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Obsilion and others
by on January 18, 2021
Tonight is a dangerous night for the teenage filly. Sylvia has been scheduled to fight in this underground arena, the arena being near the border that separated Equestria from the Badlands. Her opponent to night was among one of the most dangerous in the world of underground fighting. The owner of the arena, a stallion by the name of Vex Nori, made sure to have a serious conversation with Sylvia. He made sure to tell her everything she needed to know about her opponent. From the Vex's research, the stallion Sylvia would be fighting tonight has killed many skilled fighters in the world of underground fighting. Vex's research led him to believe that this stallion was kicked out of some sort of clan that practiced arcane magic. The stallion's body count had earned him the title of the Arcane Devil. This "Arcane Devil" has never lost a match so far and has proven to be some sort of psychopath or he was just a crazy stallion addicted to fighting. Whatever the case may be, Vex made sure to let Sylvia know of all of this and even asked her to be careful.
Its been three hours since Vex told her about her opponent. Sylvia was now in the locker room, getting ready for her fight. She would be putting on her clothes that she decided she would wear. It seemed she had made herself an assassins outfit that was specially made for light combat, made to fit her fighting style. Most of the outfit was black except for the cloak. The cloak and hood would be purple and would be lined with a shimmering midnight blue fabric.
Sylvia takes a breath to calm her nerves a bit. "....You think we'll be ok in the end?" She would ask her AI, Cobra, as she finished getting dressed.
The green AI would appear in front of her and would give her a soft smile. "You are my person..You are my Warrior..You are among the best warriors I know. I'm with you every step of the day. We'll be fine."
She smiles a bit and nods. "Alright...Well...Our match is about to start. Let's get going." She gets up and makes her way out of the locker room and into the ring. As she does this, Cobra would disappear.
There was a huge crowd tonight, even a few well known underground fighters were there to watch the match. Tonight is a big night. Tonight's match is Devil versus Demon. There was a lot of creatures here to see who would win.
As Sylvia made her way out to the huge fighting ring, Vex would announce them both by their titles. Sylvia being "The Dancing Demon" and her opponent being the "Arcane Devil".
The stallion that was titled such a name would grin as he watched Sylvia step into the ring. He was a brown stallion with black hair and red eyes. He had sharp teeth and had no cutie mark. The stallion's body was well toned and had a very muscular build to it, though he was more on the leaner side of things. He is definitely a fighter.
The stallion would start walking, meeting Sylvia in the center of the huge ring. Once they were both standing in the middle, The stallion would just grin at her and would chuckle softly. "...Come. Walk with me." He spoke as he turned to walk. The stallion's voice was deep and a little rough. Sounds like he's been in one too many fights in his lifetime.
Sylvia was hesitant at first but would reluctantly follow. She would now be walking beside her opponent as they walked around the entire ring. Everyone in the audience would watch the two closely as they walked. Most of the audience was excited. Some of the audience was scared. The fighters in the audience weren't sure how to feel. Sylvia is a potentially deadly fighter. This "Arcane Devil" is most definitely among the deadliest of fighters. Tonight is one deadly night. Anything can happen.
The "Arcane Devil" would speak up as they walked. "So tell me, "Demon", what is a child like you fighting in an arena like this for?"
Sylvia was a bit surprised at the question and stayed quiet as she thought about her answer.
The stallion gives an evil grin. "Answer me."
Sylvia takes a breath. "Well...I fight her because I enjoy it. I just think its fun."
The stallion chuckles darkly. "Don't lie to me girl. I HATE liars. Especially ones that lie to themselves."
Sylvia was a bit surprised, now getting a little scared.
The stallion smirks. "Answer me again, and this time you better not lie."
Sylvia sighs. "I fight here because...this is the one place I feel I belong...I'm a hybrid. Because of this, others see me as creepy, or a monster, or a freak, or just unnatural...I..I don't feel like a Requian...I don't feel like an Equestrian...I don't even feel like a precursor...I don't belong anywhere...I fight here because I'm praised for being unique. I'm praised for what I am when I fight here..."
"What are you then?" The stallion would ask as they complete their second lap around the ring.
Sylvia went quiet for a moment. She never thought about it before. What is she? Who's is she? She sighs and looks down a little. "I...I don't know..." she would respond.
