Earth pony
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Well here's the thing ..... I'm the luckiest pony out there and what do you think I do just win the lottery 100 times ? .... no I actually just go out and experience the most deadliest adventures out there
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How hard is for people to talk sometimes. I have hard time talking to people because I'm afraid I might say the wrong thing and end up making myself look stupid
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Depends on the situation really.
If I'm angry, I tend to stumble over my words... a lot.. so I end up just being silent instead. Excited about something.. same thing. I stumble, but keep on trying lol.
Basically.. my brain works faster than my mouth can produce words.. :<
June 2, 2021

Lucky clover
It's even worse when your talking to a crowd of people
June 11, 2021

Have ya considered that they dont talk cause ther mouths are full. Rude much?
June 2, 2021

Lucky clover
Lol I never thought of that
June 11, 2021
May 23, 2021
Clover made it to the mountain were he suspected gal was, what he didn't know was that he wasn't the only one in the cave. There were huge bats on the cave's ceiling flying on other resting spots or sleeping so noise wasnt an option, he found a skeleton similar to the beast that dropped him and the others down into the bug pit at last his journey came to an end when he found gal in the clutches of the sleeping beast he whispered to gal telling her to grab his hoof but the beast suddenly woke up and slammed his fist on the ground but that caused the bats to wake up and swarm around Kong. Gal set herself free and ran to clover they found a river all the way down the mountain and decided to jump of while Kong was fighting the bat swarm, they both made it out safe and ran back the the village but Kong wasnt far behind them they made it to the bridge but it was locked clover yelled to filmer to let them in waiter was pleading with filmer to open the gate but he told him not yet but waiter refused, took a machete and cut the rope causing the bridge to open clover and gal ran across and Kong jumped on the wall and start punching the gate. Gal saw the ponies gathering chloroform bottles and others carrying rope with hooks on them she knew what they're gonna do, Kong broke threw and stared at gal but was interrupted when the ponies threw the ropes over Kong the hooks piercing his skin forcing him down and anchor threw the chloroform at kongs face knowing it would make him fall asleep gal graded anchor's hoof to make him stop but he pushed her aside and threw it at Kong clover took gal to the boats, Kong saw her being taken away causing him to get the strength to pull himself up and kill anypony around him
Anchor : " KILL IT
Filmer : " no no "
Kong was chasing them back and killing anypony in his way, the crew made it back to the boats gal and anchor made it off on boat two but clover, spike and filmer were still struggling to get off filmer got off to put Kong to sleep but Kong slammed the boat causing him to fall in the water, Kong got the boat and smashed it on Rocks sending spike, clover and the other crew flying into the water so anchor loaded a harpoon and fired it at kongs knee it slowed him down enough for filmer to throw a chloroform bottle at kongs face and about 15 seconds he was fast asleep
Filmer " we're millionaires boys, in a few months he's name will be on Broadway Kong the eighth wonder of equestria
End of chapter 14
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Which is better tea or coffee ?
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When I was younger i hated the taste, maybe things will be different
May 9, 2021
Clover woke up with pain on his back, he looked up and remembered that Kong threw the log over sending him and the crew over the cliff. He finds filmer on the ground breathing but he doesn't want to get up so clover leaves him be, then he finds spike sitting on a rock thinking about what happened to hayes, lumpy was beside his dead friend and clover tried to figure out how to climb out of this pit, he then turned his head around to see giant crickets hopping towards him, lumpy saw what looked like huge worm with a circle of teeth, filmer found his camera destroyed all of the times he recorded on the island was all gone and he was just in shock. The worms came towards lumpy's dead friend but lumpy kept them away until a cricket jumped on his back trying to get his eyes but clover pulled it off but now the cricket was attacking clover, lumpy took out his machete and started killing worms but one got a hold on his back leg. Filmer saw what was happening and in a fit of rage he grabbed a branch and started bashing any insect in his way, a crew member tried climbing out but a claw came out of a hole and dragged him in, spike got a gun to help clover how was covered in crickets he shoot them off but tried not to shoot clover anywhere important, lumpy was surrounded by worms one got a hold of his front leg and then his head they pulled him into the mud suffocating him, filmed was battling a big beetle but with his rage he was winning and spike was able to shoot all the crickets off clover but the three huddled together to see more larger insects coming down to kill them but then gun shots rained down apin the pit, it was anchor and the crew who came to there rescue and also did sunny who was swinging on a rope shooting down insects, rope came down so the three could climb out spike found hayes's hat and took it with him, they all got out of the pit even waiter was there waiting for there arrival
Clover : " oh thank twilight "
Anchor : " don't thank twilight thank Mr sunny he insisted on a rescue mission, but I knew you'd be ok that's the thing about cockroaches no matter how many times you flush them down the toilet they always crawl back up the bowel "
Filmer : " hey buddy I'm out of the bowel "
Then anchor and filmer saw clover climbing on the other side of the pit
Anchor : " clover dont be a fool give it up its useless, shes dead "
Filmer : " shes not dead, clover is gonna bring her back and ape will be hard on their trail, but we can still come out of this ok think about it you got a boat full of chloroform we could put to good use "
Anchor : " you wanna trap the ape hahahahahaha, I dont think so "
Filmer : " isn't that what you do live animal capture, I heard you were the best
Anchor then fought about what he said
Filmer : " hey clover look after your self "
Clover : " keep the gate open will ya "
Filmer : " sure thing pal, good luck "
Clover then started running to find gal
