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Meteor Strike
by on March 25, 2018
Its a beautiful night in equestria. Ponys are getting ready to go to bed and some went to work having a night shift spike is however awake reading comics and is pass his bed time
Spike) Picked a comic about space and and aliens. He is quite interested as his eyes are quite glued to it "ooooh"...
Twilight: Was walking down the hallway of her castle. The tired mare gave off a yawn and noticed the light coming from Spike's room. Opening the door to his room he called out to him
"Spike? Are you still up reading those comic books again?"
Spike) jumps in surpised seeing her and hides the comic books under his bed "n-no i'm n-not!
Twilight: Looks at the little dragon with an unamused expression on her face and shakes her head
"Come one, Spike. You know it's pass your bedtime. Plus we need to be up early for some spring cleaning around the castle."
Shuts off the light and goes to the window to close the drapes
Spike) rolling his eyes Sighing and lays down annoyed "ugh!..ok ok...."
A sudden loud boom equivilant to the sound of a rainboom is heard and a unknown force hits the castle grazing one of the towers and flys past rarity's boutiqe and past fluttershy's cottage and straight into everfree forest causeing a small shake
Spike)jumps in shock from the sudden force "wh-whoa! W-what is that?!"
Twilight: The loud trembling sound had made her jump and immediately she pulls back the drapes to see out the window to where there's a view of the Everfree Forest
"What in Celestia had just happened?!"
Spike) "ALIENS" runs in a circle arms in the air panicing
Twilight: "Spike! Calm down! I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for what had just happened. Although... it would he fascinating if we did get a visit from extraterrestrial life."
Spike) "We're gonna get probed and disected!"
Twilight: "Please, Spike. If they were to do that, they would have at least abducted some ponies first. And by the looks of it, they seemed to have crash landed. Th-that's not to say we really are being visited by aliens, but... it would be fascinating if it were..."
Rubs her chin contemplatingly
Spike) still shaking at the thought of an alien invasion
Twilight: "We'll never know unless we go see for ourselves. You can come if you want. Ah and don't worry. I'll protect you if they come blasting their "deadly ray guns" at us."
Was making her way out of Spike's room
Spike) "f-fine! I'm not scared! Infact! I-i'll protect you!" runs following her sheepishly still shaking
Meanwhile while Spike and Twilight were talking and before walking to the crash site Fluttershy and Rarity are talking in the cottage about "fashion" on some animals for a show
Fluttershy: Had set down a tray with a tea pot and two cups of tea for the both of them at the living room table
"I was thinking just how cute it would be if Angel Bunny wore a tuxedo. I think he would look just precious in it!"
Angel) !!! looks at fluttershy and shakes his head obviously not wanting too
Rarity) "Fluttershy please, it would help greatly if you could tell angel to go through with this."
Fluttershy: "Oh what do you think, Angel? You'd look sooo cute and handsome in it."
She squeed in delight as she looked over the disagreeing bunny
Angel) waves his little paws in disagreement sweating while shaking his head
The loud boom can be heard and the lights turn off and on briefly from the force that landed in everfree
Angel)!!! took this distraction as a time to escape the torture that might happen in his perspective and hops through a open window seeing the smoke he curiously then hops that direction
Rarity) She gasps in shock at the sudden loud BOOM out of nowhere, throwing her off her footing and tumbling over. "Goodness gracious! What in Equestria was that?!"
Fluttershy: Had let out a squeak in shock and had flown a few feet off the ground before landing back onto her couch
"Oh goodness! I h-have no idea. Huh? Angel? Where are you going?"
Had noticed at the last second, Angel Bunny making his escape out through the backyard door
Animal start panicing from the affects of the boom outside and small creatures fly to their bird houses and some medium sized creatures hide in fluttershy's house
Rarity) "Never in my life have I heard of such an explosion. Wait... where is Angel?" She remarks as she gets back up on her hooves, turning her gaze about to see where the bunny has gone
Fluttershy: Looks about in shock at the creatures fleeing into her home
"I-it's gotten all the animals in a panic. And Angel has ran outside!"
