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by on May 8, 2019
Name: Hymn
Gender: Female
Race: Siren
Age [If desired]:
Cutiemark/Glyphmark [If applicable]
Detailed Character Description: A tall, sturdily built female, with a web like thing going down her back (kinda like,the unreformed Changeling’s I guess?), and continuing down her strong fish tail. In this AU she has hind legs, (or legs, I’m not really used to Antro so forgive me if I get things wrong). Her skin/fur/scales are a turqouise/blue-green/sea-green color. She has multiple scars along her body, mostly from swords and the like, but there may be a few others hidden under her clothes
Apparrel: a tank top (or muscle shirt?) that allows for a wide range of movement, a good, sturdy pair of shorts, (if feet are in this one) A pair of flip flops that have a camouflage pattern on them. (If feet are not a thing ignore that, she just goes barefoot I guess.) the colors will vary because she doesn’t normally wear the same clothes everyday oof
Armament: few small daggers strapped to her side, bow and quiver full of arrows normally strapped to her back as well as her fucking teeth and fists.
Property/Average Funds: A small apartment, a house out by Ponyville, a few pets (she still has her animals, a.k.a. Lilly the fox, Silver the Maine Coon, Tree the Newfoundland, Gregory the duck, and the still unnamed other duck)
Bio: She left the ocean a while ago, to explore and try to prove that not all Sirens are evil. She’s gotten a few odd jobs here and there, but she mostly works at a fishing area
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