The stallion grins a dark, evil grin. "Then allow me to help you~"
Sylvia went to say something as she turned to look at the stallion. Before she could get a word out or relax, she is punched by the stallion. The force of the punch sending her flying to the other end of the ring.
The stallion's eyes would glow as he used his hooves to form what seemed to be an arcane seal under himself. The seal would glow as the spell activates, resetting the stallion's equilibrium. Once the spell was complete, the stallion would stand up on his hind legs as the seal disappeared. By this time, Sylvia had recovered from the stallion's attack, now on her hand legs as well and growling a bit. Both would now be standing like bipedal creatures.
The stallion would grin evilly at the teenager as he stood tall and proud. "I'm going to show you who you are~ When I'm done with you, the entire world will know the title. The entire world will know who and what this "Dancing Demon" truly is." he chuckles darkly. "So....Are you ready for what comes next little girl?"
Sylvia growls slightly as she glared at the stallion. She could already tell this was going to be a tough fight. She could feel the intensity between them both, and everyone in the audience could feel it too. Demon versus Devil. Sylvia would take in a breath before getting into a defensive stance, staring at her opponent with a fire in her eyes. "May the best creature win.."
The stallion keeps his grin as he starts to slowly walk towards Sylvia. With each step he took to close the gap between them, the more dangerous he began to look. It didnt help that there has been a devilish look in his eyes the entire time. It would be obvious that this guy is a monster, but how much of a monster is he?
The stallion would soon be standing in front of Sylvia. This had the teenager's body shaking and her heart racing. What was this feeling? Fear?...No. She wasnt afraid. So what is it? Maybe its anxiety?...No. Not anxiety...No. This was pure natural instincts. Her body was just reacting to her opponents presence. It became obvious to Sylvia that her body knew something that she didn't and she didn't know how to feel about this.
All it took was the blink of an eye. Luckily Sylvia's body reacted just as fast. In the blink of an eye, the stallion had made his move. The stallion's fist would connect to the wall behind Sylvia as she dodged the punch just as fast as it came. Sylvia was now standing two feet away from the stallion. There was now a large crater in the wall where she once stood, showing just how devastating it would have been if she had gotten hit by that blow.
The stallion just smirks as he steps away from the wall and looks at Sylvia. "That's enough toying around....Tine for the real fight. Show me what you got ~"
Sylvia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she exhales she slowly opens her eyes. The intensity has been kicked up by a lot. The ring suddenly became a bit more deadly. Sylvia's eyes are now cold and deadly, almost completely void of emotion as she stared at her opponent. Her stance was now more relaxed and ready for battle. She sighs a little. "....Well then. Shall we begin?" She would say, her voice also cold and deadly while having a bit of venom in in her words.
This was it. The real fight starts now. Both fighters would rush at each other and would attack, while at the same time, blocking each other's attack. Both would prove to be every skilled fighters. Sylvia would be using her acrobatic style of martial arts that was quite literally out of this world for it was a martial arts from another world. The stallion seemed to be some sort of mixed martial artist for he seemed to be using a combination of all of Equestria's dark martial arts against the teenager. Both fighters also proved be quite fast. They made it all quite difficult for everyone to follow their movements, especially since Sylvia's acrobatic style had her flipping, jumping, and twirling all over the place, showing just how agile she was. Sylvia was as light as a feather and yet all of the experienced fighters in the audience could see that her attacks packed a punch. Though her body appeared to be as light as a feather, her attacks still carried so much strength and precision behind them. This stallion may not be as agile as her, but he showed that he was just as quick and somehow combated all of this with his dark style of mixed martial arts. This majestic display was the combined power of the Devil and the Demon and it left most of the audience in awe as they watched the battle.
The stallion would finally find his opening and would take it. Sylvia would throw a kick at the stallion to which the stallion would block and deliver a deadly punch to her stomach with a lot of strength behind it. The punch made Sylvia cough out some blood before sending her fling into the northside wall of the arena, a deep crater forming into the wall upon impact. After landing into the wall, Sylvia would fall to the ground and would just lay there and breathe very slowly.
The stallion sighs then chuckles darkly as he stands there and looks at the filly, now standing in the middle of the ring. "I thought I said "Enough toying around." . Like I told you, I'm going to show you who and what you are....Now show me. Show me...The DEMON~" He grins as he gets an insane and devilish look in his eyes while wearing his demonic grin and baring his sharp teeth.
