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Queen Chrysalis
by on December 6, 2017

The language of the Changelings hissss
Consdering that all changelings are able to speak Ponish/English it is pretty much obsolete. Changelings still use it among their own kind, though.
This made up language is very early in development, not supposed to be amazingly well done, efficient or serve another purpose than fun. It is not really called Buginese. That's what ponies called it. The actual name is Wexlhée, which means "Changeling speech" or "Changeling language".
The language and its alphabet are inspired by the German language, English and Old/Middle English. There might be things from other languages in it. Words are inspired by all sort of things, typos, memes, ect.

letter - how it is pronounced going by English letters - IPA - Example
a ah a (very short ah sound)
e ae/aa æ/ɐ (like the a in land OR like the e in merry)
é e e (like the e in SEGA)
'e a ɑ (like the a in far)
i ee i (Meek, seek, ect.)
o aw ɒ
'i ih i͡ħ
u o o
ú y ɪ (vowel, like in Chrysalis)
ʉ u ʉ (Like in Unity)
b b b
c tsh t͡ʃ (Like the ch in Check)
d t b (like the t in take, cat, ect)
f f f
h hh ħ (long hh sound, also hissing)
j y j (consonant, like in yeah, year, ect.)
k k k
l l l/ɫ
m m/n ɱ/n (Imagine a mixture or either)
p p p
r rr ʀ (A rolled r like in the German language)
s ss s (sharp s)
ß th θ (like in this, that, ect)
v w v/ʋ (same as w as for now)
w w v/ʋ (same as v as for now)
x ks k͡s (Sex, axe)
z ts t͡s (Like in Tsundere)

sz tsh t͡ʃ (Like the ch in Check, obsolete)
ss sh ʃ (like in shark, ect.)
sh z t͡s (Soft s like the English soft z)

Capital Letters

Changelings use the duodecimal system (also known as base 12 or dozenal) instead of the decimal system.
Number - English -Buginese
0 - zero - shiru
1 - one - ax
2 - two - uc
3 - three - rad
4 - four - cip
5 - five - foim
6 - six - seß
7 - seven - sevem
8 - eight - akd
9 - nine - uza
↊ - ten - dem
↋ - eleven - prés
- makes the last vocal of the word sound longer
~ same musical/singing note it provides in English
Nouns start with a capital letter.
Names start with a capital letter.
Pronouns start with a capital letter.
Example transcriptions:
Luna - Lʉma
Chrysalis - Krús'eles
Celestia - Selesdia
Twilight - Dʉailaid

The most basic rule is that the default order of words is Subject, Object, verb, rest.
Adjectives that describe nouns are placed right before them.
The grammar is very forgiving however and as long as it is clear what you want to say you can switch words around.
The plural form of nouns always adds an "i" at the end.
Past forms of verbs are usually made by adding "est".
When talking to someone else there are two words for "you"
"ẞi" is possessive like the English "Me/Thee"
"ẞu" simply relates to the person like the English "I/Thou".
When talking to a changeling the word "Wexl" is used for both forms.
See tranlator.
Example Sentences
Wexl shaim. - You are a changeling.
We Wexl. - I am a changeling.
We ẞi luv. - I love you.
We Wexl luv. - I love you. (Respectful form you use for family.)
We ßai Luv wess. I want your love.
Ha Puʉmi. ẞi Adprabée sim. - Hello pony, you are adorable!
We ßai Luv jéel shdéelm. - I am going to steal your love.
Very early in development:
The Buginese Translator can translate about 150 words as for now but no sentences.
15 people like this.
Maxh Vezpyre
Olga can talk with them, viva buggu cuddles.
Like December 25, 2017
//I've actually favourited this blog in my browser This is awesome.
Like December 25, 2017
Queen Chrysalis
Well, then I should work on it some more c:
Like January 10, 2018
//It's actually pretty interesting. The standard sentence structure is relatively simple, but unambiguous. I like it.
Like January 10, 2018
Trixie the Scavenger
I am intrigued by your world! I honestly love it, keep it up!
Like January 10, 2018
Queen Chrysalis
I am glad you like it.
Like January 10, 2018
Trixie the Scavenger
No Problem!
Like January 10, 2018
Daddy Cambia
Who would actually want to talk to Changelings though.
Like January 10, 2018
Queen Chrysalis
You post this comment on a blog of a changeling.So you, apparently.
Like January 10, 2018