Filmer : " I'm sorry "
Filmer started walking back to the village and clover had an idea where gal could be
End of chapter 13
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May 1, 2021
In the jungle gal was trying to find her way back to the crew, she took a right turn but she ran into a large lizard like creature, it was to busy eating a dead dino that it didn't hear gal run up behind it. She slowly took a step back and hid behind a tree, she was going to run for it but another one of them stops her in her tracks it was getting to pounce but gal jumped out of the way, the creature was chasing her but gal got inside a log hoping it would give up but the thing just went inside with her snapping its jaws. It was about grab her but something else got a hold on the creature whatever it was it pulled out the thing from the log and killed it violently, the creature that first saw fleed the scene, she crawled out of the log after a huge centipede was touching her mussel with its antennas, when she got out a feeling of something watching her struck in her head she took a look behind her and saw the creature that killed the other one, it was a tyrannosaurus but looked different from the books and museums. I bolted out of there but of course the dinosaur was running after me with its kill in its mouth ( why was it chasing me it already had its dinner inside his mouth ), it was not giving up so I had it go somewhere he would not see me so I ran to a huge downed tree and hid there lucky it couldn't find me and walked away but after a breath of relief I got another feeling that something was watching her so I turned around and guess what another t-rex was hiding under the tree and snapped its jaws at her but she stayed down knowing it couldn't get up but it banged his head in the tree and now I was left dangling in a thin branch but I something else was coming from the right side and it was Kong saving me. He kept himself between me and the dino but the t-rex that was chasing me before found me and was going to get but Kong grabbed be and moved his arm away ending up with the t-rex biting kongs elbow, Kong pushed them them away from themselves now coming down to a staing match to see who will pounce first but unexpectedly a third t-rex got behind him, how he had to face three dinos with one hand and the other holding me he was winning with already killing one but he had to end this quickly so he pushed the down a steep cliff with another one underneath, one of them fell down so I was only one left Kong pulled him down but the t-rex bit into his foot and was forced to let go and soon both of them fell into a long ravine full of vines. Gal was dangling from them while Kong was beating up the other trex but one of the vines snapped and fell on to the Teeth of a t-rex but thankfully Kong was holding his mouth open but a t-rex under gal was in good reach of eating gal but Kong kicked it out of the way but it caused the other t-rex's mouth to open on close again so gal quickly let go but fell on top of the t-rex's head, Kong was going to grab her but the other rex bit Into his arm so Kong had to beat him in order to rescue gal. With all of the movement from them the vines soon gave weight on me and the rex so we ended up falling down together, I ran but there was no hiding place the t-rex let out a mighty roar and was walking towards me but Kong arrived in time, now it was like a western stare off with me as the prize both of them let out a roar and charged towards each other Kong got on its back opening his jaws and biting the rex's tounge off then he go him on the ground and was trying to break its jaw open but it kept its mouth shut but not for long Kong punched him and successfully destroyed his jaw and breaking his skull, Kong let out a roar of victory and gal soon realised that Kong wasn't a threat to her so she got on his back and Kong was running to an unknown location on the island
End of chapter 12
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April 25, 2021
Gal opens her eyes to see if he's still there and not to her suprise he is , while the beast was eating bamboo gal crawled to a small hole that lead to what looked like an escape. As she got out she started running but a huge arm blocked her so she ran back to the hole but another arm blocked it , she looked up and saw Kong looking at her with fury gal made a run for it back to the hole but Kong got infront of her. Gal took a few steps back before falling to the ground , Kong started roaring at her like a barking dog and then he stopped to growl at her gal realised that he looked suprised when she fell to the ground so she tried again, Kong was ready for another escape attempt but he was prepared for this gal leaped up and fell on the ground , Kong was shocked but calmed himself down and went to check if she was still alive and to his surprise she was. Gal did it a second time and is was the same reaction but the third time was different it looked like the giant gorilla was laughing? ( gal knew that primates could smart as ponies but she didn't expect him to laugh ) , she decided to do cart wheels to see how he'd react and reacted in anger as if he didn't want to see that she started doing juggling, dancing and using a stick as a cane but Kong wasn't interested but when she was used the stick to balance herself he took the stick which caused her to fall and this made him happy, gal knew the falling would make him happy so she decided to do falling gags but Kong decided to do it himself by picking her up and pushing her. He did this about four times until gal had enough
Gal : " no, I said no "
Kong looked in disappointment and roared at her
Gal : " that's all there Is , there isn't any more "
Kong then slammed his fist on the ground and started roaring at her, he then decided to destroy a rock house that was on the left side and threw it off a cliff he threw one of the rocks on the cliff and he soon then calmed down but the rock came down and fell on his back breaking the rock In two. Gal looked at him in empathy since she realised it was like a tantrum, Kong then left her at the cliff but gal was following him. Clover and the crew where headed to in the direction of where they think gal would be but they heard rustling in the tall grass clover thought it might be gal but lumpy then shoot in the direction of the noise and if fell hard on the ground, clover ran to she if it wasn't gal and to his relief it was only a big flight less bird they shot so they continued on their journey, they arrived at a log like bridge so they crossed it but hayes stopped the crew only to hear growling coming from the cave.
