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Phantom Mane
by on June 23, 2019
When Phantom Mane awoke the sun had yet to rise but the colors along the horizon indicated it wasn’t far away. Since it was still a little cold Phantom Mane grabbed his mother’s scarf from atop a pile of books and bolted out the door. He raced for the main entrance and threw it open. The horizon glowed a dazzling array of oranges and purples but still the sun had yet to rise. A brisk breeze was blowing and Phantom Mane knew he ought to feel cold but he did not. He trotted over to and placed his hooves on the base of one of the great crystal griffin statues guarding the door before he scrambled up onto it’s back, then it’s head. Just as he settled himself, the first rays of sunlight stretched their golden fingers over the horizon. They illuminated everything they touched, the light refracting through the crystals that made up the city, scattering rainbows and flooding the world with colour. Phantom Mane felt something wet sliding across his cheeks, being blown sideways by the wind. Oh, how he had waited for this for so long! None of the windows in his old house offered a view of the horizon so this was to be his first sunrise. He thought of his parents, of how much they had never been able to do together. Of how King Sombra had treated them but also of how He, too, was a victim of another tragedy and he wept. It felt so good! He remained there for some time as the sun rose with his eyes closed and relief written on his face, tears flowing freely.
It was mid-morning when Phantom Mane came back inside. Amethyst stared at him, then back to his room, then back to him.
“Where did you canter off to?” she asked, perplexed.
“I just had something I needed to do,” was all he said.
Amethyst noticed he was smiling, he hadn’t smiled since he had been found at one of the gates to the Empire. He seemed lighter as well, like he had been carrying a crippling burden that had only just now been lifted. She didn’t know what to make of it, so she just smiled in return.
“The ambassadors from Ponyville are coming today, aren’t they?” asked Phantom Mane.
“Well yes, I think that’s what those guards were saying,” answered Amethyst.
“Perhaps we ought to do something to welcome them. Any ideas?” Phantom Mane suggested.
“I think it might be best if we just let them go about their business and pitch in if need be. We could finish cleaning up this place, though. They’re bound to want to use it at some point,” replied Amethyst. Phantom Mane looked slightly disappointed but whatever had him in such a good mood seemed to prevail and they both got to work.
Some time later, around mid-morning, as Phantom Mane was cleaning near one of the windows, he heard a commotion outside. He looked out the window to see an orange earth pony knocking on doors and generally looking very out of place. That must be one of the ambassadors, he thought. He stopped what he was doing, trotted quickly to the door and headed outside. As he approached the mare, he noticed she wore an old fedora and that her cutie mark was of three red apples. She was talking to a crystal pony and seemed to be growing ever more frustrated the longer she talked. The conversation ended abruptly as she threw her hat to the ground and cried out, “Oh for the love of Celestia! Can’t any of y’all give me a straight answer?!” Phantom Mane took a step back as she stooped to pick up her hat before turning around and nearly bowling him over. “Sorry but I ain’t got time to waste if you ain’t got nothin’ to say,” she said as she made to move around him.
“Wait!” He exclaimed. “What is it you need to know? Maybe I can help?”
The mare sighed, “I don’t suppose you would happen to know how the Crystal Empire protected itself from danger back in the day, would’ya?”
Phantom Mane looked troubled, “I’m not really sure-” The mare buried her face in her hoof. “B-But if there’s anywhere that might have the information you’re looking for, I bet it’s the library!” he hastily finished.
The mare looked up, seeming hopeful. “Now we’re gettin’ somewhere! Where abouts is this library?” Phantom Mane pointed back across the street to the building he had just come from. “Right, then,” she said, “I’ll go grab Twilight and the others and be back in a jiffy!” Phantom Mane waved as she galloped off before heading back inside to tell Amethyst the good news.
