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by on December 7, 2017
Today was a very pleasant day because my very fluffy Pegasi friend dared to come into the Everfree Forest to pick me up to spend some time with me. We first flew to his pretty house in Cloudsdale, where we ate some delicious Cupcakes and drunk super tasty Chocolate Milk, which he bought from Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner. After that we flew to Ponyville to visit one of his friends and chillaxed all together. While chillaxing we saw Princess Twilight and her friends, which was pretty awesome because I'm a big fan of her and her friends. Both he and his friend helped me out to overcome my shyness during this very special moment to ask Princess Twilight Sparkle herself to give me an autograph, which I'm very thankful for. :blush:
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Queen Chrysalis
That reminds me, I need to ask her for an autograph, too.
Like December 7, 2017
Can I get one from you? *asks shyly*
Like December 7, 2017
*screams* Ahhh... where did you came from? *looks at you scared*
Like December 7, 2017