Hayes : " if anything happens I want you to run "
Spike : " I got this, i ain't gonna run "
Hayes : " it's not about being brave spike "
Hayes then checks the cave and growling was coming closer and closer
spike : " I AIN'T GONNA RUN "
Hayes : " get spike outta here "
Clover : " get back get back
Hayes fired multiple shots at the direction of the growling , he was gonna use his hand gun but Kong appeared in the cave charging towards him , have got his gun but Kong snatched him in his hand roaring at the crew to stay back
Hayes : " look at me "
Spike : " LET HIM GO "
Hayes : " you gotta run spike , do as I say and clover is in charge ...... RUNNNNN "
As he yelled Kong threw him against a cliff and hayes fell to his death
Clover : " shoot it "
Spike : " NOOO HAYES "
Kong slammed the log and one of the crew members fell off, gal heard the shooting and ran towards it . Kong then picks up the log and starts turning from left to right until he just decided to throw the log of the cliff, he crew hanging on to the log but waiter got hold on some vines and stayed there but the rest of the crew fell down to a dark and muddy ravine and got knocked out cold on impact to the ground.
End of chapter 11
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Are you guys excited for g5. The animation of it remains me of camp cretaceous and dragons so I'm pretty excited for that
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April 18, 2021
After the stampede the crew rested near a swamp to tend to the injured
Hayes : " lumpy I need you to do a head count, I wanna know how many injured and how bad "
Lumpy : " injured? Four of us are dead "
Filmer drinks a small bottle of whisky to calm down after seeing his friend get eaten by those savage beasts
Waiter : " it's not your fault , what happened to lends was no ponies fault "
Filmer : " your absolutely right waiter and let me tell you something, lends didn't die for nothing he died believing that there is still some mystery left in this world, damm it waiter we're gonna finish this film for lends we'll finish it and donate the proceeds to his wife and kids "
Waiter then remembers the same words that filmer said when soundwave died
Sunny : " come on we gotta get back to the ship anchor sails in 9 hours "
Spike : " so? We gotta find gal "
Sunny : " did you hear me we're gonna be stranded here , look fellas gal was great mare no question its a terrible loss and we're all gonna miss her "
Clover : " I always knew you we're nothing like that tough guy you play on screen I just didn't think you were a coward "
Sunny : " hey pal hey wake up, actors don't look like me not in the real world, in the real world they have bad teeth, bald spot and a beard gut I'm just an actor with a gun who's lost his motivation, its been real "
Sunny then leaves and with ten ponies following him back
Clover : " I got an idea, get me those branches and some vines "
They made two make shift boats from branches tied together with vines and sailed across the river hoping nothing lives in the water . But then clover was something swimming towards them he thought it was a fish but it crawled up on the boat and saw it was some scorpion thing , it hissed at them and clover bashed it off the boat but others kept coming on the ship but the crew kept kicking them off . The scorpions retreated like something spooked them , it all went quiet but the silence was broken when something violently pushed the second boat the crew went silent as to not draw attention but unannounced to them a huge fin emerged from the water behind the first boat and then pushed the first boat and broke it sending the ponies into the water, the creature let out a roar and dove back in the water one of the crew members was pulled down to to the waters floor because he was strapped to a heavy crate he was carrying and soon clover went down with him. The crew member got him self free but clover noticed the creature was turning back and was rushing towards him clover tried to warn him he couldn't hear him and the creature the gobbled him up , clover saw a cage like tree near him he picked up the crate to keep him from floating up and started running for his life the creature wasn't gonna let him escape it was getting closer closer closer and clover made it inside took off the crate and swam back up. The ponies were helping the others on to their boat
Filmer : " waiter , what ever happens dont let go of the camera
The creature then jumped out of the water like a whale and swallowed a crew member hole, filmer then picked up a gun and started shooting at the creature, filmer was so focused that he ended up shooting the boat when the creature went under it and he broke the boat in half . Now everypony was in the water clover went to help waiter but the creature was swimming towards them but luckily filmer shot the creature in the eye and It escaped quickly, the crew then made it to shore waiter gave the camera to filmer and he soon started to film again, a crew member was walking but to shore when the creature leaped out and got a hold of him and dragged him under the water with him. Filmer was filming the hole thing and lumpy told him " you got that did you? " .
