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Slurpee Hooves
by on January 3, 2018
//This is an OOC post
Are you ever frustrated with yourself over having cliché tastes? Like, whenever someone asks you what your favorite x is, your reply is just the most popular one?
Because I am.
When people ask me what my favorite Star Wars movie is, I hate that I reply "Empire". When people ask me who my favorite Star Wars character is, I hate that I reply "Darth Vader".
When people ask me who my favorite Doctor is, I hate that I reply "David Tennant", but what I hate even more is when they ask me who my favorite *classic* Doctor is an I reply "Tom Baker".
I know I shouldn't hate myself for liking things, but it just bothers me that so many of my opinions line up perfectly with whatever the most popular opinion is. My friends have unpopular opinions and frankly I envy them deeply for some reason. So what I end up doing is I deliberately subject myself to unpopular things or even just less popular things I know I won't like very much in an attempt to force myself to have an unpopular opinion.
As a specific example of late, it's come to my attention that although almost everyone likes Tom Baker out of the classic Doctors, both my IRL best friend and 11th Doctor actor Matt Smith prefer Patrick Troughton, while 10th Doctor actor David Tennant, my personal favorite as I said earlier, prefers Peter Davison and I even met a dude at a convention once whose favorite was the oft-maligned Colin Baker. So, I've been watching the other pre-Movie Doctors who aren't Tom Baker in an attempt to force myself to like one of them so I'll have an opinion that doesn't just go with the grain of what's popular, but I can't, I simply can't.
I feel like I'm obsessed with the idea of being different by way of having unusual opinions and interesting reasons for those opinions, but I never have any. Overall, I'd say that's what my problem is, the thing I'm writing about. The fact that I'm not different makes me feel like I'm not interesting, and that makes me feel just terrible.
What's the point of my life if I'm not interesting?
3 people like this.
tl;dr you aren't hipster enough. Shop at Hot Topic to get a good start
Like January 3, 2018
Bright Brave
I shop there. B3
Like March 16, 2018
Pfft being overly worried about ''mainstream'' stuff got old back in like 2013 when tumblr was just for hipsters, dont worry your opinions/interests are valid<3
Like January 3, 2018
Lana Avalon
My favorite new doctor is either Eccleston or Capaldi. I love their general attitudes.
Like March 16, 2018