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by on June 11, 2020
This is just a theory craft from intuition and observation only. Pride never did any statistical research to test his theory
Esports devs are too afraid of making anything too good so they just make everything equally bad and boring
Older esports games are broken as fuck. Halo 1's pistol kills in 3 HSs (Head Shot) which takes less than 1 second. Halo 2 nerfed its main gun, the battle rifle, to kill in 11 bullets, or 4 3-bullet bursts. Then Halo 3 further nerfed it by changing the bullet speed from infinite to just very fast and randomized the bullet spread, effectively making it a 5 burst kill weapon. Halo Reach nerfed the main gun even more in the form of the DMR by making it a semi auto 5 shot kill gun with the 5th bullet being so random, it's pure luck to even 5SK (5 Shot Kill) someone. The longer Halo's gone on, the more its fans, particularly MLG players, hated it. Even Halo 2 was sometimes hated for being less fun than Halo 1. Gun unreliability is what caused the fall of Halo. And sprint
Counter-Strike 1.6's wall bangs could shoot through like 2 feet of concrete. If a player knew exactly where someone was behind cover, they could just spray into it (semi) blindly to kill. Now in CSGO wall bangs do so little damage, it hardly even matters. The AWP was absolutely OP before the 2017 nerf. It allowed players to use it aggressively because of its decent movement speed and spread reduction speed after moving. But the 2017 nerfs to both aspects make it such a campy weapon because moving then shooting became too much risk for the reward. Fuck yeah it was 1 of the most OP guns in FPS esports ever. But it was God damn awesome
Quake suffered a similar fate to its own sniper rifle; the rail gun. That gun and the rocket launcher are THE weapons of Quake. It does 100 damage in 3 Arena and at the start of Quake Live. But in probably less than a year, it got nerfed down to only 80 damage. When someone had the RG (Rail Gun), someone was about to die. But now, when someone has it, their enemies get poked to near death, but that's okay for them, because they'll just run away to find health and armor to replenish and continue the fight on the same life later. Sure now that player skill and net code improved so much that it shows off just how OP a 100 damage sniper rifle could be, it's just boring to see a big fucking death gun bring create less deaths
The same thing happened in Smash even between Smash 64 and Melee. There's almost no such thing as a bad move in Smash 64 because everything is just a forever hit stun inducing move with fast start up times. There are so many moves that got nerfed with slower start ups that make them way worse than they should be. Their rewards are absolutely not worth their work. Even the falcon punch was a good move. Comboing into it was reliable. Forward throw > Falcon punch. Holy shit. And uair (up normal air attack) > FP. Holy shit. 2 reliable combos into Falcon punch. In Smash 64, if Captain Falcon does a full jump FP, the punch comes out so shortly after he reaches his peak height. But in Melee, if he does the exact same thing, he lands back on the ground way before the punch comes out. Aside from being a Jigglypuff rest punish and a humiliation move, FP is an absolutely terrible move in Melee. Brawl's solution to balancing the Melee characters was just nerfing everyone, even Zelda! I'm not sure if there's ever been a character nerf as bad as Falcon from Melee to Brawl. Except Sean from Street Fighter 3 2nd Impact to 3rd Strike
Broken games are way more fun because characters/moves/guns can actually do shit and doing awesome shit is fun
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The Outsider
-Laughs and subsequently cries in StarCraft 2.-
Like June 11, 2020
Deactive user
yeah league of legends was a good game before it became competitive focused...remember when started in beta and year 1 & 2 devs more focused making fun things. New maps, characters with fun abilities that not made to fit the cookie cutter meta...but now each champion is just a bunch of other top com... View More
Like June 11, 2020
Amity Guard
Water is wet. Like of course balancing things is harder than just letting broken shit be the way it is? And the fact that all the old games you mentioned are just that, old games that have no way of being patched or balanced the way modern games are now. At the highest level, games are horribly cu... View More
Like June 11, 2020
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Amity Guard
I will reiterate: Sakurai has never seen smash as a competitive fighting game in any form. He's even gone to say that competitive smash tournaments would be more interesting if they played with different stages and had items and "if you wanted to play a competitive fighting game, you should Fatal Fu... View More
Like June 11, 2020
Amity Guard
tl;dr Game balance is extremely difficult and no developer has gotten the formula correct for balancing well, but they do their best by balancing games in a way that lets weaker aspects become viable.
Like June 11, 2020
Seriously? I remember the game being marketed halfway. They even had a tournament for Smash 4 at E3. Maybe Sakurai said that but the marketing team sure didn't 1 solution to power creep is to avoid adding more tools. CSGO is hardly at all different from its previous games. All that was added were t... View More
Like June 11, 2020