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Lucky clover
by on May 23, 2021
Clover made it to the mountain were he suspected gal was, what he didn't know was that he wasn't the only one in the cave. There were huge bats on the cave's ceiling flying on other resting spots or sleeping so noise wasnt an option, he found a skeleton similar to the beast that dropped him and the others down into the bug pit at last his journey came to an end when he found gal in the clutches of the sleeping beast he whispered to gal telling her to grab his hoof but the beast suddenly woke up and slammed his fist on the ground but that caused the bats to wake up and swarm around Kong. Gal set herself free and ran to clover they found a river all the way down the mountain and decided to jump of while Kong was fighting the bat swarm, they both made it out safe and ran back the the village but Kong wasnt far behind them they made it to the bridge but it was locked clover yelled to filmer to let them in waiter was pleading with filmer to open the gate but he told him not yet but waiter refused, took a machete and cut the rope causing the bridge to open clover and gal ran across and Kong jumped on the wall and start punching the gate. Gal saw the ponies gathering chloroform bottles and others carrying rope with hooks on them she knew what they're gonna do, Kong broke threw and stared at gal but was interrupted when the ponies threw the ropes over Kong the hooks piercing his skin forcing him down and anchor threw the chloroform at kongs face knowing it would make him fall asleep gal graded anchor's hoof to make him stop but he pushed her aside and threw it at Kong clover took gal to the boats, Kong saw her being taken away causing him to get the strength to pull himself up and kill anypony around him
Anchor : " KILL IT
Filmer : " no no "
Kong was chasing them back and killing anypony in his way, the crew made it back to the boats gal and anchor made it off on boat two but clover, spike and filmer were still struggling to get off filmer got off to put Kong to sleep but Kong slammed the boat causing him to fall in the water, Kong got the boat and smashed it on Rocks sending spike, clover and the other crew flying into the water so anchor loaded a harpoon and fired it at kongs knee it slowed him down enough for filmer to throw a chloroform bottle at kongs face and about 15 seconds he was fast asleep
Filmer " we're millionaires boys, in a few months he's name will be on Broadway Kong the eighth wonder of equestria
End of chapter 14
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