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by on May 15, 2019
Sister is fucking maaaad, friends. So, I just remembered that Frecklewish is the one that Mapleshade kills right? Right. Well. They’ve. FUCKING. REUSED HER NAME. And they had said they would not reuse the suffix -wish anymore! And you know why? Because they had only made it to honor a young warrior’s fan who had died in a tornado! AND THEY JUST FUCKING DISHONORED/TARNISHED HER MEMORY!!! WHAT THE FUCK ERINS??! And I know probably most of you don’t know what Warriors are, but it’s a really good book series. And the new fucking Frecklewish is practically a replica of the old one in design I believe! Pretty much the only difference is one is a medicine cat (new) and the other is a warrior! Ugghhhhhhhhh you don’t fucking do that!! *clap* I’m fucking pissed!
Okay, now, aside from that! Let’s get into the old Frecklewish. Now, I haven’t actually read the book she is in, Mapleshade’s Vengeance, but I’ve listened to someone read it on YouTube. Anyways. So, Frecklewish is originally this really nice girl, she helps Mapleshade with her kits (pretty much only because she thinks they’re her brother’s kits, but they’re actually half-clan which breaks the Warrior’s Code because you’re not supposed to have a mate outside of your clan, blah blah blah, the father of the kits were actually Appledusk, who is an absolute asshole to her after the kits die after drowning in the river). But once she finds out they’re not, she fucking goes apeshit on Mapleshade! She attacks her, scratches her, and then helps to have her driven out of the camp and banished! She even followed her to make sure she left, and /WATCHED/ as Mapleshade’s kits were swept away by the flash flood, AND DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO HELP THEM. /SHE LET THEM DROWN./ She should have gone to the Dark Forest! You don’t let innocent kits die like that!
And then there’s the leader at the time, /Oakstar/. And pardon this, but he is an ABSOLUTE DICK. HE’S THE ONE THAT BANISHED HER AND HER THREE /INNOCENT KITS/. He /KNEW/ they couldn’t go to ShadowClan or WindClan, which they were practically at war with at the time, and he also /KNEW/ they couldn’t go to Twolegplace (Human neighborhood, town, place) because they were at war with the Kittypets (housecats)! The /ONLY PLACE/ they could go, is RiverClan, and he /KNEW/ it was flood season, he sent them out to their /DEATHS/. He sent THREE KITS /TO THEIR DEATHS./ Now, Mapleshade survived, but her kits didn’t. And Applefur, ooh hoo hoo. He literally said he wished he had never had kits with her. TO HER FACE. They didn’t even give her kits a proper burial, just buried them beside the riverbed! She didn’t even get the night to mourn them! Nightstar immediately had her chased out of the Clan’s territory! Like, “FUCK YOU, YOU DONT NEED TO MOURN, GET OUT OF MAH TERRITORY AND DONT COME BACK!” No wonder she went murder crazy!
Oh, and some of the New SkyClan names. Fucking Billystorm? Are you kidding me right now? And Snootpaw? The fuck? There’s even a cat who joins the Clan who’s name is literally just Egg. And I fucking love my boi Egg. I hope he becomes leader just for the name. Eggstar. Yush. And fucking daylight-warriors. I mean... I understand the need to continue strengthening your Clan and all, but seriously? You’re gonna let them just go home at the end of the day to their Twolegs (humans)? What the fuck Leafstar.
I’ll probably do some more of these.
3 people like this.
You know, I actually do know the book series you're talking about. However... this looks to be WAY newer stuff. The lastest book I read was with Jay, Lion, Holly, and Heatherpaw. I never actually finished the book because I kept getting bored of the various arcs at the time. Getting older and having... View More
Like May 15, 2019
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Definitely, I think they're a nice introduction into fictional books. On the slice of life side of things but honestly I love that stuff cx
Like May 15, 2019
Ebon Heart
I’ve personally never read the books myself. I’ve heard good things about them though.
Like May 15, 2019
Yeah, it might be where I live though, because it’s hard to find Erin books out here ;~; but I try and make do with what I have, and fucking looove them, but I’m still salty about the new Frecklewish thing
Like May 16, 2019
Daddy Cambia
What the fuck are these words
Like May 15, 2019
Ebon Heart
They’re names from a book series.
Like May 15, 2019