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Nar Yakushi
by on May 23, 2019
It hadn't been more than an hour since Nar and his new companion left Shoaltown. So far everything's been just fine. Some rough footing here and there, but it wasn't anything the two couldn't handle. The two were have a pretty lively conversation as they went. Nar was so wrapped up in the conversation that he failed to notice the star on the door ahead of them was nearly completely faded. Without looking he turns the doorknob, opens the door, and steps inside.
Nar takes a moment to look around at his new surroundings. The first thing he notices is a completely broken subspace door lying on the floor a few feet away. Next, a pair of eyes with no figure. Nar's about to speak when what sounds like a hundred voices fills his ears. "KAZUNAH." Nar's eyes dart from left to right; looking for a source. They pair of eyes is moving closer. "Kay! Get back!" Nar calls out to his companion while he reaches into his subspace bag. His hoof hits the bottom of the bag. "Aw crap..."
A large, nearly shapeless figure approaches the two. It's one pair of eyes becoming many different pairs of eyes. It speaks, but has no mouth. The two can hear it in their minds. "Come, my child. You will be safe with me." The voice calls as it approaches Nar. He's scared out of his mind. Nar does nothing as the shapeless figure grows ever closer. Nar's head emits a faint yellow glow which appears to get brighter as the creature approaches. "S-stay back!" Nar shouts. "I said stay back!" He's still yet to move.
Without a moment to react the figure is upon him, enveloping his head in it's form. For a split second Nar is able to hear Kay screaming before everything goes quiet. He struggles to pull his head back out of the creature, but he has nothing to anchor himself on. He can feel the rest of his body slowly being pulled in. Seconds pass before Nar's head is filled with hundreds of voices all shrieking in unison. He's ejected from the figure's form and tumbles to the floor onto his back. "UNCLEAN" The voices scream inside his head. The figure makes a hasty retreat before Nar and his companion can even figure out what just happened. Nar's head is emitting about as much light as a florescent bulb at this point.
"Is it gone?" The mare doesn't dare move from her spot.
"I don't know."
"Where did it go?"
"I don't know!"
"Do you think it-" The mare is cut off as Nar wheels around shouting in her face.
The mare seems shocked, and scared. She gives no response, and only stares back at Nar.
Nar turns back around, and continues on his way. He doesn't seem to care if the mare follows or not at this point.
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