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Mirror Mirror
by on September 16, 2021
Queen Jonquil had never been a particularly affectionate mother. By the time White Rose was old enough to fight, she was in training to be a soldier, princess though she was. She had never known another life, and so was glad to serve her kingdom. In short order, Rose had risen through the ranks, and at last for all her efforts her mother noticed her - in fact, she was appointed the general of Jonquil's personal guard, made of those elite few who would have laid down their life for her, but would never need to.
It was then that White Rose finally received the acceptance she had longed for all her life. Her mother at last began to be warmer to her, and to even be kind. Jonquil gifted her a magical shell, fine and golden, and told her to keep it with her at all times.
This joy could not last.
White Rose led the guard to secure Jonquil's path. The Queen was to attend a festival in a smaller kingdom she had called 'Kolkwitz', where she would exchange gifts with one King Aster as a symbolic gesture of peace between their kingdoms which soon would join as one. Their path led through the treacherous trees of the Wandering Woods, known for the many disappearances it had caused over years, and so Rose was at her most alert.
It was not enough. When the great beast struck, it lunged straight for the Queen. Her shriek was what prompted Rose to leap into action, to stand between this monster and her mother. Claws tore at her flesh. She lashed out with her sword, and blood coated the once peaceful forest as the battle raged. Jonquil and her guards fled in the midst of their fight. Rose did not blame them, for she knew this was her duty.
Strangely, the beast seemed satisfied the moment Jonquil passed beyond the borders of the forest. Off it lumbered. Rose lay in a bloody tangle. She could not see, and she was so very tired that she lapsed to unconsciousness. When she had recovered she still could not behold the wonders that had once sprawled about her, but she had learned to navigate the woods well enough, and eventually she managed to return to the castle she had grown up in. Though she did not expect a grand ceremony or loving praise, Rose could not have guessed how Jonquil would react - the princess, the general who had saved the Queen's life, was stripped of all ranks and even of her name. She was put to work as a scullery maid and was ever after called 'Blind Faith'.
Years passed, but Faith was persistent and determined, and she rose through the ranks once more. This time she was promoted to the rank of hoofmaiden, waiting hoof and wing on her very own mother.
Humiliating as it was, she performed her duties day in and out without a single complaint. The hours she spent tidying and cleaning Jonquil's chambers were spent at first in silence with only her own thoughts for company. A plan took hold. Faith was determined that someday she would overthrow her cold-hearted mother and take her place as the rightful ruler of their kingdom. All that remained to be found was something to give her an edge.
This was when Blind Faith made a fateful discovery. She had cleaned the mirror that hung on the wall each day; it was only a vain mare's mirror and so did not attract her attention at first. No, it did not draw her in until the day the soft voice of another pony startled her.
"Who are you?"
Faith dropped her dust rag in shock. Blind though she was, she was certain as stone that the voice had come from the mirror on the wall, and so she spoke back to it. Thus began the friendship that would crumble the kingdom and end Jonquil's rein. Faith would never sit on the throne as she had dreamed - her plans and schemes had not prepared her for what was to follow - yet she still would have the absolute power she longed for.
From the very first conversation they held, the mare in the mirror hung on each precious word Faith spoke like precious pearls. Mirror Mirror was what she was called, for she had no idea what her true name was, and she spoke of a time long passed when she had walked distant streets. Faith had found the edge that would cut down Jonquil's kingdom at its roots. Mirror was a being of immense magical power; each time they spoke Faith gathered information and learned more about this power. She took after her mother in this one aspect: the idea of power was irresistible.
What drew Mirror in was that when Faith stayed to speak with her, she never once asked her to do anything, never asked her for any boon. They talked of everything and of nothing.
Three years passed by like this, and at last, Faith asked what it was she had been dying to know. She asked Mirror where she had come from and why she was imprisoned in this mirror. When Mirror's answer came that she did not know, Faith was assured that she could act out her plans without any interference - Mirror had no friends or family left in the world. She was so truly forgotten that even she did not remember herself.
Night fell on that fateful day, and Faith crept silently into the chamber. The Queen slept soundly. Faith slipped the mirror from its hook and into her bag, and fled at once, headed to the forest that would protect them. Here came the first hitch; a great and terrible scream that shook Faith's very bones. She knew then that her ploy had been discovered, and so with a hasty landing, she took her shell and struck the glass. It shattered at once into pieces. With bated breath, she waited.
Very carefully, a hoof touched her shoulder. Faith did not need to see to know that this was the very same pony as had been imprisoned in the mirror. They embraced. Tears ran down Mirror's face, and moments passed before at last, reluctantly, they parted. Both knew they were in terrible danger. Now side by side, they fled into the forest, neither aware of the spell Jonquil was casting.
It took horrible effect, and swiftly. Faith fell dreadfully ill. Neither could know the cause, but day by day it grew worse, until Faith could hardly stand upright without Mirror's aid.
This threw a wrench into Faith's plans, but she was certain she could hold onto Mirror still and one day take the throne. Mirror had no one else in the world. She trusted Faith absolutely.
With her time running out, Faith convinced Mirror to cast a stone sleep spell upon her, and reawaken her when a cure had been found. The pièce de résistance - as Mirror readied the spell, Faith gently put her hoof to the other mare's face. She felt Mirror stiffen. For a brief moment, she kissed her, and then she planted her hooves and felt her skin go stiff and cold as the spell took effect.
Faith couldn't see Mirror, but for hours after, she could hear her quiet sobs.
Everything was falling into place.
Each day, Mirror would come to her side, and talk of what she had learned that might help her to heal Faith's illness. Each day, her loyalty remained strong and unwavering. In the rain she came and tenderly wrapped her own cloak about Faith, to protect her from the elements, and she would tell her stories. On cold winter nights, she would light a small fire to keep them warm, and would stay at Faith's side until the day broke through again.
As the time passed, Mirror grew thin and frail, but no less devoted to her cause. She discovered the spell that Jonquil had cast, and though she had not yet deciphered it, she had begun work on a spell of her own, which she explained would not cure Faith but rather transfer all of her pain and injury to herself forever after. Faith would be safe from all harm.
And then, one rainy day, Mirror failed to visit her.
Topics: lore gang
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Papillon Crève-Cœur
Like September 17, 2021
Papillon Crève-Cœur
Like September 17, 2021
Mirror Mirror
it gets much, much worse <3
Like September 17, 2021
Papillon Crève-Cœur
Like September 17, 2021