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Polo Fastter
by on January 22, 2021
ok so everyone knows this is a summery of what every one opolo fastter is a hybrid of two hybrids (i don't know how to explain it that much)
darker sky is a unicorn who has snake fangs and on rare events he look like a skeleton snake
hunter sky is a earth pony with wolf fur (and yes he a werewolf but, eyes have a neon look)
crimson is literally a crystal statue that can be anything (I MEAN ANYTHING)
slade ice is just a grey earth pony in a cloak
stain glass is crimson just transparent and salmon colored and a bit thinner
micro shot is just a mare in a duster coat with red stains on it
lavender ice is just a mare who has wine coloring on them
needle thread is just a stallion who look like they just ripe apart stuffed animals
music note just a white alicorn with black hair
speedy sky is just a golden fast pony
light wing is just a unicorn with a solid color eyes
angle wings is just a Pegasus with solid color eyes
cloud sky just a pegusis with a big ass sword (NOT FF7 CLOUD)
movie universe area
light sky is just a thin unicorn
riot shield is just a pure white earth pony (some how)
crimson night just a bat pony
damon cross look like some detective looking pony
iron bell just a grey ... just go back to slade ice
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