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Lord Somber
by on August 10, 2021
These past weeks have began to blend together. Throughout my current rule over half the Kingdom, it seems trouble finds ways to arrive at my Castle doors. Brother isn't giving up is he? Course he isn't. He was always stubborn. Stubborn in his ideals. Stubborn in his agreements to Father. Traitor. Backstabber. All titles he claims me to be. But, I'm not the one that was pushing his only sibling aside. I wasn't the one that was going on about building a Kingdom in 'my' image. It wasn't only about me. It use to be 'we'. Perhaps I was mistaken in this. I can see it clearly now. More clear then I've ever seen it. A kingdom isn't run off of the illusion on unity. The pretend face of equal standing. There is only one type of Kingdom. One that stands the test of time. King and Queen. Not Brothers Royalty. It was never going to work. Father must have known. And he had already chosen his next Heir to the Throne. Praise the Sun as the saying goes? Praise it all you want. For when the days stretch out long?'ll burn out. Those flames will extinguish. Nothing more will surround you but the cold air that forever embraces you. And for when it does? I'll be the Ruler to guide your way. The only Ruler to find your purpose. A Ruler that doesn't play to your fantasies. Claim to be something you aren't, but at every end to every day? The Moon is always present. Call me Tyrant. Call me Evil. Call me a Monster. I'm aware of what I am. I'm truthful of the things I claim to be. A good sense of Moral? A innocent view of things? None exist. Look past the make believe. Understand the truth. Thee is no such thing as a Pure Ruler. There are only Rulers. Understand in time. For when I end this war with the Sun Prince? All he stands for? Will shatter beneath him. Whether I win or whether he kills me to achieve his win.
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