Had jumped off from her couch to chase after the bunny
Fluttershy: Had stepped out onto her backyard and looked out in the Everfree Forest. She saw just a brief glimpse of her little bunny hopping away into the dark forest
"Angel! Come back! It's not safe in there!"
With reluctanse, she hurries to go retrieve Angel into the entrance of the Everfree Forest
something mysterous is flying above but nopony can see it as its also going to the crashsite
Angel)finds the crashsite stopping seeing it
there is a medium sized crater next to a pond with a metalic sphere in the middle having what seems to be a sun symbol on it. It is covered in dirt and dust but still seems to be drawin heat
Angel)approaches slowly to the sphere but carefully as his nose twitch
Fluttershy: Had caught up to Angel and went up from behind him as quick as she could before scooping him up in her hoof
"Oh thank, Celestia I found you. Please don't you run off into danger like that again. Now let's get you back ho-..."
She had been so concerned with her Angel Bunny's safety that she had just now drawn her attention towards the large sphere before her
Rarity: She had only just caught up to Fluttershy after a brief moment, trotting gracefully so as to not get nature upon her
"Fluttershy! You found Angel, oh thank heavens. But what in the name of Celestia is going on here? Is this perhaps what that explosion was earlier? "
Stares in confusion at the mysterious object cratered in the ground.
An unknown entity drops 5 dark figures nearby as they land they run to the crash site fast and roars and screeches be heard coming in closer.
Rarity: Had jumped in shock at the sound, freezing on a hoof for her front and back as she slowly directed her gaze towards the sound.
"W-W-What was that?"
Fluttershy: "EEEEP! I d-d-dont know..."
She held Angel close and tightly to her chest and stepped back closer to Rarity, quaking in fear from the terrifying noises
Angel )hides in shys arms scared and shaking
One of the figures jumped on the sphere in front of them crouched and lets out a mighty viscous roar scaring the mares with it's fearsome presence.
Rarity: Frozen in fear, she grabbed a hold of Fluttershy tightly and watched on with wide eyes but shrunken pupils at the silhouetted figures.
Fluttershy: Held on to Rarity as well with her free hoof staring in fear at the unknown beast roaring before them. She let out a terrified shriek
Creature 1) growls and lets out a commanding screech
Creature 2) grabs raritys tail, coming from the shadows dangling her by the tail
Creature 3)jumps out of of the tree's tackling fluttershy pinning her down having its paw on her head
Angel) falls out if shys hoof and runs to protect her "!!!"
Creature 4)grabs angel by the ears lifting him up "ooh...tasty...heheh..." licks its own black drooling maw looking at Angel with hunger.
Rarity: "Hnnnn-NNGH! Unhand us you foul creatures! This is ruining my complexion!"
Fluttershy: Grunted in pain upon being forced to the ground. She trembled and whimpered in fear with tears in her eyes
"Nooo! P-p-please! D-d-d-dont h-hurt us!"
Creature 2)ponys?!
Creature 3) "can we eat them?!"
Creature 4)looking at angel "yes...can we?!"
Creature 1) "no! You nincampoops! We have a job to catch the Alidonian!...but save them...we could use the snack for later...."
These creatures are taller than big mac, their scales are sharp and jet black and their eyes glow a terrifying purple and their teeth is full of purple drool
Creature 1) jumps down in front of the sphere extending his claws " ready....."
Rarity: "I do NOT consider myself to be a succulent meal for you horrid evil creatures! Release us this instant!"
Fluttershy: Struggled and squirmed giving off scared cries
"P-p-please! L-let us go!"
Creatures 2) "we'll release you after we eat you, deal?"
Creature 1) "SILENCE!"
Creature 1) he peeks in what seems to be a window and chuckles turning around "heheh....I think our job is much easier now that he's de- GAAAHHH!!!" he gets impaled through the Back from within the pod as a red construct of a blade can be seen penetrating through him
Creature 2) " oh crap"!
