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Java Tales
by on August 11, 2018
The earth pony Java Tales was sitting at his favourite cafe in Canterlot, staring at a blank scroll. His eyes were vaguely glazed and unfocused as he tried to come up with something to write. After several minutes, he laid his head on the table.
"This is hopeless," he said aloud to himself, "I've not had a good idea in ages. I think my muse is cheating on me." The comment drew a few looks from surrounding ponies, most questioning and curious, and he distinctly heard someone giggle. He hadn't realized he was speaking out loud and felt mildly embarrassed.
He finished his coffee, collected his things, and went to leave. At the door, he was nearly knocked over by a blue pegasus with rainbow hair. "Uh, sorry," he muttered, but she was already at the counter. As he watched, another voice came from behind him.
"Sorry about mah friend. She's got it in her mind that y'all Canterlot folk are a bit uptight, and it's her job tuh loosen y'all up." His head swivelled around, coming eye to eye with a rustic looking mare. He gave an awkward smile. "No harm was done, and to be honest, some ponies are a bit rigid, but the same can be said for any place."
The mare sighed. "That's what I told her, but she ain't listening to me. Ah'm gettin' tired of being kicked out of places fer her attitude." He gave a questioning look, and replied, "Then find something else to do." She shook her head. "Sound as that is, she's mah friend, and ah promised to spend th' day with her. Wouldn't be very polite of me tah break mah promise, would it?"
Java could only shake his head. "That’s very true. Hopefully, she settles down eventually so you can sit still long enough to enjoy some hospitality." With that, he left the cafe, and as he walked away, he winced as he heard a fight break out. He gave a small sigh and headed toward the castle to poke around the library. There was bound to be something inspiring there.
Being surrounded by books made him feel at ease; each story was a new world just waiting to be explored. I wandered around the aisles aimlessly, looking at the various titles, from books on magic and its uses to fairy tales and fables. He finally gave up, slumping at one of the central tables.
“This is getting pathetic. I’m a writer with nothing to write about.” He heard the click of hooves as someone entered the library. It wasn’t uncommon, as a good many ponies liked to read, and the princesses made it available for anypony with a hunger for knowledge. Princess Luna even added all the books she had collected when she was younger.
The seat beside him moved, and a purple unicorn sat beside him. “Hi there. The princess wanted me to come to keep you company. I’m Twilight.” He lifted his head, looking her over, mind taking a moment to catch up. “Wait… Twilight? As in, Twilight Sparkle?”
She smiled and nodded. Java was speechless. Princess Celestia sent her personal student to meet with him, but why? “Uh, thanks. I’m Java. It’s nice to meet you, Miss Sparkle.” She inclined her head. “I know who you are; a few of your books are in my library back home in Ponyville.” He blushed hotly, stammering, “Y-you’ve read my books?”
“A couple of them. I’ve noticed they tend to be short stories, mostly.” Her observation was indeed correct; he had trouble maintaining a plot long enough to hold the stories together. A failing he’d always been a little sensitive about.
“The way I write is a bit difficult. I tend to take a back seat to the characters, basically writing the events the way they witness them,” he said, his ears folding back in embarrassment. She gave him a questioning look. “The characters write the story? That’s an odd way to put it.”
He looked down at the table. “That’s how it feels, and why I’m able to write multiple stories at once. Each one is a separate entity, and I can distinguish between them easier than most ponies. That’s also why they tend to be written in different styles. Each story has its own personality.”
He waited, for what seemed like time stretching to its limits, for the judgement he normally got for that explanation. However, it wasn’t a lie, and he prided himself on his honesty. Finally, she said, “That’s kind of interesting. So, are they aware of you, or is it like eavesdropping?”
He looked at her, shocked. Not many were willing to accept his views on writing. He only nodded, mind still reeling. She pointed to a distant shelf. “There’s a book somewhere over there on ‘Life as a Stage.’ I’m guessing you know the Walls?” He grinned and nodded. “I have always been fond of that view of life. And no, none of my characters are self-aware, as far as I know.”
Time passed, and the two discussed their favourite stories and writers, among other various topics, including magic and food. Finally, she asked, “Have you ever thought to take a break? That might be the issue with your writing.”
He thought about it. “You mean like a vacation? I’ve done a little travelling, but again it’s always been for a project.” She nodded. “Well, I’ve done most of my learning when I wasn’t trying. The princess sent me to Ponyville to get me out of my comfort zone, and it’s been a really inspiring time. You should try the same.”
“Are you asking me to go to Ponyville,” he asked with a laugh. She gave him a questioning look. “Well, why not? Quite a lot happens there, often. I’m sure it could help you with your block. There are many interesting ponies, though it does tend to get a little… crazy.”
It was his turn to give the questioning glance, but she waved her hooves in a negative gesture. “Nothing bad… usually. It’s just that you never know what’s going to happen. My friends and I have had quite a few interesting adventured.”
He gave her a smile. “Why not. Sounds like a great place, from what you say. I could use some time away from Canterlot anyway. As much as I like it here, it’s always been a bit too ritzy for me. Miss Sparkle…” “Please, just Twilight,” she interrupted. “Right. Twilight, then. I accept your invitation. Though, I have to tie up some things here first.”
They bid each other farewell, and Java, feeling a bit more light on his hooves, went to prepare for the beginning of his new adventure.