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Asuka Yakushi
by on August 5, 2019
The morning was dark with the storm clouds covering the sky. It had rained all in Vanhoover the night before, making everything humid, damp, and dreary. Sitting inside one of Vanhoover's many coffee shops were two ponies dressed in EMS uniforms. The first pony was an Emergency Medical Technician. A broad pegasus stallion with a short, slick, black mane, and a light blue-gray fur coat. The second was a Primary Care Paramedic. An earth pony mare with light pink fur, and a long, straight, blonde mane which was currently done up into a bun. The two sat at a table close to the exit, and talked as they were finishing up their breakfast. They didn't drink any coffee though they both wish they could. The two really needed something to help them wake up.
Their wake up call came in about 10 minutes after they had sat down to eat. Their radios had been sending chatter ever since they turned them on, but they hadn't gotten anything relevant until now. "Attention all nearby units. We just had a report of a large fire at the Comfort Inn and Suites hotel. Callers are reporting the fire is multi-story, and there may be injuries. We need all available fire, and medical units to respond." The two waste no time. They quickly finish the rest of their breakfast, throw their trash away, and head out to their ambulance. "Comfort's just two miles/three kilometers from here! We should be able to get there pretty quickly!" The EMT shouts as he hops into the drivers seat, and starts the ambulance. The paramedic hops into the back, and slams the doors shut behind her. She's got a few minutes to ready herself for what she and her partner are about to deal with. "Hold on tight Asuka! this might be a bumpy ride!" The EMT shouts as they begin to pull out of the parking lot.
Just as the ambulance starts to turn, a fire engine rushes past with it's lights and sirens blaring. No doubt they're responding to the same call. The ambulance follows behind to make sure they can get to the scene without getting stuck in traffic. luckily for them, their strategy worked. With the fire engine causing cars to pull over to the sides of the road Asuka's EMT partner was able to keep the ambulance going right behind the engine. In the back of the ambulance Asuka calms her nerves, and prepares herself for what's to come. She knows this is serious, and she'll be one of the reasons somepony lives, or dies today. She casts all doubt, and fear out. Now's not the time for second guesses. Now's the time to put her training to the test. To make sure ponies can get to the doctors and nurses who can help them most. Just as she's calmed, and readied herself the ambulance comes to a stop. She throws the back doors open, and grabs the stretcher. Asuka carefully lowers the stretcher to her partner, who takes the lead after Asuka jumps down, and pushes the stretcher.
The scene was nothing like she's seen before. The hotel was 20 stories tall, and a rather massive building at that. Almost the entirety of the 5th through 9th floors were ablaze. Ponies stood outside watching in horror while hotel staff rushed to help guests get out of the building. Two fire engines were already there. The first team was entering the building while the second was checking their gear, and preparing for entry. Asuka didn't have time to gawk. She nearly snaps her neck to look as a voice calls out to her. "HEY! OVER HERE!" Asuka and her partner powerwalk to the voice to find a unicorn standing over another stallion who appeared to be badly burned. There was a mare over top the stallion preforming CPR. She looks up and stops for a moment, but the EMT urges the mare to continue until they're ready to take over. The mare nods and continues. After getting set up Asuka and her partner take over. They check to make sure the patient is breathing, and/or has a heartbeat. There's a heartbeat, but no breathing. Asuka and her partner load the stallion onto the stretcher, and hurry back to their ambulance. The two load their patient onto the ambulance, and hop in. The ambulance is then off towards Grace East Hospital. They could both tell this wouldn't be the only patient they would treat here.
Asuka does her best to get her patient breathing again, but it didn't seem like anything she was doing worked. She was trying everything, but she couldn't get the stallion to breathe. She was sure she'd gotten all the smoke out, but the stallion just wouldn't inhale, or exhale. With all other options exhausted Asuka endlessly preformed CPR to get blood to the patient's brain. "Frank! Turn on the sirens, and step on it!" Asuka screams to her partner up front. The sirens start up, and the ambulance speeds up, but only for a moment. They quickly come to a halt. The EMT shouts from up front "Hang on back there! We're stuck in traffic!" The few seconds they spend still are nerve-wracking. They need every second to get the patient to the hospital, and here they were not moving. Asuka begins to plead as the seconds go by 'Princes/Princesses... Please grant me strength.' She never stops preforming CPR. she had no idea why this stallion wasn't breathing, or how to get him to breathe again. She almost slides off of her seat as the ambulance lurches forwards again. It's a slow acceleration at first, but the ambulance quickly accelerates. They don't stop for the rest of the ride.
Upon reaching Grace East Hospital's Emergency wing Asuka pops the back doors open, and carefully slides the stretcher down to a team of waiting nurses. They remove the patient from the stretcher, and take them into the hospital itself. Asuka grabs the stretcher, and brings it back into the ambulance. The doors shut, and they're off towards the hotel. Asuka could only hope they got back in time.