Creature 3) jumps in surprised seeing his commander getting killed "HES ALIVE"
creature 4) backs away hiding behind his comrades clearly more of a coward than his allies
Fluttershy: From where she was pinned, she remained still just as she witnessed the creature getting stabbed. She wasn't sure what was going on, but it seemed to be scaring the monsters around her
Rarity: She squeeled in shock and covered her gaze upon the fighting, hoping not to get any of the monster's excretions onto herself.
Creature 1) drops to the floor becoming motionless as his purple innards leak out
the sphere reveals a door hatch as it then open as a armored stallion like figure walks out his helmet's visor glows red. A red gem in the chest of his armor pulsates as his gauntlet is projecting the red blade that slain the creature
???) sees the 2 mares and the innocent creature in danger he gets in combat stance
creature 2 and creature 3 drop rarity and fluttershy and they lash out at the armored stallion with primal rage
Creature 4) "you fools! you'll ge t killed!!!"
Creature 2) "your gonna die Alidonian!" swings his left claws at him with force
???)quickly blocks the swipe then retaliates grabbing his arm and throwing him at a tree knocking him out for the time being
Creature 3)tackles the armored pony To the ground and swipes his claws and trys biting snarling at him as he thinks he has the advantage
???)blocking with his gauntlets he uses what appears to be 3 tails to grab the creatures neck and head to snap its neck quickly as its bones snapping can be heard echoing through the forest crash site
Creature 3) squeals from the sudden pain and embrace of death and falls on its side lifeless.
???) he gets up quickly running between the 2 mares facing the fourth creature and his gauntlet projecting what seems to be a range projectile weapon
Creature 4) "nuh uh! I got the critter! You wouldn't hurt an inncocent animal would you?!" uses angel as a shield
Angel)struggles to get free squeaking
???) stayed silent standing still
Creature 4) laughing malicously holding angel in his talons "only if this thing isnt so dangerous! HAHAHA"
Angel) uses his tiny paws grabbing the thumb of the creature and lifts him self up biting his hand hard
Creature 4) screams in pain and throwing angel in the air "AHHHH YOU LITTLE FLU-" gets his head blasted apart by the magic blast of the projectile construct
???)"!!!" catches angel with his 3 tails softly and quickly, he looks down at him with his glowing red visor making sure he's okay
Angel)shaking in fear curled up then looks at the armored stallion scared
???) looks at fluttershy walking to her slowly holding angel gently and softly with his tails
Fluttershy: Was still shaking at this point from what had happened. She looked up at the almost scary and intimidating armored pony. This... pony seemed to have save them from the looks of it. She still however felt intimidated from the armor this pony had on
Rarity: Amongst the commotion and fighting, she had passed out over the sight of certain... questionable things. Though ironically in a pose that had her hoof over her forehead.
???) looks at angel then back at fluttershy giving the little bunny to her presuming its his owner
Angel)hops to fluttershy's arms shaking and scared
Fluttershy: Held on to Angel right as he jumped onto her. She looks down making sure Angel is unharmed then back up at the steel clad pony
"Th-thank... you..."
???) he looks at her soft eyes and nods at her
Creature 2) awaken from his brief K.O he's then seen running at the armored pony from the side pounceing roaring loudly
???) looks at its direction of the beast and gets tackled into the murky pond
the armored pony and the creature both sink into the bottom showing no clear sign of either of them as the water leaves small tremor and bubbles
Fluttershy: Had bolted back up on her hooves while holding Angel right as the creature had tackled the armored pony. She had watched as they sunk to the bottom of the pond then turned her attention to her fainted friend, Rarity. She rushed to her side nudging at her lightly with a hoof
"Rarity? Oh please wake up. I think we need to get going!"
a familar voice can be heard as spike and twlight are nearby and finally reached the site
Spike) Fluttershy! You ok- RARITY! he then runs over to Rarity scared that she might be hurt
Twilight: Had arrived on the scene and looked in disbelief at bodies of the black reptile-like creatures as well as the round crash landed aircraft
"Fluttershy... what happened here?"
