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Lord Somber
by on July 4, 2020
I just seemed to lay there. Laying there with nothing going on except for the continued breathing that my body was doing. Along side the breathing of my sleeping beauty that was accompanying me in my sleep. My eyes were closed, but my mind wasn't. These past weeks have pushed me towards an area of exhaustion that I wasn't sure was possible. What's funny about that tho, was that this was still only the beginning. As Prince of the Night, Future Husband, and Father? I never would have guessed that I would have to add a new title to my duties. Prince Artemis: Ruler of Day and Night. What a sham that was. Ruler of the Day? I could never live up to such a title. Hell I'm not even in the right frame of magic to lift the damn sun. My own wizards have to do such a task for me! Simply pathetic. I'm pathetic. Brother is out for the count, coma'd. And who is left standing? Me.... Such a fate was unseen. Perhaps the universe decided to lay upon me another punishment for my past sins. Maybe the Universe just got bored.
"Laying and worrying is going to get us nowhere....." A voice I suddenly heard. A voice in my thoughts, in my mind. The voice belonging to my Nightmare Spirit. In my mind, he seemed to appear. Circling me calmly as I just stood there. He must have gotten back from Dream Jumping. Yes that's correct. At of all creatures, I had to ask upon my own Nightmare Spirit to do my main job for me. I chose to stay silent. I wasn't really in a talking mood if I was honest. Too much had gone on. Agreements, Alliance check ins, Solar Reports, Lunar Reports, Visitors, Noble Asshats wanting sponsor. Name any pain in the ass under the title of Prince? I was dealing with it. "Not much for talking? That works for me, cause right now I need you to listen." My own Nightmare Spirit trying to catch my attention. It seemed to work.
"What happened to Solaris is a damn shame. But guess what? It happened. And if I am in the correct lane of Memory, I remember you wanting this more then anything a thousand years ago." A thousand years ago? "Nightmare Moon, the Tyrant to capture the world. Have the world in the palm of his hooves. In the grasp of his darkness. But....that's not who you are anymore. That's not who I am anymore. What we are? Is two beings working together as one. Two beings that are now raising a family with one mare that we don't deserve. Two beings that just survived the biggest trauma in our lives and are left with the after effects."
Who was talking right now? This couldn't be my own Nightmare Spirit. He was actually....talking some sense. Some actual, genuine, emotional sense. "How many times have you told your own Brother to stop sulking and move on? I've heard it a bunch. I think maybe you should take your own advice. Look at the visitors that have been brought to the Castle. A gifted individual in light magic, two beings from possibly different worlds, a new Lunar that wants to make her mark in the world, one of your friends that is seeking help from a Prince. Is this the Artemis you want to show them? A broken down Prince that, when the cards are looking rough he just folds? Is this the type of Prince you want your Mare's parents to see? Is this the type of Prince your Fiancee fell in love with? Doesn't seem like that to me? The Prince they want is one they can depend on."
After all this time....I could have never imagined my own Nightmare Spirit giving me a much needed pep talk. But it was more then that. It was honestly more like a slap in the head. A realization for me to get over myself. A clear vision. "If you claim that we don't have the capabilities to be Two Princes? Well then we'll just have to tweak things in 'Our' image. If you believe we don't got enough power to handle this new role? Well then.....We'll just have to find a way to get more power~"
Yes....more power. That's just what I needed to hear. With more power, it means a safer Equestria. With more power? It means my loved ones were safe. With more power?.....I could finally be a Prince that can do both. A Prince that can handle the responsibilities thrown at me suddenly. And I will be that Prince. Whether I'm loved......or feared.
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Queen Lesa
Without any doubt it certainly had been a few challenging weeks for Arty. Ever since Solaris his older brother was put into a coma Arty had to step it up! Taking charge of everything.... it was true that his sleep beauty was sound asleep by his side, she always looked so peaceful as she slept. She k... View More
Like July 4, 2020