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Joker System
by on January 17, 2021
Reuniting and Coming Out
Ash's Coming Out Story

Written by Prince Ashland Lightfoot



Chapter 1 ~ Reuniting with Mom

Ash walks along a gravel trail in Southern Canterlot. Trees on either side. The sky was blue, the birds were singing. It was a beautiful day. A beautiful day to see his mother for the first time since he was 8 years old. He was terrified. He was also going to tell her he was transgender. She would notice right away. What was the point? Decency? Kindness? He didn't know. All he knew was he was scared out of his mind.
"Just be cool." he'd say to himself. "Maybe she'll be cool with it. But she's a transphobe! There's no way!" he says. "No, no. Just be cool, Lightfoot."
He would be wearing a brown hooded cape, covering his horn, and Cutie Mark, but allowing his wings to remain outside it. He knew his mother wouldn't recognize him, so he would just pretend to be an old high school friend, coming to catch up on, what, 20 years? It'll be fine. Right?
A few moments later, he arrives at a small cottage, decorated with pretty flowers at the front, as well as a holy bush. He steps on several of the pointy holy leaves. That's the one thing he hated about his childhood. His mother loved holy bushes. He always pricked himself on their leaves. But he moved past it. He approached the front door, and takes a few deep breaths. Then he knocks.
After a bit, a light pink, blue winged Pegasus mare with pastel purple and blue hair would open the door, with a confused look on her face.
"Um, hello. Who are you?" she would say. She would have a posh accent. She is very high and mighty.
"Hello! Are you Viola Melody?" Ash said, in an unrecognizable, high-pitched voice.
"Um, yes. But how do you know me and how did you find my house?" Viola says.
"Its me, Vi-vi! Ash! Your old friend from High school! We went to prom together!" he said.
"Ash?" Viola said, confused. "I don't recall knowing anyone named Ash. But I did know someone named Ashley!" she says.
"Vi-Vi its me! Ashley! You don't recognize me?" Ash says.
"Ashley? Is it really you?!" Viola says, her voice lifting up a bit.
"Yes, Vi!"
Viola hesitates. She needed time to process. Then...
"Ashie!!" she says and pulls Ash into a hug. "Its so good to see you!! Its been so long!!"
Ash was in absolute shock. His mother rarely hugged him. He always was closer to his father. And he was the one who was killed in the attack on Canterlot when he was young.
"I-I know! It-its been years...!" he says, tears in his eyes. He fights them back.
"Oh, come inside. Come inside! Have some coffee! We have so much catching up to do!!" she says and pulls him in the cottage.

