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Crystalline Passage
by on July 29, 2019
Crystalline's life has been shaken to the core. Twisted and burned at both ends to leave only a center of avenue left. Everything so far has begun to amount towards something...important. Something everlasting. Her life had always been a stale lesson on how to be a princess, but with nothing to rule over. It's been like this up until now. Freedom now reigns for the pegasus princess as she slipped away from her "guardians."
She ran into trouble with her magical orb teleporting her across Ponyville and Manehatten, but that was stopped quickly. And, she was saved at least once or twice now with the help of .
Now, though, something new is in her horizon. She met a new mare, a unicorn, named . It really didn't take long for the two to hit it off. They are just dating, but this mare was the first to ever give Crystalline a true feeling of belonging. Hell, Cream even saved her from the Everfree Forest, and Crystal wouldn't leave her side when the going got tough. That's how she earned her Loyalty Spark*.
*Sparks, in this case, are enhancements that her magic orb can gain. The orb is part of her, as she is a part of it.
With each Spark, the ends burn further, though, and soon enough a choice will have to be made.