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King Artemis
by on January 22, 2019
The observation of a bat pony is something that will always seem interesting to me. A creature that resembles a pony, but has the survival capabilities of a bat. Ears designed for intense hearing and sound. Slick wings for fast and swift flying. Fangs for carnivores or defensive attacks. Usually dark colored for stealth to keep them from dangers in the night. Eyes created to see in the dark. All these things designed into one pony to make the ultimate survivor with the only downside being, they can only progress the most at night. History tells of the race known as Bats. Some even claiming to be evidence towards unworldly creatures such as vampires. Through many retellings of history and myths, it's hard to say what the actual origins of these creatures came from. Most claim that they were just here like the rest of us when this world was created. Some say they were here before we were even. However the history I've heard years ago is something I still stand by. Tales of legend say that there use to be a small city that was populated inside a small cave the was located on the side of a mountain. This small city thrived off of the riches they got from the rare minerals and materials that the mines in their cave had provided. Though fate sought to intervene in their wealth as a earthquake, larger then any have seen before, collapsed the entrance of the cave, trapping the population inside. Through generation to generation the ponies in this cave had adapted to survive in the environment given, seeming to adapt more towards the survival skills of a bat. In time it seemed that the cave had collapsed a new entrance, letting free the new race know as bats.
In the third year as the reign of Prince I was given instruction to find ponies worthy for my own personal Army. Brother had gone with traditional ponies, mainly consisting of Unicorns and Pegasi. However, I had different ideas. Bat ponies seemed to migrate towards the towns nearest to the Castle of the Princes. However they were not allowed in the city unless required to gather food or supplies. Being forced to live amongst their own kind outside a thriving city, they had built their own settlements of stay. I felt a attraction towards them. In the sense of, I felt that they needed me and in a way of speaking, that I needed them. These creature who are trying to get by in the cruel ways of life were not being shown the attention they needed, not given kindness for their actions in situations where they were needed. They were the same as me. Neglected and alone. So I chose them. My own army consisting of the proud bats that now had purpose. That now had attention and praise. And in return I received praise from them as well. Finally, ponies I can love. My Lovely bats.
Tensions between me and brother had grown as another year passed on. Brother seemed to think my decisions as Prince were always rash or more action before thought. At the time, I didn't listen to much of anything he had said. Why should I listen to him? Doesn't he have more important things to do then to lecture his little brother on his methods on being a Prince. Surely his many ponies that praised him day in and day out would keep him occupied. The praise was surely never ending for him. After all he gave them a sun. While all I did was give them a moon for them to just sleep through. Not my bats though. They appreciated my hard work. They knew of my determination to make the best moon in the universe. Brother seemed to start picking up on my anger towards the subjects in the kingdom. He would ask me question based on why I didn't care to attend festivities or why I seemed to curse out at subjects that were being reported for crimes. He seemed to start and worry for me. At the time, I fought it funny. He was finally starting to notice his little brother. And it was only because I was being distasteful towards his subjects. I didn't consider them my subjects. My subjects appreciated my work. My subjects considered my actions. And my subjects actually acknowledged me. Jealousy seemed to fill me more and more as the days went on. The craving for more attention. The need to feel needed. The need to have my nights praised. Bats praised my night. Every night. They even praised me. Worshipped me. Called me not only leader. But Master and Lord. The scene of it all could be considered scary. But what was most scary about it? I was start to enjoy it....
4 people like this.
Rose Budd
“Hmm interesting....sire if I may.....when you say army.....were you and your brother preparing equestria for war? We have almost no records of that time between then and...the incident”
Like January 22, 2019
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King Artemis
"History and records usually tells the important stories, My Dear." He explained. " least what ponies at the time see as important."
Like January 22, 2019
Rose Budd
“Yes...but all history is important if we do not learn we are doomed to repeat it”
Like January 22, 2019
King Artemis
"Well some history has never been told. But you'll soon see the more I say of my history in the following days." He nodded.
Like January 22, 2019