Fluttershy: "Oh Twilight! It's such a relief to see you both here. I may have to explain everything later. Help me carry Rarity. I think she may have fainted from all this."
Spike) "Told you they came her to probe us!" turns to twilight with a smug look
Rarity: In a rush of consciousness, she woke back up yelling in a baffled tone, quickly sitting up and looking around erratically in all directions for the creatures that had held her, Fluttershy and Angel hostage.
"Aaaah! Aaah! Aah.. uh... Twilight? Spike?"
Spike) "oh! Shes awake!" he jumps excitedly and in relief
in the shadows on one of the tree's the fifth creature was watching. It snorts and silently went into the darkness to escape and clearly awaits to call others as it might need back up
Rarity: "Oh Spike it was absolutely horrible! There were these evil creatures, and they held us hostage! Then... um... well I seemed to have forgotten the rest." Turns her attention to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, are you alright? What happened to the creatures?"
Spike)"u-uh.."looks at the corpses dead?
Fluttershy: Embraces Rarity with her free hoof
"Oh, Rarity! Did you see it? There was some kind of pony wearing armor. And its eyes were glowing red. It just killed those scary creatures. Right as I thanked them, he was attacked and dragged to the bottom of that pond I think."
Spike) walks to the pond as nothing but some bubbles and tremors from the splash of the 2 figures going into the water "woah...i wonder what he loo-
a severed head of the second creature gets thrown out of the water landing on raritys white coat and bouncing off.
Spike) "AAAAHHHHHHH" runs away screaming in fear
Twilight: Pulls on Spike's tail with her magic dragging him back beside her
"Easy, Spike! Don't go running off by yourself. These... reptile creatures could still be around. Speaking of which, I have never seen anything like them. Could they really be from outer space?"
Rarity: "Eeeee! ohh the putrid horrifying smell has ruined my most elegant coat! It'll take DAYS to clean it off!" Panics on the spot.
???) his Metal covered hoof pops out of the water and touched the grass in front of them climbing out of the water panting and has a bite mark on the lefr fore leg bleeding a blue colored blood and dripping wet from the pond panting silently as his visor glows in the darkness and the fire of the spacecraft shine on his armor
Spike)points at the armored stallion screaming "AAAAHHHH THE ALIEN!"
Twilight: "Stay back! This one might not come in peace either!"
Her horn glowed with a vibrant purple aura while she got into a defensive stance
Fluttershy: "Twilight! Wait! Th-that's the armored pony I was telling you about!"
Got between Twilight and the steel stallion
???)he takes this time as a distraction tapping the pod quickly like theres a button and flys off fast into the clouds of night as the pod then melts into paste slowy like a self destruct mechinism
Spike) his eyes widen and his mouth open in awe "woah"...
Rarity: Can only watch in surprise as the mysteriously armored being shoots off into the sky. "Who ever he was, he must be from a different world."
Spike) "he was gonna blast us!"
Twilight: "No doubt he must be from another planet. I've never seen that sort of armor. But did he really save you two from those monsters, Fluttershy?"
Fluttershy: "I'm almost positive he was saving us. I nearly saw it all with my own eyes. He even retrieved Angel Bunny back for me. Maybe he flew off to hide."
Angel)looks up at shy then twilight
Spike) "maybe he shot a mind control ray at fluttershy"!
Twilight: "Let's not go jumping to conclusions now, Spike. She could be right after all. If he really wanted to attack us, he probably would have done so. Either way, I wish I'd have gotten to ask him some questions."
Rarity: "What we saw tonight was something not many ponies could ever see. Sure they may believe the loud noise being a meteor crash, but the stallion in armor?"
Spike) "twilight, do we cover this up and keep it secret?" he turns to her
Rarity: Raises a hoof "If I may be so bold as to suggest something, I believe that if we announced this to Ponyville it will cause a most hideous uproar upon the public.
