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Ambient Waves
by on August 2, 2019
Well, I am back with a new mentally and a lot of new things.
With that said few people have been blocked and the waters have tested and now I do have to say, such a better user experience for me beinf on this site, so I return and I considering how replies to blogs, posts or such go when it comes to people being general asshats will just be blocked and forgotten.
Things that will be returning
>The Devka letters for you to discover and draw your own Ambient backstory conclusions.
>daily rants about how soft shell tacos are a abomination as they are burritos or wraps not tacos.
>Weekly RP posts
>general stupidness of Ambient
AND possibly more i can list all cause I don't know what will happen.
With that said looking forward to doing them, Ive got so many ideas, backstory, wall rp and such!
I will be bopping dead rps if they wish to resurrect as well
3 people like this.
There's no such thing as "soft shell" tacos. Those are just regular tacos and you'll find them in Mexico almost exclusively. Hard shell are just fried tortillas shaped to make it easy to hold, but they're not fun.
Like August 3, 2019
American “tacos” are the most inaccurate representation of a taco to ever exist and should be a crime against humanity.
Like August 3, 2019
Some people would call me heretical but I fucking love putting refried beans on my tacos. It's soooo good <3
Like August 3, 2019
Refried beans are amazing, I miss them so much
Like August 3, 2019
soft shell tacos were literally the original taco tho :v
Like August 3, 2019
Like August 3, 2019
Ambient Waves
;w; I like Crunch, they were the first taco I have had so to me they're original. But glad to be backs!
Like August 3, 2019
Stardusk Strider
I'm glad you're back ^^
Like August 3, 2019
Ambient Waves
Star got a upgrade O_O
Like August 3, 2019
Chiller Sway
Was Sophie also promoted before you left? Because Sophie's a mod now.
Like August 3, 2019 Edited