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by on August 5, 2018
Basic Information
Art: Jay-Kuro
Relations (Friends, Family, etc):
-Mother: ???
-Father: ???
-Friends: Puff Piece
-Other Relations: ???
Place of Residence:
General Appearance
Art: Its Malicious
Dark grey coat with white markings over a purple gradient over his back. White mane and chest. Green eyes, silver beak, lion paws, and blue back hooves. Unicornic white tail, black wings with purple secondary feathers and blue primary feathers.
Cutie Mark:
Knowledge of history and historical events.
Magical Abilities:
Character Traits
Art: Its Malicious
Calm, cautious, kind
Good listener, enthusiastic about explaining what he likes.
Can be over protective, sometimes judgmental of those he doesn't know
Art: BlackRuneWarlock
Born and raised in Griffonstone, Harpocrates resides in the Griffonstone library among his books and trinkets of war. Born to a griffon mother and an Equine father, Harpocrates was loved and raised by his mother. His father however, was not in the picture. The child was conceived from a failed relationship between his mother and a pony from the Equestrian lands. Regardless, Harpocrates grew up happily without a father figure in his life. Currently he is 27 years old.
Harpocrates is a dark grey equine/griffon hybrid with lion paws as his front legs and hind horse legs. He has large wings with purple covets and blue primary and secondary feathers. The creature has a string of a white, curling design going from his neck, down his back, to his flank. A hazy, gradient purple adorns his back and compliments his blue hooves, silver beak, and white mane.
Harpocrates is a strong creature with equally strong wings. His broad wingspan and strong wing muscles allow him to carry heavy loads in flight, and he is known to travel long distances.
The griffon creature is known to be quiet at most times, and seems to be the strong, silent type. He is very caring towards those he loves, and treats ponies close to him with strong affection. The bird will not hesitate to defend somepony he cares about, resulting in raised hackles, flexing claws, extended wings, and bristled fur. He’s a very patient individual, as well as calm.
“Harpy” as he is called by some (his mother and his Special Some Pony) has an interest in wars, as well as mystery novels and fantasy books. He spent much of his childhood reading in the living room with his mother happily curled up by her side, reading Harry Trotter and Sherlock Hooves to her.
His interest in wars arose when his class took a field trip of sorts to the local history museum in Griffonstone. After seeing the scrolls with battle plans, the weapons, and the armor, Harpocrates kindled a desire to collect bits of history. His collection now includes wing-mounted blades of Pegasi, bladed gauntlets belonging to Earth Ponies, and horn-mounted blades belonging to Unicorns. He also owns a mask used by an enslaved Crystal Pony from the Crystal War, spears from the Discordian Era used against Discord, and even a small collection relics from the Wendigo Era. These ranged from body harnesses, horn caps, and wing harnesses, to spells used by one race against another. He keeps these items for display as a reminder of the past, so that it (hopefully) will not happen again.
Along with war relics, the griffon/equine hybrid is a strong believer in crystal meditation. He owns a variety of crystals from the Crystal Empire, and uses them for spiritual and healing beliefs and rituals. The winged creature is very private about this collection and interest, though. One of his favorite pieces he owns is a cluster of pyrite cubes, otherwise known as “fool’s gold”. He obtains his crystals from a Unicorn in Canterlot.
Currently, the griffon/pony hybrid is in a relationship with his significant other, Puff Piece, an Earth Pony reporter from Equestria (owned by Alto Stratus). They first met when she was jumping on rooftops chasing after a police chase, and slipped, leading to him flying to catch her. She has a pension for getting into trouble and dangerous situations, which he constantly has to save her from. For the longest time, the two had not met outside of his heroic encounters, until she came to the library looking for some information on some treasure hunters she was doing a story on, and finally saw her superhero snout to beak. The two bonded over their love of war relics, crime and mystery novels, and writing. She currently stays in the library with him.
Art: EmbersLament
"Harpocrates (Ancient Greek: Ἁρποκράτης) was the god of silence, secrets and confidentiality in the Hellenistic religion developed in Ptolemaic Alexandria (and also an embodiment of hope, according to Plutarch)."
"In this way Harpocrates, the child Horus, personifies the newborn sun each day, the first strength of the winter sun, and also the image of early vegetation. Egyptian statues represent the child Horus, pictured as a naked boy with his finger on his chin with the fingertip just below the lips of his mouth, a realization of the hieroglyph for "child" that is unrelated to the Greco-Roman and modern gesture for "silence". Misunderstanding this sign, the later Greeks and Roman poets made Harpocrates the god of silence and secrecy, taking their cue from Marcus Terentius Varro, who asserted in De lingua Latina of Caelum (Sky) and Terra (Earth)."
8 people like this.
Bright Brave
Like August 5, 2018
Like August 5, 2018
Baron Redpath
Damn I really love the design of your char
Like August 5, 2018
Thank you! He was designed by ItsMalicious on DeviantArt.
Like August 5, 2018
beautiful das ist beautiful
Like August 5, 2018
Thank you!
Like August 5, 2018