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Daddy Cambia
by on June 4, 2018
Hi there folks, retreat to your shelters and prepare for the apocalypse, because Cambia has something serious to talk about today.
I know many folks on here have an interest in tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, as well as the wide variety of other games on offer. Though, often we don't have people to play with, or simply don't have someone experienced to run the game for us and our friends. We might even be experienced but struggling to find similarly experienced GM's to offer us a challenge! In lieu of this, I am here to announce my venture as a commissionable Games Master, for a reasonable price you can participate in one of my menagerie of games, I can provide games to join for individuals, or GM services for groups with very flexible hours and game times.
I have experience running a variety of Dungeons and Dragons games, as well as games in the Warhammer 40k Universe such as Rogue Trader or Only War, and potentially many others from my tabletop library. I've well over 5 years of play under my belt and thousands of hours of map-making and storytelling behind me. Not sure what to play? That's okay! You can talk it through with me and we'll see what you'll enjoy.
For anyone interested in exploring the fantastic world of tabletop gaming through adventures hand-written by yours truly, feel free to PM me on CA, or contact me through skype and discord, and be sure to state the reason for your contact as soon as you get in touch :
Skype - babeburned (Daddy Smudges)
Discord - Sargent Smudges#9416
- Payments are negotiable depending on circumstance, and prices are subject to change. The standard game is a 4-hour long session through Skype, Discord or the Online Tabletop Roll20. Other systems such as Tabletop Simulator are being considered but currently are not available. -
Topics: 9416
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Nebula Gaze
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Like June 4, 2018