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Commander Wyatt Ryder
by on June 8, 2019
"I often get asked what war is like, by those who have never lived it. If you haven't, you can't understand. You'll never understand. And thank god, or Celestia, or Luna or whoever that you don't. That you never will. *a chuckle is heard* I could sit here and bullshit you all day and night about how war can ruin lives. But I live and breathe war. I always have. I survived that war. That hell. To this day I have no idea how. Not really. But what was left over from that war, was a kid. A kid that only knew how to kill, how to fight. How to hate. There was nothing else for me at that point. I wasn't good at anything else. I didn't know how to live. How to be what I was... A kid."
War Journal 212: The war has ended. We won. I stood with the Red Army as they planted their flag upon the Reichstag. Now what? What's left for me? Whoever turned me into what I am have vanished... After cleanup of whatever Nazi strongholds are left, I'm alone. I... Don't know what to do. All I have is war, flashbacks and hatred. It's all I remember, all I've lived. But I'm not officially part of any military... Maybe they'll still let me join.
"I held onto that war as long as I could. Afterwards, I tried to join several military units, but I wasn't strong enough... I failed the training and didn't have enough weight on me. I drifted, taking whatever work I could as a soldier. The British Army used me as their personal hitman, sending me to wherever they needed to fight, but wanted full deniability. One such thing was a nuclear test at Bikini Atoll, The Korean War and dropping into Vietnam before the west was officially involved. I was lost, letting only my Hate and need for conflict guide me. I was involved in the Bay of Pigs incident, at the behest of someone unknown to me. But then... I found out who it was, and met her again. That woman, The Joy. She took me under her wing, and we honed my skills to a razor sharp edge, along with another kid. I met him at Bikini Atoll."
War Journal 214: I met her again. Joy. It was... So good to see a friendly face. Someone I trust. She told me she would train me, make me into the best soldier she could. Truly, I'm thankful. I'd be lost without her there to guide me. She understands. Understands me, how I feel, what I've been through. When she speaks, I can't help but listen. She truly is my saviour... And I can never thank her enough.
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