Suddenly the intensity would kick up to the max, making everyone in the audience shiver. The fighters in the audience would go wide eyed as they watched, though one of the fighter didn't react to this. Sylvia's body would slowly become wrapped in a purple aura as she slowly got back up. As Sylvia stood there looking at the ground, she began to laugh. She started off with a chuckle before slowly beginning to laugh as she looked at her opponent. She now wore an insane smile and had a deadly demonic look in her eyes. This power that she was giving off would be strange. There were no signs of magic at all. This was pure energy. Sylvia would giggle a bit as she stared at the stallion. "Is this better?~"
The stallion grins. "Much better~ Let's see what you've got, Demon~" he would respond. He was now much more eager to fight her than earlier.
Both fighters waste no more time and rush at each other. When they collided, they both would begin to attach. They continued to use thier same fighting styles, the only real difference was that this time, thier attacks were more deadly. As both delivery devastating blows to each other, blood would be splattered all over the arena.
Eventually Sylvia found her opening. She would relax all of her muscles and allow herself to be punched in the face. The moment the stallion's hoof made contact with her face she would quickly whip around and swing both of her hooves into the stallion's arm. She made it seem like the punch went right through her while she swung her arms in a very precise way, striking the stallion's arm in two very specific weak points that would break the stallion's arm in both places and cause the bone to tear through the flesh. After doing so, she would quickly do a triple corkscrew flip and would kick the stallion in the face while being in mid air. The force of the devastating kick would send the stallion flying into the south side wall and would form a large and deep crater into the wall upon impact.
The stallion coughs up some blood and chuckles as he slowly recovers, slowly starting to stand up. "That's it....That's exactly what I wanted to see. The Dancing Demon...Heheheh..You are just like me...One hell of a monster~" his eyes would glow softly as he finally stood up, blood dripping from his mangled arm, his head, and his broken jaw.
Those seemed to bring Sylvia back to her senses. She was now in control, her body staying enveloped in the purple aura as her eyes lose that insane look, replaced by an angered look as she growled at the stallion. "I am nothing like you. I'm not a monster...."
The stallion chuckles. "You are more a monster than you think...And I'm going to show you~" he grins heavily as his eyes continue to glow. A black arcane rune filled with many strange symbols would appear in front of him as he slowly began to walk towards the teenager. As he walked through the rune, his body would immediately change. After walking through the rune he had become two feet taller. He was much more muscular, his arms were a bit longer, and his head had also grown a little larger with his teeth being bigger and sharper and demonic horns having grown from his head. What made all of this much worse was the fact that he now had claws and bones would be protruding from his body all over the place like spikes. The stallions voice was now deeper and more gruff. "I'm going to bring that monster out of you little girl...."
Sylvia growls and gets in a defensive stance, her right eye glowing softly as she stared at her opponent. She doesnt plan on losing control this time.
The stallion was the first to attack. He was moving a bit quicker as he moved swiftly, trying to cut her with his claws and spikes. Sylvia would continue to use her acrobatic style of fighting to dodge the stallion's attacks, making sure to precisely jab any pressure points she can as her aura adds a bit to her strength.
The stallion's attacks were relentless. He was giving Sylvia all he had and she was barely able to keep up with, earning herself several cuts that also cut up her outfit. Regardless, Sylvia would continue to fight the stallion. As they both fought, Sylvia did her best to look for an opening. She was looking for any weakness in her opponent's new body that she could exploit.
Eventually, Sylvia grew angry. She needed to end this fight here and now. Sylvia suddenly changes up her style and delivers several quick viper strike to the stallion's body, using her bare hooves to cut off his spikes. After doing so, she punch one of the spikes into the stallion's right leg as she also kicked a one of the spike into the stallion's shoulder. In response to this, the stallion would roar in pain ad would fall to his knees. Sylvia managed to damage the stallion's body severely since she had driven the spike into a pressure point in the stallion's shoulder. Now Sylvia would stand before the stallion, breathing heavily as she watched the stallion shake in pain.
Sylvia would sigh a bit. "...Its over....I just damaged a pressure point. If you keep fighting, you'll tear yourself apart....I won. Now yield."
