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Nar Yakushi
by on July 1, 2020
I've mentioned this organization a few times in previous posts, so I thought I'd make a blog explaining them in more detail.
What is the Arcane Justiciar?:
The Arcane Justiciar is a military organization which creates,oversees, and enforces laws on magic use in Nar's home country of Ysrgim. Justiciar camps, outposts, forts, and prisons can be found all over Ysgrim. Recently the Justiciar has set up an outpost in Vanhoover, and is currently attempting to gain permission to establish a fort near Ponyville. Each member of the Justiciar is a magic user trained to deal with criminal mages, and bandits.
Do they have authority in Equstria?
Short answer? No. They only have the authority to detain Ysgrim citizens, or criminals wanted in Ysgrim. Though they will assist the Equestrian guard if asked. As of right now the Justiciar's efforts in Equestria are focused on the capture, and transport of a dangerous criminal back to Ysgrim for a proper trial.
Rank Structure (From lowest, to highest.)
Sentry: Lowest rank in the Justiciar. Personnel of this rank have a basic grasp of their magic, and are able to use it for combat, but lack a complex knowledge of their magic, and other duties. Common tasks include: Low to medium risk prison guards, Village, town, or sparsely populated city guards, and laborers.
Sentinel: Experienced mages who have a better grasp of their magic, and it's abilities, and limits. Common tasks include: High risk prison guards. Densely populated city guards, forward scouts, and hunting for wanted criminals in hostile environments.
Centurion: Equivalent to an Army Captain. A mage with a near mastery of their magic. Commands Sentinels, and Centurions in their Battalion, and oversees the everyday tasks of their fort, outpost, or prison. Common tasks include commanding lower ranks, devising patrol routes, and crisis response. Tracking, and capturing highly dangerous individuals. Making public appearances to inform the public of current threats, and captured criminals. Executing criminals with bounties over 10,000 gold, and responding to attacks on settlements made by powerful criminals.
Judge: Equivalent to Army Colonel. Highest obtainable rank. Council of Twelve members are chosen from this rank. Incredibly powerful mages with a complete mastery of their magic. Commands Forts, City guard detachments, and other brigade strength units. Common Tasks include: Providing details to the Council of Twelve as to ongoing investigations, and criminal activity. Organizing responses to crisis situations. Overseeing the capture of highly dangerous criminals. Responding to threats capable of destroying densely populated settlements, and carrying out executions of criminals with bounties over 100,000 gold.
The Council of Twelve: Ysgrim's 12 strongest magic users. They hold trials for criminals with bounties over 100,000 gold, create magic laws, oversee the promotion of Centurions to Judges, and respond to country-wide threats. No member of this council has ever been seen in public. Council of Twelve members are appointed by the king of Ysgrim directly.
Can I join:
Well, technically, you could if you were able to use magic. If you (for whatever reason)actually do want to join the Arcane Justiciar we could probably work something out.
Hope that clears some things up for past, and future posts mentioning these guys.