fair bit, but... Rivals of Aether would also be a decent alternative.
Like June 9, 2020
It's Smash-like, but not Smash. DQ
Like June 9, 2020