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Amy Callihan
by on August 24, 2023
his is a case study of the mutant girl that recently applied to be here. Amy is an oddball. She doesn't have trouble making friends but she has odd tendencies. I would come to think she has sociopathic tendencies. She was deemed a prime candidate for a new program called "Pandora's Unboxing".
This program is... It's vile. Even for someone who could be so violently devoid of love. Pandora's Unboxing is mean't to be a mutation that can dismantle even the greatest security. Perfect for a cold calculated killer.
Pandora's Box is a mythology where the box was opened due to curiosity and thus the world was flooded with curses. Well it was more like a jar but semantics.
In this case, it was a question of why there is evil and this is said to be part of it. Pandora had many gifts and this is no gift.
This was a prophecy of pure Doomsday. Amy had many gifts too. Gifts to rip and tear through anything.
Evil Eyes - A mutation that makes the eyes consistently bloodshot. On first glance, it is nothing and then you forget what coffee you had. You see visions and bleed from your tear ducts. You start to see things. You see here pestering you until eventually... You decide to end it all because you will never have peace again. All in one longing gaze.
The Doomsday Brain - An example of a completely unlocked Brain. Symptoms include:
Super Strength
Far sight
An athletes stamina
And an unlocked memory.
At what cost? Problems. She is not of one mind. Her sociopathic and psychotic mind had kept her from being the greatest murderer alive if she isn't already.
Her mutant transformation is a terrifying spectacle. Her goal isn't to kill you it is to make you kill ones self. Watched a man claw his brain through his eye sockets becaus of her intense hallucinations. If you went in her sightlines the best hope she kills you way before she transforms into Pandora.
There is no lock or hiding spot that can save you from hell on earth. Do not:
Open your door to strangers.
Accept invitations from strangers.
Unlock your doors when the knob jiggles.
Accept anything from anyone at night.
Do you suspect someone may be Pandora? Play it cool. You would know if you were marked.
Ways to avoid being marked:
Ignore her presence even in tense moments.
Let her take things if in your home.
She never stays in one spot so she won't stay long ideally.
Go about your daily routine. Don't acknowledge her existence.
Her mind plays tricks on her as much as you. So do things out of the norm. It may disturb her mojo.
When to fight back: Never. Unless
You are in immediate danger.
A loved one is being attacked.
She is kidnapping your child.
How to fight back:
Blinding lights can disorient her fierce. This includes pulsing phone lights. Spotlights. Sudden flashing lights.
After that? Pray you can overpower or run from the beast.
Do not let Pandora out of her hold cell and more importantly never let her wrap come off her face. She is to be wrapped completely in binds and bandages to avoid employee Deaths.
Don't let her out.
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