Friendship Letters
// This is a diary entry written in 1st-person perspective, it takes place after Moonrise is rejected from Celestia's School of Magic.
I have bad news. I knew this would be the outcome, but I'm still just so hurt. I really thought I'd be able to make it, that I could be the pegasus to master unicorn magic. It was always a stupid idea, I should've known that. I feel betrayed, really. Sunset promised me she wouldn't go to the school if I couldn't. Stars, that was a stupid idea too. Obviously an oh-so powerful unicorn like herself wouldn't be held back by a silly pegasus' dreams! Some sister she is. I don't need her, I don't need Celestia's stupid school either. I'll teach myself magic. I'll show those unicorns what real power looks like.
It's really no wonder that Nightmare Moon turned out the way she did, sisters are useless. Traitors to their own blood. Maybe Nightmare Moon isn't so bad. Has anyone ever thought about that? Maybe she was just hurt about being left behind too. Maybe we're one in the same.
She turned away from her sister and she gained even more power. I wonder if I could do the same?
I'll look farther into this and update later.
// Weeks after
I went to the library and did some research, there's a palace in Everfree. The sisters used to live there. Ponies have said that Nightmare Moon herself has been spotted there, though I doubt that considering her current state. I do wonder though, who's hanging around the sisters' palace? I plan fly there tonight and see. Maybe it's some sort of entity. I'll update more tonight once I get some good answers.
// The next morning
They've invited me to stay, I think I will, I haven't told Sunset where I'm going.
// Few days later
They've been teaching me things, how to use magic artefacts and brew potions. I am a follower of Nightmare Moon.
Post in: Lore
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