Rarity: Perhaps we 'should' keep this to ourselves, with the exception being Applejack and Rainbow Dash."
Spike) "y-yah! What rarity said!'
Twilight: "It probably would be best to just keep this between ourselves. The public really wouldn't be ready to hear of aliens arriving at Equestria just yet."
Spike) "do you agree too fluttershy?"
Fluttershy: "I... I think it would be best. I'm already very scared myself just knowing about this. Almost makes me wish somepony would wipe my memory with just a flash of light and tell me none of this happened."
Twilight: "If only it were that easy. It's okay, Fluttershy. You're not the only one feeling scared. Anyway, let's get out of here. I'm starting to get the chills."
Spike) "can we bring a souvinir!?" he picks up a severed head and plays with its mouth "roar roar"
Twilight: "That's gross! You don't know where that mouth has been. However... this head could make for some interesting research."
Snatching the disembodied head with her magic, she teleports it back to her castle
Spike) "oooh! This one is the most intact!" pokes the one thats been stabbed near the sphere
Twilight: "Aah! Another speciment to add. These aliens will be quite fascinating to look into."
Had teleported that one away as well. She would leave it in the lab part of her castle
Fluttershy: "Y-yes... could we get going now please?"
Twilight:" Right right! Let's go back home. Though I don't think I'll be able to sleep with what we discovered."
Had begun her walk out of the forest with the group
Rarity: Takes a relieving sigh, knowing it's all over. "Oh by Celestia's glowing sun did I not expect tonight to turn out this way."
Rarity: "Fluttershy, may I have a rest at your home? It is rather late after all and I dread to walk back to my boutique in this covered filled mess I am in. Looks at myself drenched in a disgusting putried liquid."
Fluttershy: "Why of course. Not to mention, I could use some company after that terrifying experience. I'll even let you wash up in my shower."
Rarity: "Oh bless thee, Fluttershy. Though I don't think a single shower is going to remove this stench. Shall we? Starts heading back to her cottage."
Fluttershy: With a light smile and a nod, she walks Rarity to her cottage. Just as they exit the forest and near the cottage, she looks over to Twilight
"I'll see you tomorrow, Twilight. Do be safe".
Twilight: "Thanks. And to you both as well. Come on, Spike. I believe it's way past someone's bedtime."
Spike)"aww..i was hoping to stay up".... He Looks down dissapointed that he wont stay up and look at the alien corpses more
Somewhere else the armored stallion is on a cliff seeing the ponyville view as he is treating his wound as he then turns on a device.
???) "Audio Log 01....I crashed landed on a new planet where the natives look like my own kind....I was followed by the Shadowlings but I believed I managed to kill their mission now is to somehow set up a temporary....home....then find my sister's pod...."
???) "The air seems to be breathable accoarding to the scannings...yet this planet's gravity seemed to be much lighter...I suppose that explained my faster movement speed..."
the night's moon glistens on his armor and the wind blows a sudden poster near the armored stallions hooves when he gaze on it he see's a poster for anypony to take on the wonderbolts fastest flyer....Rainbow Dash, whoever manages to best her will win enough bits to live in either clouds dale or ponyville
???) he chuckles to himself "think i found a solution to the first part of the plan" his audio then ends
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Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
I really like it. I think its pretty cool.
Like March 25, 2018
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
Keep it up!
Like March 25, 2018
Meteor Strike
thank you! I hope to continue this series and post it online for fellow bronies and pegasisters to see!
Like March 25, 2018
Slurpee Hooves
This is very bizarrely formatted. The character name followed by colon thing implies it's supposed to be read as a script or play rather than a book, which is fine, but then the stage directions are written like lines the narrator of a book would say.
Like March 25, 2018
Meteor Strike
yaaaah ^^'
Like March 25, 2018
Meteor Strike
The script style is made to make it easier so i guess this would be...Scriptfiction? XD
Like March 25, 2018
Meteor Strike
im actually gonna rewrite to be more like a book like
Like March 25, 2018