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Astral Empyrean
by on March 8, 2018
PERSONAL NOTE: Yes it is another Rainbow Dash OC... and inspiration is taken from the Season 5 Finale - The Cutie Re-Mark. But I wanted to embrace a new backstory. A new take on things. Please bear with my sub-par story telling, and punctuation in my rendition of this story. Cheers! And Enjoy! (Side note: always open to criticism!)
Mane/Tail: Rainbow Striped - Brilliant Amaranth, Brilliant Vermilion, Pale Light Greyish Olive, Moderate Harlequin, Moderate Cerulean, and Moderate Purple.
Coat: Pale, Light Greyish Cerulean
Eyes: Moderate Cerise
Cutie Mark: Red, Yellow, and Blue Lightning Bolt, Extending from small White Cloud.
Likes: Flying, Discipline, Friends, Family, Home
Dislikes: In-Subordination and Losing
Personality: fiercely loyal, highly competitive, and very self-confidant. Although, brash and mischievous. Enjoys a good book. Has adopted a disciplined military lifestyle.
Back Story:
I'm Fleet Admiral Dash, the highest ranking Commander of the Royal Equestrian Navy. I was raised in Cloudsdale, Equestria. Where I attended the Cloudsdale Jr. Flight School and Sr. Flight School. Upon graduation I moved to Ponyville, Equestria and befriended Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. A few years after this I befriended who is now known as Princess Twilight Sparkle. It is through this friendship I discovered I was one of the Elements of Harmony. I represent the Element of Loyalty. My loyalty runs so deep that I am unable to abandon my friends, family, or my subordinates. Even for my own heart's desire. Now fast forwarding a few years. I finally achieved my life long goal of joining the Wonderbolts, where I quickly(After a short "disciplinary probation") graduated the Wonder Bolts Flight Academy. I quickly fell in love with not only the fame of the Wonderbolts, but the co-ordination, the discipline, and the structure.
I began to wonder how much farther I could dive into this world. Within a few years I requested a transfer out of the Wonderbolts Air Corps and joined the Royal Equestrian Navy. Thanks to my extensive background protecting Equestria with my friends, I was granted the honor of attending the Royal Equestrian Naval Academy. I still regard it as the best educational experience of my life. After many years studying the art of naval warfare and effective command strategies, I graduated as the highest achieving officer in the history of the Naval Academy. And bestowed upon me by the Princess's of Equestria. I was given the rank of Rear Admiral of the Upper Half - Commander of the Eastern Fleet. Over the course of 15 years I proved my prowess a world class naval commander. Quickly moving through the ranks and levels of command, until I finally was granted the rank of Fleet Admiral, upon the retiring of one of my mentors, Rouge Wave. Even though I dedicated a large portion of my life to the navy, I was always there to help my friends in times of need.
My friends and I have faced down and stood strong in the face of all evils that have fallen upon this great Equestrian Nation. Unfortunately enemies change... Equestria is at war. Sombra was never truly defeated. His physical being was destroyed and what was left of his essence was banished into the depths of the ice surrounding the Crystal Empire. We thought upon this "demise" that we had won. But we were sorely mistaken. King Sombra regained his power and re-manifested himself into his physical form. He lurked in the shadows silently preying upon and enslaving the citizens of the Crystal Empire. He slowly amassed his brainwashed, and controlled minions until the time was right. Upon Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor's leave of the Crystal Empire on diplomatic business in Yak-Yakistan, Sombra launched an all out offensive for the Crystal Heart. Needless to say... He won. Emergency notice of the situation was sent to Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, that their city had fallen under-siege of Sombra's renewed forces. And by order of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor returned to the safe haven of the Royal City of Canterlot. It wasn't long before the entirety of the Crystal Empire fell enslaved to King Sombra's Regime. All resistance groups were quickly and systematically enslaved or killed. By this time Equestria had drafted a formal declaration of war. All able bodied ponies were quickly drafted into various branches of the armed forces... Even my friends.
As the war rages on my friends and I plotted and surveyed for days on end. At first we thought it might be possible to infiltrate the Crystal Empire and destroy Sombra with the Elements of Harmony from behind enemy lines. But Sombra was no fool. He had created a systematic defense designed to prevent the elements and their bearers from getting behind his lines. Everything from magic fail safes and early warning systems, to magical barriers that one could only pass through undetected if they were en-slaved by Sombra's magic. It was quickly determined that the Elements of Harmony and its bearers being myself and my friends were of massive tactical significance, and could not be lost under any circumstance, especially the Alicorn Princess of Friendship. It was at this time that my friends were quickly advanced into the highest ranking command positions of the Equestrian Military. Apple Jack was assigned as the Commander of the Equestrian Armored Corps. Pinkie Pie was placed in command of the nations super weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Rarity was assigned to the experimental Laser Weapons Corps, that uses magic energy focused through gems to create beam weapons. Fluttershy was given command of the Royal Equestrian Artillery Corps. Naturally, Fluttershy was not fit for the front lines. But we were suprised when we quickly discovered that she was a ruthlessly efficient artillery commander. And finally Twilight... As a Princess. Twilight oversee's the entire war effort with the rest of the Princesses. Naturally, being the genius she is. She analyzes all the intel and details of the war effort to strategically place our forces.
We hope that someday the bloodshed will end, that our fellow Equestrians, that are being mind controlled will be free. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. The violence goes on. Though at times, I feel emotions of rage, nausea, and sadness. Because I can't do what years of training and learning as a commander have taught me. By order of the Princesses, the Elements of Harmony, The "Mane Six" may never leave the borders of Equestria because we are to valuable to lose. These deep and powerful feelings that course through me take their toll. I'm a commander, I'm supposed to be plowing all ahead full into combat at the helm of Equestria's Flagship Aircraft Carrier, RES. Celestia. Motivating my sailors and airmen, boosting their moral by doing something I would never tell them to do with out doing myself. But this is not the case. Our flagship and the rest of its protective strike group sit here idle, protecting home port. Though my feelings run rampant at night when I lay down, there is one thing I can assure my friends and enemy alike. We will continue tirelessly until we attain victory. We will not stop our attacks, we will not cease our Air, Artillery, Tank, Missile, Infantry, and Seaborne attacks until we attain victory. After all...
We are at war.
3 people like this.
Adrian Coalhopper
Doesn't a fleet admiral have 5 stars?
Like March 8, 2018
Astral Empyrean
Unfortunately, I cannot find any images that appropriately fit the needs of my character. But, yes. You are correct.
Like March 8, 2018
Astral Empyrean
Yep, I've got Chain Link here to thank for his amazing work. :D
Like March 10, 2018
Daddy Cambia
Like March 8, 2018
View 7 more replies
Astral Empyrean
Clever, but I don't think they will go for it...
Like March 8, 2018
Daddy Cambia
You'll see
Like March 8, 2018
Votes are in. The boat must be named Cambia McCambiaface
Like March 8, 2018
Monarch Masquerade
Wow that's pretty cool.
Like March 8, 2018
did you draw that?
Like April 15, 2019
Astral Empyrean
An acquaintance here on CA made it for me a while back.
Like April 15, 2019 Edited