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Lord Somber
by on February 26, 2021
"Gahh...dammit...dammit...dammit....I hate this stupid thing!" I was in a place of irritation. Currently myself, Prince Artemis, was overseeing the progress in the Artifacts I have taken into my care. Artifacts of ancient and powerful magics. Six Artifacts that were named to be in existence, but with a slight chance of a Seventh also existing. Such artifacts were lost to the world as time had moved on, hidden away to be forgotten about. At least that was the intention. Those weren't my intentions tho. Instead of keeping hidden, I had made a plan into hunting these artifacts and learning of their power. My reasons? Well...I have reasons, and such reasons will be kept to myself. All that really needs to be known is that I plan to use these powers for a good purpose.
Hunting these Artifacts is proving to be difficult tho. Within my possession I have acquired three out of six or seven. The Artemis Bow, Sword of Twin Magics, and The Spear. It's interesting how the Spear didn't really seem to have a name claimed with it. Possibly because most books date it as the oldest living Artifact. Some hypothetical names have been brought up however. Names like Spear of Long Awaited Suffering. That itself didn't sound ideal to have.'s in my possession. And it's been keeping quiet with it's magic being stable. Which was fine by me. What's really driving my irritation was the Artemis Bow. I wasn't sure if I should feel honored or sickened to share a name with such an artifact. The only reason I show such respect towards it was simply because it belonged to my Mother. However...because it belonged to my Mother, it meant that it's magic was used with hers. This Bow was used for pure Light Magic. A magic that is pure and magnificent. A magic...that was toxic to me. That could easily kill me if I wasn't careful. Even touching the glass it's contained in stung. It was the reason for my outburst of 'dammit' earlier. Such a pain in the ass. Which is why my interest grows more towards the sword. The Twin sword of magic was a most unique I had so far after all. It held magic of both Light and Dark. Such a thing shouldn't be possible, as both magics are opposite and conflict. But this sword? Proves that wrong.
Studying these artifacts has proven to be a challenge, but it's something I'm up to accomplish. All that really needs to be done at the moment is find that last three or even four. A shield, a lantern, a helmet, and something else...maybe. I don't got much information on the other artifacts, but I got clues. The shield had been rumored to be hidden away somewhere in lands that are now in Changeling Territory. No doubt that'll be an 'exciting' trip. As for the other clue? Only a name. Lantern of Fortune....That's all that I can figure out about the lantern. So it seems I got a busy time ahead of me. Artifact