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Obsilion and others
by on August 17, 2021
Obsilion sat out in front of a tunnel, panting heavily as he sat against a tree. He is pretty much soaked in sweat and is nearing dehydration. There is something strange about the tunnel that he is sitting in front of. The tunnel appears to have been freshly carved. Not only that, but there is some blood splattered here and there. The way the tunnel was carved made it seem like someone was punching or kicking the rock away.
Obsilion would continue to sit against the tree, panting heavily. His arms and legs are broken as well as cut up and bleeding.
"2 days…Record time.." he thinks to himself. "…I did this in 2 days…My body is exhausted, yet I don’t feel tired. My bones are broken, yet I don’t feel the pain….I'm bored..I’m extremely bored. Time has lost its meaning..How old am I? How long have I been on this planet? Why is this planet so damn innocent? Why is even the evil on this planet mediocre at best…….I need something..I need to satisfy this itch. I need something else to do. My projects will complete themselves in time…I need something to do…”
Obsilion would slowly get up. “…..This…This wasn’t enough..When will it be enough? When will it be my time? What am I even thinking?” He would think to himself. “It doesn’t matter now…I need something to fight or kill..I need to do something. I need something to do.”
Obsilion would begin to walk away from the scene and would head deeper into the forest. He now wears the old expression he used to have. Cold, dead, void of emotion, and monotone. As he walked, Obsilion would keep a close watch on his surroundings. He decided he would try to satisfy this itch of his by fighting a manticore. So now he plans on making his way out of the forest and back to Ponyville to go to the Everfree Forest.
Obsilion began to think to himself. For the past month he has just been doing anything and everything just to try and satisfy his itch. He has went from just swimming all the way to carving a tunnel through a mountain, and everything in between. Intense training, starving himself, purposefully hurting himself, fighting through every training simulation on the ship with the intensity cranked to the max…Just everything he can to satisfy this itch. Just doing different things to the extreme in hopes of satisfying this itch.
“…I’ve gone mad havent I?....Why am I not surprised?...Why doesn’t it bother me that much?” he says to himself as he continues to walk. He has yet to realize he is going to wrong way. It seems his body is leading him somewhere else.
After an hour or so of walking, he would soon stop. A four headed hydra would look to him and would growl, for the Requian has entered it’s territory.
Obsilion would look up at the hydra. As he did so, his lips would twitch as if wanting to smile and his heart would race with excitement as he catches some adrenaline.
“….Maybe you can give me the release I need.” he would say to the hydra as they stared each other down.
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