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Snow Storm
by on August 30, 2018
Snow Storm - The Arctic Pegasus - Vessel of a Windigo
"It was a strange and dark time. A time when ponies were torn apart... by hatred!" - Spike, providing the introduction of the play, A Hearth's Warming Eve.
Starting Biography

The Prequel:
Does any pony remember the time back before life in Equestria was full of equality and nourishment?
She remembers. At least.. Vaguely.
Back then, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fought together to defeat Discord, ceasing his tyranny and torment across the realm. Alas, what was left of Equestria resembled a lifeless husk of sadness and decay. The state of farms, to homes, to life itself was almost unthinkable to bring back from Discord's blight. It was only through perseverance and the resilience that the pony folk possessed that kept them hopeful in those dark times ahead.
Much of the ones who lost all they had banded together into troupes, setting off across the land to try and spread cheer and laughter through music, art and much more. Snow Storm's father was one of those many bound to the life of the road. He came across a white unicorn, one of much loneliness and sorrow and wooed her with his gypsy charm. Later did she tell him that she was a vessel of a vile creature of winter known as a Windigo. 

As it goes, the Windigo’s plain of existence was intertwined with that of the white unicorn. She had wandered the land for many years, un-aging, driven into deep sadness from the entity that loomed over her. 

Without much doubt, the stallion proposed to rid of the winter beast through tender love and nurture. For a while, the Windigo was kept at bay while the unsuspecting parents were happy. However, to have a child to an essentially cursed mother, meant a couple details they failed to understand. 

The white mare passed away giving birth to the young Snow Storm. They did not expect that the Windigo could only choose one host between the two bodies (the mother or her unborn filly). And since the Windigo kept the white unicorn alive only due to their souls being linked, once Snow Storm was born, the link was broken, and the Windigo attached it’s corporeal form to the new life. 

Snow Storm’s father was torn. It was both a shock and a sudden realisation that he would raise his daughter with all the love and care he could muster - if only to keep the Windigo at bay.
The Filly:
Growing up with strangers was the most exciting thing. Who would have thought meeting new creatures across Equestria, learning their ways and picking up tricks was a great learning experience. 
Snow Storm felt like this would always be her element. The sun on her cheeks, the wind in her messy and wild mane. The dust in her coat and the wood fire smoke as her favourite perfume.
Along side her father, they followed the roads to new towns, making friends, but never staying too long. Snow Storm was use to that - the lack of a best friend or two. She occasionally felt lonely, but her father would try to cheer her up each time. Of course, even though her father never told her the truth about her mother's death, she knew it was her fault. It wasn’t an impending dark cloud that hung over her, but she knew something was always watching her. Only in moments, mainly solemn ones, a voice would enter her mind. Not a great one, but a small dark whisper introducing itself each time.
"Hello. My name is Ahote. Call me when you need me and I will come."
The Storm:

Her father inherently had a hero complex. He was drawn to others with problems and made vows to help them in anyway he could. This overbearing behaviour smothered Snow Storm to such a degree, she would often panic if her father was not nearby. Fundamentally, Storm should have moved on by now - at the age of 19 - but her ideal life was with her father, the troupe and putting smiles on muzzles.
Her troupe had made a stop in a rundown town on the edges of Equestria. It was raining that day and the sailors feared the worst for any returning vessels. The lighthouse unfortunately gave out, and one cargo ship became lost in the howling storm. Snow Storm’s father refused to sit by, flying out to sea with determination to lead to ship back to safety. Like a lost puppy, Snow Storm followed her father into the raging gales, alas, becoming trapped by the violent winds.
Flying was not her strongest ability, with a body more shapely like an earth pony. She flew higher and higher still, reaching the dark abyss of cloud. Looking for the lost ship with a bird’s eye view, she spied her father making it to the deck of the ship, yanking the wheel from the captain’s hooves and steering it to safety. But something was wrong. The ship’s captain drew a blade upon her father. The cargo ship appeared to have been overrun with pirates, some how full of blood lust and rage. In a violent panic, Snow Storm cried out to the wind and rain… And it heard her. 

Rain turned to hail, the winds become ice cold. Shards bellowed from the clouds, teeming down upon the crew of the ship. And for a moment, her father looked up, his eyes glistening in awe at his daughter’s talent, bravery and potential. Her distraction worked flawlessly as the pirates shielded themselves - but it was working too well to realise that the waves turned to icebergs. The ship crashed into the sharp, upturning glaciers, sending cargo over board and splinters flying. Seeing her father tumbling into the ice, sent Snow Storm plummeting from her heights to rescue him.
The sinking ship dragged the sailors down into the spiralling midden of water, stopping their hearts as the frost shocked them dead. 

A best friend… For life:
A vow was broken in her father’s heart. He did not rescue the ship, and risked the life of his only daughter. Life drained from his eyes as he sunk into the numbing embrace of the deep. Snow Storm struggled to swim to him, haven’t being taught how.
”Help, please, please help me!”
The mare cried into the water, feeling her limbs give way. A voice responded calmly and firmly, 

”Call to me, and I will make it so.”
And so she did… And he heard her,
”Ahote, please help.”
She opened her eyes to be staring out over the ocean. On the edge of a grassy bluff, a storm stirred in the distance. She felt pain across her face, reaching up to touch the deep cuts across her muzzle.
”How did I get these?”
She spoke. A familiar voice answered,
”Getting us out of the ship wreck required some sacrifice…”
Eyes widening in horror, she fell to her knees. How could she have almost completely forgotten her father?
”Is he alive? Is my father safe?!”
The mare began to whimper.
”Of course. I made sure the towns folk found his body. But he is far away from us now. Every pony assumes we died saving his life.”
Ahote’s voice implied it was time for Snow Storm to leave things be. She caused a great amount of sorrow due to her ignorant cause of the ice storm that not only sunk the cargo ship, but caused insufferable damage to the coast line. It was better off she die in memory as a hero than live as a naive catastrophe. With harsh convincing, Snow Storm agreed to leave the troupe life, grow up, and move on… Ahote made sure of that…


End of Starting Biography
Topics: oc backstories
7 people like this.
Daddy Cambia
Cambia remembers then. Cambia wishes she could go back to the old ways. Mainly because she is in prison for racism.
Like August 30, 2018
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Daddy Cambia
"Equus Quaggan American"
Like August 31, 2018 Edited
Snow Storm
"Ack, that one almost offended me a bit."
Like August 31, 2018
Daddy Cambia
"Why do you think I am in jail."
Like August 31, 2018