Chapter 2 ~ Coming Out
A few moments later, Ash would find himself sitting in a chair at a small wooden table, a cup of coffee in front of him. He stared at it in disgust. He hated coffee. But he didn't want to be rude, so he tried to make it take better.
"Um, Vi? Do you have any milk and chocolate? And, um, some whipped cream?" he didn't like whipped cream either, but he thought if he mixed it in, it would taste better.
"Um, yes. Why?" Viola says, and gathers Ash's requests.
"That's how I like my coffee. I never grew up y'know." he said. Viola gives him the items. He uses his magic to crush up the chocolate, pours in some milk, and swirls the whipped cream on top. He sprinkles the chocolate bits on top.
"Wait, why are you using unicorn magic? Are you an alicorn?" Viola says suspiciously.
"What?! No! I just... have... a special gemstone that allows me to use magic. That's why I wear this cloak." he chuckles sheepishly.
"Oh. Alrighty!" Viola says and sips her coffee. "So, tell me about yourself. What've you been doing in the past 20 years?" Viola asks.
Ash sips his coffee. Shockingly, its amazing! He levitates a spoon and mixes everything in and tastes it again. Even better! 'Oh, I need to do this more often!' he thinks.
"Well, um, I got married. Had twin fillies. Got a job in Vanhoover, and that's about it." he fibs.
"Oh. Um, well. I thought you wanted to be a world-famous pianist." Viola says. Ash sweats a little.
"Oh! Um, yea! That fell through." he fibs again.
"Aww, I'm so sorry." Viola says. Then silence. Elongated silence. Ash knew what he had to do. He was petrified. But he gathered the courage to say something.
"Vi-Vi?" he says.
"Yes, Ashley?" she says, not making eye contact.
"I have a confession to make..." he says. Viola looks at him. Ash drops his cloak and spreads his wings, revealing his Cutie Mark.
"Wait. What's going on here?!" Viola exclaims.
"Mom. Its me. Allegro Con Brio." he says.
"Wh- what?" she says, speechless. Was this really her daughter she was looking at?
"I'm a Transgender Non-Binary boy. I'm also Gay as fuck." he chuckles sheepishly.
"Hey, watch your mouth." she says. "And what do you mean you're a 'Transgender Non-Binary boy'?" she says, with a disgusted tone in her voice.
"Well, I'm not a girl is basically what I'm saying. And I like boys. So, I'm gay too." he says.
"Wh-why?" Viola says. Ash got a little annoyed.
"Why? Why?! I have to have a reason to be myself?!" he raises his voice.
"Don't you yell at your mother." Viola says, sternly. "I thought you were yourself. I thought you were my little princess! I wanted you to be my little princess forever!"
"Yea, well, if it weren't for you forcing me to wear dresses, and make my hair pretty, and wear makeup and hoof polish and all that feminine shit, I would've had the confidence to express myself years ago! I fell into a deep, deep depression, I hated my body, I hated myself. And, well, let's just say you wouldn't be hearing this right now if my friends weren't there for me like they were." he shouts.
"Well, I did that because you are a girl! You were born a girl and you will always be a girl. No matter what." she says, firmly.
"Well, sure, I was born a girl. But that doesn't make me a girl. I do not feel like a girl, I do not like my female body, and frankly, I think ponies think I look like shit!" he shouts. "But now, I feel better! I'm happier as a Non-Binary boy, I have more self-confidence, and self-esteem, I can wear what I wanna wear, do what I wanna do, and I know it doesn't make me less of a boy. I was only 8 back then. I didn't wanna be a girl back then either. I wanted to run around with the boys and get dirty and be a kid! But you wanted me to be a fucking princess. You made me wear makeup, and hoof polish and dresses, and I hated that gotdamn shit!! I didn't want to be the perfect goody-two shoes girl you wanted me to be, Mother. I wanted to be a male. Anything but a girl! I'm so much happier now. I've been taking hormones for 2 years now and I'm going for bottom surgery in another year. Isn't that all you should care about? Me being happy?"
He pauses. Then Viola speaks.
"Get out of my house." she says.
"Wh-what?" Ash says, tears starting to form in his eyes.
"Get the hell out of my house." she repeats.
"No. You can't be serious. You're just gonna disown your own son?" he says.
"You are not my son and you never will be!!" she yells, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Now, get the hell out of my house before I call the police."
Ash runs out the door, sobbing. He vowed from that day forth, he would never speak to his mother again.
Now its just his sister and brother left to tell. That should go perfectly well, right?

Author's Note
Hi guys! I hope you liked this short story to go along with the picture up top ^^ But I have a few things I wanna say.
This is only a story. Don't take it seriously, guys x3 Even though some of the stuff I said was true (like Ash wanting to be male, and not being a huge fan of his body and that stuff, just like me IRL), not all of it is true (like Ash's mother disowning him. My mother did and will not disown me QwQ)!
If this goes against the guidelines in any way, shape, or form, please, mods, staff, let me know and I will remove the entire story, or just the parts that go against rules ^^
And, well, that's all I can think of right now. Please let me know what you thought of this. Constructive criticism is allowed and encouraged! I wanna get better at writing, so please! Criticize! Well, good criticism, of course. Mean and rude comments will, of course, be hidded QwQ
Okay, bye bye! <3
Topics: oc, third person, family
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Chiller Sway
Going out on a limb here, closing the size bracket myself.
Like January 17, 2021 Edited