The stallion would start to growl. Soon, his growl turned into a soft chuckle as he looked at Sylvia. "You dont get it do you? There are only two rules. Yield or die. The fight only ends of one yields, or if one is killed." He then gives Sylvia an evil grin. "And I never yield ~" suddenly his arm come up as he smacks her, sending her flying to the other side of the ring.
Sylvia would recover quickly and would stare at the stallion, going a bit wide eyed as she watched him.
The stallion would slowly stand up as several arcane runes form on his left arm as they begin to spark with electricity. "You were a lot of fun kid. Unfortunately, it's time to end this." The stallion then gives her an evil grin. "Time to die~" he then extends his hoof and fires a bolt of lightning at her.
Sylvia's eyes went wide as a wave of emotions washed over her. Fear. Anger. Regret. Sadness. Hatred. It all hit her at once. Her mind just went blank. He mind didnt know what to do, but her body did. Within that fraction of a moment, her body reacted for her. Her arm reached out just as quick as the lightning was fired and caught the lightning, the lightning turning purple as she caught it. She then swiftly branched from hoof to hoof before firing the lightning bolt back at the stallion, the bolt causing a small explosion upon impact.
Everyone in the crowd, including Sylvia herself, was shocked at what just happened. Sylvia has just redirected lightning. All of the magic users in the audience were even more shocked than the others. The magic users in the audience could see the arcane magic that flowed through the lightning bolt when it was first fired off, but when Sylvia caught it and redirected it, the magic had vanished. When Sylvia redirected the lightning there was no more magic, for it had become pure energy.
The smoke had finally cleared, revealing the stallion's body to have severe burns on it as he was on his knees and coughing up blood. The stallion was shaking in pain and he was breathing heavily, now on his last bit of rope.
All of this left Sylvia shaking as she began to tear up. She was terrified. She didn't know what to do anymore. She could feel the walls of the building closing in on her as she stared at the stallion. She would slowly and hesitantly walk towards the stallion. Soon enough, she would now be standing in front of the stallion.
Sylvia would breathe in a shaky breath as she looked down at the stallion. "....Please...I....I won...Just yield.."
The stallion would growl. "..I told you...I NEVER YIELD!!" He would shout as he brought his claw up to deliver one final deadly blow.
Sylvia's body was now doing the work for her, not allowing her to think at all. Sylvia swiftly dodged the stallion's attack and grabbed one of the spike from the ground. She would then punch the spike through the stallion's chest and into his heart, punching will all of her strength. Three seconds. That's all it took. In three seconds, Sylvia ended the fight.
The stallion froze as he leaned on Sylvia. He then chuckled weakly and would whisper into her ear. "....You're...going to be...perfect....." he would tell her before falling over and breathing his last breath. The Arcane Devil is now dead.
The entire arena stayed silent. This wasnt a normal fight. No one cheered. No one clapped. What they all just witnessed was pure hell. Everyone in the audience couldn't help but feel bad for the filly. They all knew it. Sylvia may have won..but this wasnt a win. This is a loss. Tonight, they witnessed the loss of innocence.
Sylvia just stood there in shock. She didn't know how to feel. Her vision was slowly going black. Her body was shaking. She felt like she was losing her hearing. She felt...cold. her body was very cold. She would slowly hug herself as she just stood there in the ring, standing next to the stallion she just killed.
A fighter that was in the audience slowly made his way into the ring, moving to stand next to the teenager. It was a stallion. The stallion had black fur, green hair and green eyes. He would soon stand next to Sylvia and would stay quiet for a moment. After a moment of silence, the stallion would speak softly to Sylvia. "....This isnt on you kid...You did what you had to do....You did what needed to be done....None of use could've done it...We were all to afraid to challenge this stallion...but you weren't..He was a true monster that needed to be slayed...You did what had to be done....You have nothing to prove..Everything you ever wanted to prove, you did it right here in this ring..."
Sylvia would shut her eyes tight and begin to sob as she hugged herself tighter. "....I....I want to...go home...."
The stallion would nod in understanding and would gently pick Sylvia up and put her on his back, letting her cry till her heart's content. "...I'll escort you home...".
With that, the stallion would carry Sylvia way out of the ring and away from the underground arena. Tonight, there is no winner. Both fighters lost tonight. At least Sylvia is walking away with her life.