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Nitroxus Soulspins Papillon Crève-Cœur
*Nitroxus dove out of a train and rolled down the hill to the pony. He then stood up and smiled. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus spun his tail like it was a propeller and floated over the pony. He landed on the ground by the pony with a smile. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large tortoise that was making its way toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Papillon sat alone in her home office. A pair of jeweler's glasses rested upon her nose, a magnifying glass flipped down over one of her eyes.
In a hoof she had a pair of custom tweezers made to wrap... View More
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Just then, a small portal opened in her ceiling. It appeared for only a moment before a book tumbled out, closing the portal immediately after. It landed with a thud, tumbling on it's spine for a moment before coming to rest in the middle of the room. The book was wrapped with paper and tied with tw... View More
February 9, 2022
In the time it took for Papillon to make her way to the package and begin opening it, another portal had opened up. This one happened to be larger by a large degree, and opened against the doorway to the room, effectively blocking it off while the rift was active.
In a single bound, a tall, lanky ... View More
February 9, 2022
Going it was an understatement. The bottle was gently pushed aside and the package lay on the desk. Beside it was a small case, flopped open. Papillon was holding a scalpel that she'd pulled from it, mere inches away from the twine.
"I apologize if I wasn't to open it. I thought it may be a... View More
February 9, 2022
"I see."
Apolune replied succinctly. "Well, thank you for not opening it. If you do need medical journals, we have an extensive selection at the library, of course. I can help sign you up for a new monthly subscription as well, if you'd like. It would be the least I could do since you've allowed me ... View More
This would usually be quite a busy time of year for those in the medical industry. Lots of people going out and about meant lots of people getting into very strange predicaments. And, for the most par... View More
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Gray’s place was decorated for the occasion inside and out, not overly, but only just enough to fit in with the season. The light coming from within the windows indicated that there was someone inside, perhaps many…? Not really, it was only Gray. The man had already taken care of everything he had p... View More
December 24, 2021
Gray takes one deep breath and dries his tears on the plush’s fake fur. Papillon might have been a busy mare, but she took the time to get to know him well enough to figure out that he’s a bit of a cuddlebug, this was truly a great gift, it did make him happy.
However, his brief moment of peace wa... View More
December 25, 2021
Papillon remained staring at the ground, defeated. She didn't even bother to move as he spoke, though her ear did flick slightly, proving that she was, indeed, listening, "Don't give me that damned smile, Yuri," she'd mumble, although a similar look was starting to tug at the corner of her lips, "Wh... View More
December 25, 2021
Gray was not sure if he had approached this difficult situation with grace, even going as far as to offer Papillon to come in… Was that uncalled for…? All he knew was that it was cold, and her cheeks were red and wet with tears. He did what felt right for him, and at this point he had no more shame ... View More
Things went sideways in Papillons life. Very, very fast. That's why she was seated here, alone, in a seedy bar, in a bad part of town. Smoke hung in the air around her.
Taking a seat at the bar, she... View More
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Stardusk was in observation during this time, despite the snow seemingly making it rather unbearbale to do so. It didnt faze him, but to many others it did. This is why he did it, to try and keep watch when others couldn't.
This is also how he managed to see the mare, who once looked so tall and pr... View More
He shook his head. "That's how it gets you. You will find somewhere to be alone, to stick to your own internal conflicts, and if you manage to not win the conflicts then-" at that very moment, his eyes widened and he looked away, having a thought pierce his mind like a knife on skin. It took him a f... View More
December 18, 2021
"Don't give me that look, Strider. I'm not going to do anything stupid. I already did my quota of stupid for a while, giving up on something I should have clung to."
She'd start to walk, then, though she seemed to not be in a hurry to be rid of him anymore, "There isnt much to say about it, anyways... View More
December 18, 2021
He stood there in the snow and heeded her words. Was she really what she proclaimed herself to be? Perhaps it does make sense, simply because her confidence seemingly knows no bounds.
At that rate, all he could do is bite his tongue. He doesnt know how to offer recompense if she was the culprit all... View More
I love logging on, giving Papillon trauma, and then probably going to a different character for a month.
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Because Papillon Crève-Cœur cannot wear it while she’s at the job, Gray takes the opportunity and snatches her faux fur scarf for himself.
He lounges in a beach chair with the thing wrapped around hi... View More
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Papillons mane was frizzy. She was wearing a doctor's coat, the collar disheveled. In her hoof was a paper cup of cheap coffee. Finally, she was free of this hospital. She had t had a breath of fresh ... View More
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She blinked once. Twice. And then she nodded, "I'll pass it on to.the groundskeepers. They'll appreciate it."
November 9, 2021
As unethical as it is, Gray had been anxiously waiting by some bushes not too far away from the hospital’s entrance. Being an actor, he was all dressed up for the role: full camo-suit and black shoe polish streaks on his cheeks. Accompanying him was Carmine’s listening device, taken without permissi... View More
November 9, 2021
Gray also didn’t ask anything for the time being, not until they arrived home. Lucky for the pair, it seemed that they were the only ones around. Secretly, Gray had been wishing to avoid the confrontation though. Even as he sat down, like Papillon signaled him, he was hoping for a distraction, anyth... View More
November 11, 2021
Papillons mouth felt dry. Her heart hammered in her chest. No amount of breathing exercises or anything else could stop it. It felt abnormal for her. She was always in control of this. And yet here she was, unable to stop the tide of emotions that threatened her., "Of course you didn't know, Yuri. N... View More
November 12, 2021
Gray remains mostly motionless at his little corner of the couch, despite his attempt to derail the conversation somewhere else, he’s looking at her and can see that she’s about to crack. It’s a horrible sight really, to see such a composed individual crumble under pressure. Specially because he fel... View More
November 12, 2021
Galactica comes bearing a balloon, teddy bear in an adorable lab coat, and thank you cards a cookies. "Thank you for all that you do! You're amazing!!!"
November 12, 2021
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