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Nar Yakushi
by on March 18, 2025
After their heartfelt crying session last night, Nar, and Aki have decided to have a little 'family day' today. Early this morning, the two took Cookie to get breakfast at Pancake Cabin, and have been doing family activities since then. The three have been having a wonderful time. At the moment, the three walk down the streets of Vanhoover, on their way to the park after a nice lunch at a local deli. Nar walks hand in hand with Aki, with Cookie in front of the two. Her little wings flap with excitement as she babbles about how she can't wait to feed the ducks at the park.
Nar feels Aki squeeze his hand tightly. He turns his attention from Cookie, up to Aki, only to see her staring ahead. He pace begins to slow, as if she doesn't want to go any further. Nar places a hand on Cookie's shoulder to stop her, then looks up to see what Aki is staring at. All he sees is a small crowd standing in front of a store. He can just barely make out a head of long, black hair with a bright sheen poking out in the middle. The head seems to turn in their direction, and then... The crowd parts.
Aki visibly shrinks beside her boyfriend. Nar heaves an annoyed groan in his own head, but outwardly, remains bright, and cheerful. Down the sidewalk strides a woman/mare with an appearance that rivaled the goddess Mandy Fullbright herself. Pink, knee high boots with fashionable straps, a sparkling white dress that had no sleeves, and left her sides bare, with a form fitting, glossy material that covered her stomach, back, and barely covered her important areas. She wore a pair of designer sunglasses, and a vibrant, pink lipstick that perfectly contrasted her shiny, black hair. As she approaches, Miki Inoue throws her arms open, a bright smile upon her face.
"Oh! Nar! It's good to see you again!" She tries to cup her hands to his cheeks, but Nar lifts his hand off of Cookie's shoulder to gently push one of them away. Miki gives a pouting frown, but quickly returns to a cheerful smile. "You never did send me a text, or a call." Nar keeps up the cheerful appearance, despite the anger welling inside him. "Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I left it on the table of the cafe, and the waiter took it. Probably thought it was trash." Miki then turns her attention to Aki. "Hello sis. How have you been?" She then switches to neighpanese. Her voice is still cheery, but the words are certainly not.
"Why is he still with you, hag? I thought he would have dumped you the moment I gave him my number. He can do so much better than you."
Rage. Nar can feel nothing but pure, unfiltered rage. He turns his head to Aki, as he feels her grip on his hand become shaky. She looks as though she's about to cry.
Enough is enough! Nar can't sit here and play dumb like he did before! He can't wait for the right moment to reveal himself anymore! He's not going to stand by, and let someone insult his girlfriend like this!
"Actually." Nar begins, voice still cheery, only barely containing his rage. He's speaking Equestrian, and not neighpanese. "I'm quite happy with our relationship. I think Aki is a wonderful partner, and I enjoy every second we get to spend together. Plus, I like the way she looks. I think she's very cute. She's very caring, and genuine too. Unlike a lot of people you meet these days." Miki DEFINITELY caught that jab at her in the end, but she doesn't let it show. He can see the shock in her eyes, as she realizes that Nar could understand her this whole time. "Oh! Well, I'm very happy for both of you!" Yeah, right. You vapid witch. Miki then looks to a fancy watch on her wrist. "Oh my! Would you look at the time! I should get going! I have a scene to shoot soon!" This time, there is no cutesy goodby. Miki simply turns, and heads back down the sidewalk, not even bothering to look back over her shoulder.
When Nar finally looks back to Aki, he can see her looking up at him with a blush across her face, and adoration in her eyes. She wraps herself around his arm, and does not let go for the remainder of their day out.
Later that night, as the couple lay in Nar's bed, watching a show on his computer, Aki looks up at Nar, a look of concern on her face. "Nar?" She barely squeaks the word out. "Yes, Purin?" Nar responds with one of the neighpanese themed nicknames he'd given her. "Why? Why didn't you just leave me for Miki?" Nar is unable to respond at first. He's in a bit of shock. Then, he remembers what she's told him of her childhood, and the question makes sense. Nar adopts a soft smile, and tone, as he pulls her close to him. "Because, I love you, Aki. Just because some pretty girl gave me her number doesn't mean I'll stop loving you. I can't think of anything that would make me stop loving you." Aki takes a breath, then words just start spilling out of her mouth. "But, she's prettier than me! More successful! She's popular, and always gets what she wants! She's better than me in every way..."
Nar gently strokes Aki's back, and kisses the top of her head.
"She's a vain, vapid bitch, who isn't interested in me as a person, at all. She's got a new boyfriend every week. She only wanted me because I'm with you. She only wanted me so she could flaunt me around, and hurt you. She'd just dump me after she got bored of making you suffer. Plus. You've got a lot of things she doesn't. For one, you're really smart, and you can put up with my crummy taste in anime, and music." At this, Aki lets out a small chuckle. Nar continues to gush to Aki about all the things he likes about her, only to be stopped when Aki presses her lips against his. When she pulls back, he can see an almost crazed look in her eyes. Her breath is hot, and heavy.
"Turn the TV off."
Nar obliges. He's never seen Aki like this before, and it's making Nar feel a way he hasn't felt since that first day he spent with Amy in Haven Hollow. Then, Nar's head softly thumps against his pillow, and he turns his room's lights off with his magic.
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