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Ambient Waves
by on December 4, 2018
1.ponies that have Open for RP and can be found searching Open RP section but aren't open for role-playing or are full.. Switch that shit FFS to maybe or closed
2.ponies who say one thing but never do it like 'oh, I need to RP with you' or such over and over again but never do.
3. Ponies who don't know sarcasm or satire and more when it comes to jokes. I get sarcasm isn't easy to tell on the net but still.
4.Ponies who think that all OC's reflect the owner of that OC. It's common but not everyone.
5.everyone has a small friend circle and very rarely talks to ponies outside of that.
6.Ponies who don't help new ponies learn the ropes of the site or automatically think they can't RP.
7. Ponies who have like a fucking 5 paragraph no smaller limit.. And ponies who have a 'oh shit he didn't use grammer 1% of the time. Fuck them not rping with that.
8.Ponies who are Open for RP and you send a message and never hear back.. Or never discuss something in the star but does with the next Pony after you that messages.
9.Ponies that don't rp cause 'oh my OC is in a cannon relationship so I cant' FUCK PFF WITH THAT SHIT... Did I ask for a cannon rp not every thing has to be cannon with your oc. If you wish to not rp just fucking say so.
10. When dream doesn't like your post D: cause she likes all posts or most posts and just feels bad.
11. Ponies who put a fucking time limit on replies and force you to post like 6 fucking replies a day or they stop rping with you!
This list will continue to update :D
12.Ponies who do RP or ERP that don't discuss at the start if it's cannon or not and then half way though say it's cannon btw.. Hasn't happened to me but a friend... Like you can't decide that always ask at the start most ponies don't to cannons...
13.People who enforce there canon if there oc is related to any of MLP' s Canon chars. Child, lover, ect.
14.when somepony blocks you but never tells you why she is or doesn't give any feedback on why. Just remains silent.
15.If you like a wall post RP someone does but never comment. (Dream2 is excluded, cause they're an angel) Like seriously, thats like a firefighter standing infront of a burning house and just says "Well, that sucks" and does nothing.
9 people like this.
Raijin Ha
I just learn things by my own, just look how independent I am :3
Like December 5, 2018
Ambient Waves
*\(^~^)/* go you!
Like December 5, 2018 Edited
Lord Somber
12. Ambi can't be a Princess because reasons.
Like December 5, 2018
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Lord Somber
So what your saying is..more competition~
Like December 5, 2018
Ambient Waves
"perhaps, unless you wish to join bloodlines for peace on Equestria.." she teased with her tounge poking out.
Like December 5, 2018 Edited
Ambient Waves
13:prince easily silenced~
Like December 5, 2018
Ambient Waves
*\(^~^)/* 12!
Like December 6, 2018
Ambient Waves
*\(^~^)/* 13!
Like December 12, 2018
Honestly, I really agree with a lot of this, but I’m also sorry if I don’t reply to your things ;~;
Like March 25, 2019