End of chapter 10
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April 10, 2021
It was morning on the island and everypony has arrived at the place were they heard gal screaming last night
Lumpy : " oh my twilight this place is a bleeding bone yard, they've been ripped limb from limb "
After hearing what lumpy said clover was worried more and started yelling her name , filmed spots a path of broken trees and told everypony to go this way
Spike : " I cant believe gal is is in the clutches of that thing, I knew coming here was a bad idea "
Hayes : " you didn't know this would happen, we'll get her back whatever it takes "
The crew soon arrived at a gorge and took a break
Clover : " come on guys we gotta get going common get up "
Hayes : " their not about to quit on you cut them some slack, ALRIGHT YOU GOT FIVE MINUTES EVERYPONY STAY IN SITE "
Filmer to lends : " ok I'm gonna get a watch on the valley "
Clover sat down when he discovered something on the ground and was shocked to see what it was , a giant foot print everypony gathered around and looked in amazement
Lumpy : " there is only one creature that's capable of leaving a footprint that big ...... the abominable monster "
Everypony was just confused by that answer
Hayes : " it's about 20ft long "
Clover : " filmer saw it let's ask him "
Hayes : " filmer , where did he go ?
Filmer , lends and sunny where headed to the valley when they see something that nopony has ever seen , a herd of brontosaurus plant eating dinosaurs that ponies thought went extinct eons ago . They were eating from the trees and drinking from small pools
Filmer : " walk forward sunny "
Sunny : " what? "
Filmer : " your the star of this movie now get into character and head towards the animals "
Sunny : " what the hell kind of place is this ? "
Sunny nervously walks towards them but the animals aren't fussed buy them
Sunny : " are you sure about this filmer , dont we have a stunt double for this type of thing? "
Filmer : " in need you in the shot with them or else ponies will say there fake "
Sunny : " oh nopony is gonna think these are fake "
Then all a sudden one of them makes a sound that sounds worrying, they look around as if they're being watched
Filmer : " your making them nervous no sudden movements "
Sunny : " I'm not moving "
But it wasn't the ponies that scared them it was predators that were in the bushes, the herd started moving towards the ponies direction, sunny started running like his tail was on fire but filmer and lends stayed behind to film the herd moving towards them. Clover and the rest of the crew heard noise coming from behind the gorge rocks falling from the walls and sunny appears infront of them
Clover : " what is it where's filmer ? "
Sunny : " sunny oh he's up there filming "
He started running again but this time everypony was running with him except clover, hayes , spike and waiter stayed behind to see what's going on , lends shows and then finally filmer is there but behind him was a stampede of brontosaurus barrelling towards them , they all started running but filmer falls and clover picks him up and started running again but they were all in the stampede, everypony tried to avoid the the herd's legs but some ponies ended up getting stomped. Behind the herd where a pack of two legged carnivorous dinosaurs chasing the herd , one was able to jump on to a brontosaurs neck and the shock made the brontosaur bump into another one and that one crushed a crew member against a wall. The brontosaur knocked off the venatosaur of its neck with a passing tree , sunny took shelter behind a rock like hut , but saliva fell infront of and above him was a venatsaur inside the hut so sunny ran back into the herd with the dino following him . The dino caught its eye on clover as easy lunch but clover got behind a brontosaur's leg but It went after filmer with jaws open ready to snap them but clover bucked him in the face and it fell down getting its head crushed , they exited the gorge and into a unstable and slippery cliff side. One pony got pushed of by a brontosaur and the massive beast soon fell of and another, spike was jumping , avoiding the legs and the collapsing cliff but he managed to get to solid ground they exited the cliff sunny getting chased by a venatosaur but sunny shot at the thing repeatedly that he shot the legs of the leading brontosaur which caused it to fall and soon all of the brontosaurs started tripping and fall on each other, clover was search for filmer and found with a venatosaur headed to him but clover shot it dead and the both of them got out of there , the surviving crew members climbed up a rock side but the venatosaurs were after them , lends yelled to filmer to help him up filmer grabbed the camera and told lends to hold on to the bottom but he was to heavy . Filmer wasnt gonna leave him but it was to late the venatosaurs got a hold of lends hoof and forced him down the rock side and all filmer can do was watch his friend get torn to shreds buy the hungry dinos . Kong put gal on the ground and trys to wake her up he gives up and sits down but unaware to him gal was pretending to be unconscious
End of chapter 9
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