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by on January 30, 2025
(A Fire Emblem Awakening Reincarnation Story)
[font=Arial-BoldMT]A New Awakening. Chapter 1[/font]
Sil and Chrom ran through the darkened corridors of Plegia’s castle with the only light source being sparsely placed torches. Yet despite the darkness the duo knew almost exactly where they were going, “Come on Sil, we’re almost there” Chrom stated as they turned the corner and wound up in what appeared to be a grand hall. The hall had a ceiling that reached so high that it became invisible in the dim light, and there were columns spaced 10 feet apart that stretched into the darkness.
“Validar! You’ve lost, there’s nowhere left for you to run!” Sil shouted as she spotted the dark mage at the end of the room.
Validar chuckled “who’s running? I’ve got you right where I want you!” Suddenly a wall of baleful purple fire erupted around them, cutting off the two from their only exit. “Now the time has come, soon Grima will be revived and bring this world to its knees!” Sil and Chrom looked at each other with concern and determination before charging at Validar who responded by using his dark magic to attack the two swordsmen. Chrom managing to slice through a couple fireballs that were sent his way while Sil managed to barely dodge a bolt of lightning before the two cross cut Validar across the chest. Validar groaned as his left hand went to his chest as if to keep his heart from falling out, then as surprising to Chrom and Sil as it was, Validar started laughing. “Ha ha ha, you’re too late, my master has returned and he will destroy your world…” Validar coughed up blood before falling to his knees and collapsing to the floor. However just seconds later a dark cloud of purple and black smoke emerged from Validar’s body before enveloping Sil and seemingly vanishing.
“Sil are you alright?” Chrom asked looking at her with a worried expression.
Sil checked herself over before looking at him “Yes, I believe I am…” She began to say before she suddenly stabbed him through the chest with an electrical energy blade that was attached to her right hand, much to their utter shock. Just as Sil watches Chrom fall to the ground, the room goes black and a menacing laughter could be heard.
[font=Arial-ItalicMT]‘What was that? Was that a dream?’ [/font]Sil thought to herself as she laid under a tree in an open field, feeling the soft breeze roll across the field and over her body. [font=Arial-ItalicMT]‘This breeze feels nice, but.. I get the feeling something isn’t right here.. But what?’[/font] Sil asked herself before she heard the sounds of footsteps accompanied by the hoof falls of a horse.
“Brother, do you think she is alright?” A young girl's voice asked from nearby.
“Hmm perhaps, but this is a strange place for a nap.” An older man stated.
“We should at least check to see if she is hurt or not Frederick.” A younger sounding man said in response to both the girl and the older man.
“Hey? Are you ok? Can you hear me?” The girl asked as she gently nudged Sil to try and rouse her from her nap. Sil slowly opened her eyes to see the face of the girl standing over her, the girl’s appearance reminded her of a princess from an old fairytale, and next to her was a young man with unnaturally blue hair, both of them were smiling as they watched Sil begin to wake up. “Look, she’s awake, I think she’s ok.” The girl told her companions as the blue haired boy approached and held out his hand for Sil to grab. “Here, let me help you up.” he smiled
The thought [font=Arial-ItalicMT]‘did they say she?’[/font] went through Sil’s mind several times as she reached up to take his hand, taking notice of how her hand looked smaller than what it used to be. After she took his hand and he helped her up, Sil began to feel a strangeness with her body before taking a glance down only to be met with something she never thought she’d see. Sil was stunned at the sight of her body and that it was a woman's body. [font=Arial-ItalicMT]‘Holy shit!! What the hell is this!’[/font] Sil shouted in her head. She stood there in disbelief for a few seconds that seemed like time had completely stopped, the wind blew across the field again and Sil felt the mass of hair that was now on her own head, She reached up to see if it was real and found that it was extremely soft, had bits of grass stuck in it, and was white as a ghost.
“Uh..? Miss, are you alright?” The blue haired boy asked as he stared at me with his companions.
“Huh? Oh yes, sorry, I’m fine, just got a bit distracted with my nap.” Sil replied nervously as she  began to pick the bits of grass out of her hair. 
“Well that is good to hear, my name is Chrom and this is my sister Lissa and our loyal retainer Frederick.” Chrom stated before motioning to the girl and armored man on horseback that were with him.
“Nice to meet you Chrom, my name is Sil Vetya.” Sil said as she held out her hand, and to her surprise Chrom took it and shook it.
He smiled “perhaps you can help us? We were headed to a nearby town that's been attacked by bandits.” he asked with a cordial smile.
At the word ‘bandits’ Sil’s hand swiftly moved to the hilt of the sword that was hanging from her hip [font=Arial-ItalicMT]‘Huh? Must be some muscle memory from this body, I’ve never killed anyone before, but I feel like I must help.’ [/font]she thought “alright, I can offer my help, but I’m not sure how helpful I can be.” she admitted.
Chrom and Lissa smiled, while Frederick’s expression remained stoic before the trio began to head towards the village in question “so do you guys know why this group of bandits are attacking this particular village?” Sil asked curiously.
“Well that all depends on the village really.” Frederick answered. “But usually they attack to steal or slaughter” he added.
