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by on June 11, 2020
1 thing quarantine taught Pride is to stop having material possessions. He has a long history of buying shit because he has a replenishing source of money called a job which made him not care about how much money he has because he'll always regenerate more. He also has a history of giving/throwing shit away because he ends up not needing those things anymore
"Less is more" is a stupid phrase because of its blatant contradiction. Maybe "less is better" communicates the idea better. Minimalism is about getting rid of clutter which creates more open space and enables more appreciation of the things someone still has. Having less clutter makes the environment less detailed. Detailed visuals demand more from the brain to process what the eyes see. In other words; more stressful
But also, what if shit gets stolen or something? There's less plan B on standby in case of shit. That's stressful
Pride worked stressful jobs and never took many days off because his jobs don't offer paid vacation. Buying shit is an antistress strat, but it's so costly long term and only works short term. Doing nothing is so peaceful. Not even looking at a PC, just seriously nothing. Imagine not having to keep up with friends' status updates nor having to watch 2+ hours worth of subscription videos every day. Free time to rest in absolute 0 stress mode. It feels like world peace
Pride suggests like a boomer that maybe everyone's too addicted to stimulation. Turning off the PC is peaceful. Reading a book is absolutely underrated. It's nice. There are no idiots screaming on the internet about nothing problems like someone having the immorally wrong opinions about video games and other brain cell resource wasting shit. Reading is such an easy thing to start and stop whenever anyone feels like it. There are no other people. Just a good story
Time feels like it slows down without the constant barrage of stimulation. There's time to think and just run let ideas run through your theory crafter. You can start going when you think your ideas or your mood are ready for it. It feels so much better. Hours stop disappearing so quickly without explanation
Pride's probably gonna get his phone canceled sometime this month. It seriously isn't worth paying $100/month ($3.33/day) for it. He never calls/texts anyone anyways. He's too introverted for that. The only real use for a phone for him is the alarm clock so he can wake up for work on time
Pride enjoys giving away his shit because he knows his recipients put them to use and it's just a psychological thing anyways. People just like buying things for others more than they like buying things for themselves
Also, the less you click on YT videos, the more enjoyable they are
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Chiller Sway
A job that doesn't offer paid vacation? Bruh moment
Like June 11, 2020