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This isn't purely a raffle. There is a total of 4 winners, with 2 picked from a raffle, and the other 2 selected based on popular vote on their origin story.
What do they win, might you ask? They win a comic cover of their character, drawn by the illustrious artist, Notetaker.
1. Create a character sheet ( via Friendship Letter. It can be made on your own account or the page's.
2. Put up the tags "Rainbow Apocalypse", and "raraffle" into the Topics section (found at the bottom while writing a blog). Feel free to add your character's name or pseudonym for better visibility. Don't forget to split each of said topics with a comma ( , ).
3. Submit before the 17th of August at 11:59 p.m. (GMT -8). Any applications made after will be rejected.
4. Please limit to one character per account.
Winners of both will be announced on the 31st of August. Time to be determined later.
Post in: Misc.
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