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Hiari Yakushi
by on August 18, 2020
//Totally not skipping ahead in this storyline just so I have an excuse to post wall posts people can reply to.
It had been a long few months for Luis and the rest of his cartel. All sorts of mishaps kept popping up what seemed like every day. Shipments went missing. Money never exchanged hands. Rumors of a snitch inside the cartel were spreading like wildfire, and people were getting paranoid. Yet through all this Luis found hope. Not only had he scored an amazing girlfriend a few months ago, but she had also quickly risen through the ranks to become his right-hand mare. She was perfect in every way. Cunning, intelligent, a natural leader, and not to mention, extremely attractive. When things got rough Kina was the one who held things together. She inspired the thugs, and workers to keep going. The head of security gave up on trying to stop her a long time ago. By now she practically ran the place herself.
Luis takes a long drag from his cigar. His lavish office provided him a great deal of comfort in the compound he called home. Sitting next to him on his couch was Kina. The two watching a cruddy Bollywood movie about some action hero or something. Luis has one arm wrapped around Kina, with the other to hold his cigar. The two are largely silent. It's been a looong day, and this kind of relaxation was just what Luis needed. Well. What he really needed was something else, but Kina wasn't that kind of girl. He takes a moment to look away from the screen in front of him, and simply stare at Kina with a big dopey smile on his face. Life was good.
Luis reaches for the remote, and mutes the TV for a moment. He can hear something coming from outside the office. Shouting, people running, and then, gunshots. Luis' reaction is instant. He snuffs his cigar, and hurries over towards his desk. He'sable to get about 4 steps before Kina speaks. "Let's not be hasty now." Her voice has almost completely changed. Without even turning to look Luis can sense the handgun being pointed at him. A bead of sweat drops down his face as he turns to face the mare on the couch. Sure enough she's pointing a handgun at him. "Why don't you relax, and sit in that chair over there?" Seeing as how he really didn't have much of a choice at the moment Luis obliges, and takes a seat on a chair across from Kina.
"Kina. What the hell are you doing?" A mixture of emotions swirls in Luis' mind. He had no idea what was going on. There were gunshots outside the office, and Kina was now holding him at gun point. Had Hal sent her in advance to disrupt them? No. That couldn't be it. She'd never done anything to disrupt the cartel. Kina's response cuts through his thoughts. "I'm making sure you don't get yourself killed." Luis shakes his head. "What are you talking about? I was just going to-" "Grab the rifle underneath your desk, and try to fight your way out." She knew about that? No one else had ever seen the thing except for him, and the boss. "Fight my way out? No. The boss can get us out of here safely. We just gotta get to his office." Kina heaves a sigh, accompanied by a shake of her head. "If the boss was planning to help you escape don't you think he'd have contacted you already?"
Hiari already knew why the boss hadn't contacted Luis. She'd been working for months to get a radio to her colleagues so they could listen in on the cartel's radio chatter. Not only had they figured out how to listen in on their conversations, but they'd also figured out how to jam their radios. The boss could call for Luis all he wanted. Luis would never know.
Luis was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Someone was attacking the compound. His boss was completely radio silent, and now Kina was holding him at gunpoint. Kina. The woman whom he had envisioned a bright future with. One where they'd retire to a nice beachfront house, start a family, and grow old together. Yet now, here she was ready to end him without a second thought. His raspy, defeated voice is able to squeak out one simple word. "Why?"
The office door swings open. A group of ponies in body armor carrying rifles bursts into the room. "EIA! Hooves up!" Luis quickly complies. His shaky hooves shoot up into the air. His attention is focused on the agents so much that he doesn't notice Kina flash them a badge. He feels his hooves jerked behind his back, and a pair of flexicuffs slapped onto his wrists. He doesn't even notice Kina slip out of the room without the agents doing anything. Once he's been tied up Luis is left kneeling on the floor to await his transport to a squad car outside. Only when the agents return does it finally hit him.
Kinda was a rat. She had always been a rat. She had faked everything. Every moment they had spent together, every cherished memory. She'd faked it all. That bitch. As Luis is hoisted, and escorted out of the compound all he can think about is how he's going to murder the bitch who broke his heart.