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Nar Yakushi
by on October 18, 2024
Three figures stand before the doors to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The first is the royal jester, Pulsar, standing in the middle of the two doors. Behind him, Nar, and Amy stand in an embrace. A sinister, powerful, arcane energy radiates from within the throne room. It pulsates in rhythmic fashion, like a beating heart. He is expecting them. He will not allow them to leave of his own accord. They're going to have to fight their way to the exit, and Pulsar is going to help them do it.
Pulsar turns back towards the two, a grim expression on his face. "He is preparing a spell. One that could rend the very fabric of this plane. If it is completed, there's no telling what might happen. When the doors open, you need to formulate, and enact a plan, quickly. You won't have time to delay. I will do all I can to combat him, but my own magical capabilities are far surpassed by The King's." The couple nods to Pulsar, then turn back towards each other. Nar opens his mouth to speak, but Amy places a finger on his lips, silencing him. "I know what you're going to say, Nar. Don't worry. We're going to make it out of here." She leans in, and plants a kiss on his lips, then leans back again. "And when we do, we're going to celebrate with all the Shifty Sai's your stomach can handle." She grins mischievously, and Nar nods in response. The two then part their embrace, and take up positions next to each door. Pulsar nods to each of them, then turns towards the door. As he lifts his arms to push them open, the shadows covering half of his face dissipate. His half mask falls from his face, and shatters on the stone beneath him. He is no longer The Jester. He is free.
As Pulsar pushes the doors open, Nar looks into the throne room. It's at least 3 times the size it should be. A purple carpet runs down the middle of the throne room, with two sets of large pillars around 30 feet away from it on both sides. There's considerable distance between the pillars, but Nar figures they could use them as cover if they ran fast enogh between them. In the center of the throne room rests a large, ornate throne, with a single figure sitting upon it. The figure is that of King Borealis. However, his frame is thin, and frail. His fur is muted, and skin wrinkled. A menacing, purple glow radiates from his horn, and his eyes fill with a bright, white light. The orange light from the bell tower shines directly onto his chest, appearing to sear his flesh. His eyes appear to fixate on Pulsar as he steps into the throne room. Then, Nar spots their goal. At the very back of the throne room is a purple door, with a golden doorknob, and a symbol, shining on it's upper panel. That's their ticket out of here.
Nar looks to Amy, and motions towards the pillars. She nods in agreement, and the two prepare themselves. The King's voice booms like thunder, despite his mouth remaining closed.
Pulsar takes another step forward. His face slowly beginning to form a smile. "I swore an oath to the the crown. To uphold peace, prosperity, friendship, and harmony across the lands! One that YOU violated! One that YOU forced me to break!" A spell begins to form on his horn. "YOU betrayed the kingdom! YOU betrayed your subjects, whom trusted you to protect them! YOU betrayed your own family! " Nar nods to Amy, and the two enter the throne room. Both begin a sprint towards the closest pillar on their respective side of the throne room.
Bolts of arcane energy shoot out from King Borealis' horn, sailing wildly through the air. Nar manages to get behind the pillar, just as a bolt of energy crackles past it. Pulsar cackles as he continues to approach king Borealis. "I speak the truth! You, in your madness, abandoned the principals that which our kingdom was founded upon! You sentenced hundreds of thousands to a fate worse than death in your own mad delusions! Even your own children rose up against you!" Nar begins his sprint to the next pillar, as Pulsar throws his arms out wide. "And look how it all ended up! You slew your own family, and turned your most loyal advisor against you! Now, he stands before you, to end your madness for good!" King Borealis roars, and a beam of crackling, blue energy fires from his horn, aimed at Pulsar. He responds with a bright, orange beam of his own. It flashes like fire, then collides with King Borealis' beam, causing a bright flash that momentarily blinds those present.
Nar stumbles behind the second pillar, and takes a moment to collect himself. He peers out from behind the pillar to see Amy doing the same. He gives her a nod, and the two continue towards the next pillar.
The whole of the city begins to shake with the sheer arcane force being exerted upon it. Below, buildings begin to crumble, and the streets crack, and shift. The castle itself sees the most violent of the tremors, causing pieces of stone to fall from the ceiling of the throne room.
Nar's heart pounds as he runs past the next pillar. He does not stop this time, and neither does Amy. They can't afford to take cover behind them anymore. They don't have the time.
A bolt of energy crackles out from King Borealis' beam. Nar feels an intense shock shoot across his arm, and he stumbles to the ground behind the next pillar. His arm begins to pulse with surges of intense, searing pain, but he pushes himself back to his feet regardless. He can still run. That's all that matters.
Pulsar's beam begins to overpower King Borealis'. He steps forward as his beam surges, and King Borealis' lets out a frustrated roar. For a few moments, Nar begins to believe Pulsar might be able to actually beat The King. He sprints past the next pillar, finding himself over half of the way across the throne room now. The door is in sight. They're going to make it!
Pulsar's beam continues to overpower King Borealis', as Pulsar walks behind it. The beam reaches King Borealis' horn, and intersects with the beam from the bell tower. It flashes, and King Borealis roars in shock, and agony.
Nar passes the next pillar. Only two more now.
King Borealis roars in pain, and disbelief. How could his arcane might be so easily overpowered?! HE IS THE KING!
One more to go.
King Borealis' eyes spark with arcane energy. It begins to crackle out of his mouth as his voice booms across the whole of Canterlot.
Nar passes the final pillar, and finds Amy slightly ahead of him, as the two run towards the door. He looks over his shoulder to see King Borealis' power surge, and Pulsar's beam quickly overpowered. Pulsar's face turns from a wild grin, to an expression of shock. He locks eyes with Nar, just as Amy reaches the door, and grasps for the handle.
A shockwave erupts from King Borealis' horn, and Nar slams into the wall beside the door. Amy is smashed against the door, but manages to keep hold of the doorknob.
Amy turns the doorknob, and pulls with all of her might. The door swings open, and she reaches to grab Nar's hand.
King Borealis roars one final time. Energy crackles, and explodes.
Nar is thrown through the air as the castle crumbles around him. He reaches out as Amy flies through the air in front of him, but is just barely unable to grab hold. The two hurtle through the air as Canterlot crumbles around them, revealing nothing but black, empty void.
Post in: Lore
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