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Commander Wyatt Ryder
by on July 19, 2019
Alright, so... story time with Wyatt's admin. Reposting it in a blog.
So, I was on a patrol, regulars mixed with one or two reserves. I was Charlie man, or last man. I was there to give the lads a kick up the arse if they started to lag behind from tiredness. It had been a long day for us and this was our last patrol. Anyway, we're walking as usual and then I turn to check our 6, make sure we're not being followed or anything. I turn back around and see a rifle barrel poking out of a building, pointing where the guys were walking. I couldn't shout at that point, the person might open fire. So I quickly and quietly ran over next to the window, prepped my rifle... Shouted 'DOWN!' and the squad all quickly hit the deck, and I swung the butt of my rifle through the window. I hit something. A person. I feel it.
I kick the door in once the guys get up and cover me. What do I find? A fucking kid. What, no older than... 12? Maybe? On the floor, crying obviously. Next to him? A fucking air rifle. A woman runs down the stairs and luckily speaks English. I calm her down and find she's the aunty of the kid in question. I tell her to get the kid's parents. She does and they're sobbing, terrified for their kid. I tell them plain and simple, this is a fucking warzone. Do NOT let your kids play with even a toy gun. If my squad had turned and saw that rifle barrel, they would just opened fire and killed the kid. They didn't only because I was standing there. I told them this and they agreed to be more careful, still in tears. I made sure they understood my point and left.
A day or two later, I was in the same area on a smaller patrol and this same kid comes up to me and hugs me, thanks me for saving his life. (Like Wyatt on here, any type of affection irl also makes me a bit uncomfortable) I tell him to be more careful.
3 people like this.
Damn. You're the hero we didn't know we needed.
Like July 19, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
I'm no hero, but thank you Abby. :smile:
Like July 19, 2019