It really was only a very short while later when the mare returned bringing with her 2 unicorns, 2 pegasi, another earth pony, and… was that a dragon?! They were looking for a book on how the Crystal Empire used to protect itself so Amethyst suggested they try searching for a history book. The ambassadors decided they would look for it on their own and Phantom Mane kept his distance but he wanted to keep an eye on that dragon. He’d never encountered one before but he had heard they could breathe fire and he would hate to see it do that in the library. Phantom had many questions he was dying to ask them about Canterlot or “Ponyville” (wherever that was) but the ambassadors for the most part seemed far too busy. Phantom’s eyes drifted over to the dragon. It was searching through a pile of books the blue pegasus had dumped there. He still worried it might set the books alight so he got a little closer to where he could see it better. As he moved towards it, the dragon seemed to notice him and turned to face his direction. Phantom froze midstep, eyes widening. It took a step towards him. He took a small step back. It gave him a funny look, waved and said, “Hiya!”
Phantom stumbled back and let out a small gasp, “Y-You can talk?!”
“Well, of course!” it said. “I’m Spike. Spike the Dragon! Pleased to meet you!” It held out a… claw? Hand? What were dragon appendages called again? He wasn’t sure what it would do but it seemed rude for him to do nothing so he tentatively held out a hoof in return. Suddenly the dragon grabbed his hoof and began shaking it up and down. Phantom had no idea what it’s intentions were so he screwed up his face and braced for the worst. Just as suddenly the dragon stopped shaking his hoof, “What? Not into shaking hooves?” It… Spike... looked up at Phantom curiously.
He swallowed, “W-Why would you shake my hoof?”
Spike wore a bemused expression, “It’s polite! I was just trying to be friendly. Sheesh.”
Phantom Mane looked sheepish. He should have guessed they might have different customs in Canterlot or Ponyville or wherever this dragon came from. He took a deep breath, “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting… well, we don’t really do that here. I’m Phantom Mane.” He did his best to put on a smile.
“Well, what do you do, then?” asked the dragon, arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
Phantom Mane began to sweat. Come to think of it, he had no idea. Other than Amethyst, he’d never properly ‘met’ anypony. He raised one hoof slowly, his mind racing. The dragon lowered his arms, the bemused expression returning. “We… um, well we sorta… uh, hold out your hoof. Hand! Thing! And uh…” he began. Before he could finish the dragon closed it’s claw into a fist and punched the bottom of his hoof.
“Oh, so you’re into hoof-bumps! Noted…” he said grabbing a scroll and quill off a nearby table and writing something down. “Twilight will want to know all of this,” he explained.
“Which one’s Twilight?” asked Phantom.
Spike pointed towards the purple unicorn enthusiastically levitating a chain of books into a nearby pile. “She uh, likes research. A lot,” he said, a tired expression on his face. As he watched, the unicorn in question let out a resounding “YES!!” and clutched a large leather tome to her chest. She levitated it in front of her as the other ambassadors gathered around. “I think this might be the one,” said Spike. “Mind if we borrow it?”
“No, sure! Go ahead!” Phantom replied, “Anything for the Princesses!” Spike smiled as he walked over to join the others and a few minutes later they left for the castle.
Some time later they heard the strained notes of what sounded like a flugelhorn. The sound was unfamiliar to Phantom but Amethyst seemed to recognise it. “Whatever could that be?” she said to herself, wandering outside. Phantom followed close behind.
As they crossed the threshold Phantom heard the voice of the purple unicorn from before reverberating across the Empire, “Hear ye! Hear ye! Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Faire!”
Amethyst’s face lit up, “The Crystal Faire! I remember! Not all of it, but oh! Such sweet, sweet memories! Come on, Phantom Mane!” With that she took off at a gallop many mares half her age would have struggled to match.
“Wait!” called out Phantom as he ran back inside to grab his scarf. By the time he returned, Amethyst was long gone.
Topics: potp, phantom mane
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Phantom Mane
Part 2 of 3
Like June 25, 2019