“Makes sense, the idiocy of bandits normally doesn’t need any explanation.” Sil replied, which got a nod of confirmation from the three of them. 
The four of them traveled for a good few miles and an hour of walking before they reached the entrance to the village “It seems very quiet here” Sil said, a tad bit surprised and confused.
“Yes, remember to keep your guard up, who knows where these low lifes are hiding.” Frederick stated as they entered the village, Sil looked around and was surprised to see a stone paved road leading from the village entrance all throughout the village. Chrom leads the group through the streets with his sword in hand, followed by Lissa and Frederick with their staff and spear respectively while Sil was still gazing at the level of crafting detail present in the village. Once the group got to the center of the town Sil saw a church that looked like it was carved from one enormous slab of marble, the church itself sat on a stone island in the middle of the canal that apparently went through the town as there were two bridges spanning the gaps between the two sides of the village and the church. Unfortunately Sil was drawn back into reality as they came across the group of bandits which only consisted of a small group of four men, two of which held a sword, one had an ax, and the other looked like a wizard.
In front of the church stood the ax man, wielding his rather large ax and standing within striking distance of a woman she could only assume was from the village who was on her knees. “Now I gave you all a chance to hand over your money and play nice, but you had to go and call for help, well I’m here to tell you wench, nobody is coming to save you!” The ax man shouted and laughed as he raised his weapon to bring it down on the poor woman.
“Not today you fiend!” Chrom shouted as he rushed in and managed to block the downward strike just before it would have split the poor lady’s head.
“My lord you came!” the lady and the other captured citizenry shouted in joy.
“Quick! Get everyone to safety while we take care of these bandits.” Chrom ordered as he kept the ax man distracted and Frederick worked on keeping the swordsmen at bay, leaving me with the wizard boy.
As she heard the commotion of the other battles going on in the background, her attention remained fixed on the wizard boy. “You think I’ll give you a chance to use that, you will fall by my hands, burnt to a crisp.” the wizard boy gloated as he aimed the palm of his right hand at Sil, who looked at him a tad bit confused as her hand gripped the hilt of her sword. “Fire!” was all he said before a large fireball forms in his hand and launches at her, She braces  for the impact and just seconds later gets hit with the fireball as it explodes and bathes her in a blast of fire. Sil emerged relatively unscathed, aside from some singed hair and slight burns on both her cloak and unprotected skin. [font=Arial-ItalicMT]“Well that was really surprising, I don’t know why I didn’t think there would be magic in this world, but it’s rather strange I got minimal injuries from that fireball, huh? I’ll have to look into it later.”[/font] She thought as the wizard boy readied another fireball attack. She saw the flame forming in his hand and watched it grow slowly as if time slowed down before she pulled out her sword, and in a quick fluid movement sprinted and severed his hand at the wrist.
“Wha…?! How did you…. gah! move so fast?!” he asked in confusion with pained grunts as he grabbed the bloody stump that used to be his hand.
“That’s something you will never find out..” Sil replied as her grip tightened on her sword ever so slightly before she rushed him and stabbed him through the chest, ending his miserable existence.
While Sil was busy with the wizard boy, Frederick had dispatched the two swordsmen with ease while protecting Lissa, and Chrom had nearly routed the bandit leader. “So the princeling actually has some grit to fight, I’m impressed, but that will not help you in the end!” The leader shouted before reaching behind his back and pulling out another ax and hurling it at Chrom who managed to just barely deflect it with his sword, and using this momentary distraction the bandit leader charged at Cbrom ready to strike him down.
“Chrom look out!” Sil called out as she ran in and managed to block the man's ax just in time to keep him from hurting Chrom, who in return removed the leader's head with one swift swing of his sword.
The bandits body fell to the ground in a bloody slump before Chrom sheathed his sword and looked at Sil. “Thank you Sil, you saved me.” He smiled at her.
Sil returned the smile “I only did what anyone else would have.” she replied while trying to remain humble. Later the group, along with help from the townsfolk cleaned up the mess left by the bandits, both before and after the group saved the town. Sil on the other hand began to feel nauseous as her adrenaline from the fight was wearing off and her mind started processing what had actually happened when she suddenly threw up on the spot. [font=Arial-ItalicMT]‘Oh my god, I actually killed somebody! Am I going to end up as a killer? Am I going to enjoy the thought of killing? Oh god I'm going to be sick!’[/font] Sil thought before throwing up again.
Lissa quickly ran over and held Sil’s twin tails out of the way as she began to rub her back in an attempt to comfort her. “Does it ever get any better with the thought of having taken a life, even if it’s in self defense?” Sil asked her while she was still hunched over with her hands on her knees.
Lissa shrugged before Chrom came over to check on her. “Unfortunately no, it never gets easier, you just learn to live with it as it makes you a better person.” Chrom replied.
“How does this make me a better person? I just killed a man, even though I was defending myself.” Sil replied
Chrom placed his hand on her shoulder after she got control of her stomach and stood up “Because it shows people that you are willing to protect those that can’t protect themselves, it shows that you are willing to do what’s right even if the path to it isn’t the best one.” He said with a reassuring smile, which despite the circumstances put her mind at ease a bit.
Post in: Lore
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